I Have Six Plug-ins

Chapter 41: siege

Just as Dian Wei was about to ask more questions, he was suddenly alert and turned his head away.

Mr. Qin walked slowly, his two empty sleeves swaying gently in the wind.

Dian Wei didn't have any surprises.

Mr. Qin is not an ordinary person. Old Man Zheng taught him martial arts in the courtyard of the Qin mansion, so it is impossible to hide from his eyes and ears.

But Mr. Qin didn't say anything, that's the default.

Dian Wei is also sensible, sometimes watching Mr. Qin play with the chessboard with his feet is quite desolate, so he also studied one or two and played chess with Mr. Qin.

It's just that after Dian Wei started the unparalleled mode, his chess skills improved by leaps and bounds. After only a month of learning, he was able to kill the master-level Mr. Qin to a dead end. Every time he played chess with him, he had to give five pieces, which was quite boring.

Dian Wei also found that many skills in his hands can easily become boring.

Only Martial Arts has no limits and can keep him entertained.


Dian Wei Shili.

Old Man Zheng also took off his mask, nodded as a salute, and said, "Old Qin, why are you here?"

Mr. Qin smiled warmly: "Please both of you go to a play."

Dian Wei and Old Man Zheng looked at each other.

Mr. Qin gave an address, and then said, "After a stick of incense, you can watch that place from a distance."

After saying this, Mr. Qin turned around and left.

Dian Wei was inexplicable, Old Man Zheng thoughtfully, sighed deeply and said, "Looks like, I guessed right this time."

Guess what? Old Man Zheng didn't say anything, just said to Dian Wei, "You wait here for a while, and I'll be back when I go."

Old Man Zheng threw himself away.

After a while, he turned back, holding a heavy Qinglong Yanyue knife in his hand, holding it majestic and majestic, with a bit of Guan Erye's demeanor.

Both of them walked at night in masks.

Soon, they found the address mentioned by Mr. Qin, which was an ordinary residential house.

Dian Wei and Old Man Zheng looked around, stopped fifty meters away from the house, and climbed up to a tall building to observe.

It's time for a stick of incense!

In the night, five groups of bright lights suddenly appeared, distributed around the house.

Dian Wei's eyes narrowed, and he recognized two of the Guanghua groups, Mr. Qin and Hai Huanguang.

The other three groups of Guanghua, Dian Wei also guessed their identities, the other three of the four coaches, Wang Xiaolin, Song Jincheng, and Lu Qingyu.

Mr. Qin and the four major teachers surrounded the residence.

"get out!"

Wang Xiaolin drank.

A few moments later, a white-haired old man slowly walked out of the door.

Immediately, the five Mr. Qin swept over and surrounded the white-haired old man, each of them as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The white-haired old man was stooped and said with a gloomy face, "How did you find me?"

Mr. Qin said calmly: "The Thirteen Taibaos of the Viper Gang were killed one after another, and everyone's body was mutilated. I suspect that the murderers were not human, and they were not killed for chivalry, but to eat them. Therefore, I contacted Haiti. Instructor..."

Hai Huan said with an expressionless face, "We put some 'dark fragrance' on the Thirteen Taibaos. As long as the murderers have contact with them, they will definitely be infected with the 'dark fragrance', and it will be easy to track you down."

"I see."

The white-haired old man sneered, "I have nothing to hide. I am too hungry and want to eat people. The flesh and blood of ordinary people is not delicious, but the flesh and blood of warriors is fragrant.

But as long as I talk to a warrior, it will definitely be exposed. Coincidentally, someone killed Xu Wei, so I had an idea, pretended to be a white-browed hawkman, killed other people, and ate some of their flesh and blood.

Originally, I only wanted to eat one person, but the human flesh was so fragrant and delicious, I couldn't help but kill one after another, hahaha..."

The white-haired old man laughed wildly, his shoulders trembled, the tremors became more and more violent, the body under the robe swelled up suddenly, and suddenly became 2.5 meters tall.

See this scene!

Dian Wei's eyes widened by three points, staring at the white-haired old man carefully.

Its appearance has changed greatly!

The skin all over his body turned bluish black, glowing with the luster of cold metal.

The two hands became sharp claws, and the nails were sharp.

All my hair fell out and I was bald!

His ears were pointed and long, his pupils were as pale as ghosts, and when he opened his mouth, two rows of sharp, mucus-filled fangs suddenly appeared, extremely hideous!

"Sure enough, it's a demon!"

In his ears, Old Man Zheng sighed.

Dian Wei was stunned. At this moment, he was not only shocked, but also extremely confused.

Ever since I heard Old Man Zheng mention the word "demon", he subconsciously thought...

The so-called demons are those things that were created before the founding of the People's Republic of China, such as fox spirits, tiger spirits, and white bone spirits.

After being beaten to death by Brother Monkey with a stick, his original form will appear.

But obviously, he was dead wrong.

The monsters in this world are not like this at all, they are not animals at all!

Think about it, the Bodhisattvas in this world are all cannibals, how could the demons be so simple!

While thinking about it, the five of Mr. Qin suddenly started. The five besieged the monster. When the fight started, the splendor was brilliant, and the smoke was billowing, but they couldn't see clearly.

After a while, the movement stopped.

"It's over, let's go." Old Man Zheng patted Dian Wei on the shoulder, turned and jumped downstairs.

Dian Wei chased after him and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Zheng, what exactly is a demon?"

Old Man Zheng thought for a while and replied, "I can't tell you either. UU reading www.uukanshu.com demons have existed since ancient times. They especially like to eat people. The demons of , the strength is only in the Yijin realm rank."

Dian Wei took a breath, how is he so weak? !

Seeing this, Old Man Zheng said again: "Don't worry too much, Cangtong Town is the granary of the Shangyang family, and there are high-level people sitting in the surrounding area, powerful monsters can't get in here, but occasionally some weak monsters will slip through the net. The fish. Even so, with the four major teachers in charge, the demons dare not eat people wantonly, and they will inevitably be exposed and beheaded."

Dian Wei nodded, thinking that he only wanted to become stronger as soon as possible.

Return to Qin Mansion.

Dian Wei and Old Man Zheng have actual combat training.

"That's right, you have really mastered the whip leg." Old Man Zheng praised lightly.

Dian Weilian said, "Can you teach me weapons?"

"Not yet, I'll teach you a set of palm techniques tomorrow." Old Man Zheng had a whole training plan in mind, and he didn't mess up at all.

Dian Wei was not in a hurry, he studied hard and practiced hard, and he was done.

Next, Old Man Zheng taught Dianwei's palm technique, claw technique, and **** technique step by step.

Split Heart Palm, practice it!

Tiger Claw, practice it!

Iron Fingers, practice it!

As the saying goes: Three fists are not as good as one elbow, three elbows are not as good as one palm, three palms are not as good as one finger.

Iron finger skills are actually the most lethal martial arts.

At this moment, Dian Wei pointed his finger down and could stab a hole in an iron plate. Imagine what would happen if he stabbed a person.

"I have practiced the iron finger technique, the **** is fast and fierce, and it is much easier to break through the enemy's blood and self-defense." Old man Zheng likes **** very much, and regards it as the strongest melee melee martial arts.
