I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 136: Join forces to kill

Outside the Hunter Lin, Elder Su was worried. After all, the two had been in the barrier for a while, and there was no fluctuation in it, for fear of an accident.

"Head, I think I'd better check it out, just in case..."

"Elder Sun, don't worry, the auras of these two people are still very stable. Compared with Xixiang, they are in a fierce battle. We will wait for a moment."

Although Feng Qingzi said so, she was also worried in her heart. Both Suning and Jiang Bailin were geniuses who had never met in a thousand years. The two of them could completely represent Ling Tianzong's future, so there must be no damage.

However, while he was worried, he was also very surprised. After all, from the perspective of cultivation, the gap between the two people and Xixiang is not a little bit, but they can compete with them for so long, which is indeed incredible.

At this moment, there is nothing more anxious than Yu Shan. Suning and Jiang Bailin have been there for so long and haven't seen them back, but occasionally heard a few loud noises from the front.

He wanted to go to find out several times, but every time he had to retreat because he couldn't bear Xixiang's formidable pressure.

"I said Junior Brother Yu Shan, you are not kind, and you watched them go to death without holding back."

The man seemed to be smiling and not smiling, and his expression was full of joking. Many disciples have been surrounded here. After they heard about this, they came here to join in the fun, but no one dared to enter the enchantment and live in Suning.

"I hope they don't get into trouble."

In Ling Tianzong, fish and dragons are mixed, there are not only people with bad intentions, but also many good people, and they also worry about the two in their hearts.

"I really don't understand what you think, these two guys are so powerful, if we die here, then we have a chance to enter the inner door!"

"They are all brothers in the same discipline, why do you think so."

Good and evil are divided into different factions, and for a time, it is too much trouble.

In the enchantment, Xixiang completely entered a state of violent walking. The thick proboscis, constantly dancing, the two had no way to do this, they could only dodge around, simply it did not move very fast, otherwise it would inevitably be hurt. Under its proboscis.

Although they knew the weakness of Xixiang, they couldn't get close at this time. The pair of constantly flapping ears lifted up wind blades and slammed into the surrounding giant trees, and they were able to crush it!

Only defending but not attacking, how can it be achieved if this continues? Suning took out a pill with his palm, and immediately threw it to Jiang Bailin.

"Explosive Pill?"

Jiang Bailin immediately understood what he meant. Since the current strength is not enough to defeat Xixiang, then he is adding a bit!

After the two of them took the Explosive Spirit Pill at the same time, the spirit source in their bodies skyrocketed several times. Together with the power of their respective beast sources, two powerful auras were immediately formed.

In this state, the bodies of both of them have been pushed to their limits, and it seems that as long as one more point is added, they may face the danger of exploding.

"Senior Brother Jiang, it's about to go, victory or defeat depends on this blow."

In Suning's body, the ‘Chaotic Holy Spirit Record’ ran wildly, mobilizing all the spiritual sources, and showing his extreme skills again. He saw his hands pointing as swords, and his fingertips were two unmatched sword auras!

"The source of the heavenly sword, the sword is buried in the universe."

At the same time, Jiang Bailin did his best.

"Shen Zhao—Heaven Punishment."

Under the prosperity of the purple light, the two disappeared at the same time, and when they reappeared, they were just behind their heads!

Between Suning's hands, two desperate sword auras slashed out instantly, hitting the two weaknesses of Xixiang at the same time. After a stalemate for a few breaths, they actually penetrated its skin!

Two pillars of blood soared into the sky, followed by a miserable wailing, Xi Xiang's body was severed by the two sword qi, and its huge body began to sway continuously.

It struggled, exhausted its last strength, and threw its thick and long nose fiercely. The two people who had consumed too much had no time to resist it, and the elephant's trunk swept across its chest instantly hit.

The two figures flew upside down, crashing into the barrier, and immediately spewed a mouthful of blood. At the last moment, Taixu Dragon God and Shenzhao Qilin each protected their bodies with beast source, otherwise it was as simple as vomiting blood.

After the blow, Xi Xiang's eyes became dim, and the huge body finally couldn't hold it, and collapsed suddenly, but there was no anger in his eyes, but a relief.

It has been trapped here for too long, and even he can't remember how many years have passed. There is no freedom at all. For it, death is indeed a kind of spiritual relief.

The gurgling blood flowed out from the blood hole behind its ears, accompanied by its source of birth, and finally passed away.

Outside the enchantment, the powerful spirit beast's coercion suddenly disappeared, making everyone who was waiting feel puzzled.

"Strange? How did Xixiang's breath disappear? Is the battle over?"

"I think Suning and Jiang Bailin are mostly dead inside."

There was a fierce discussion again, and Yu Shan was looking into the distance nervously. He did not dare to move forward for fear of another accident.

Outside of the hunting beast, Feng Qingzi and Elder Sun were equally puzzled. How could the powerful breath of Xixiang disappear without a trace?

The two dared not be careless, and immediately rushed towards the enchantment, only praying that nothing happened to them.


The Moon Spirit Sword cut through Xixiang's body with difficulty, and took out its beast core. This is the beast core of an eighth-level spirit beast, and its value is far from comparable to that of a sixth-level beast core!

"Dragon God, how does this count?"

The voice of Shenzhao Qilin sounded again. They only care about winning or losing, but they don't worry about their physical condition...

Although Taixu Dragon God wanted to win it, he was able to win this battle. Thanks to Jiang Bailin’s cooperation, although he was eager to win, he would not be shameless. During the battle, the Dragon God will definitely win it back."

"Then let's wait and see!"

Outside the barrier, Feng Qingzi and Elder Sun suddenly appeared. When they saw the scene in front of them, they were shocked.

Although the two of them looked very embarrassed in their current state, Suning was holding a huge beast core in his hands. It was Xixiang's beast core. Looking at the huge body, they were already lying on the ground motionless. .

"The head of this..."

Elder Sun was relieved, the shock on his face was hard to dispel, he really didn't understand how these two people did it.

Their strength once again refreshed Feng Qingzi’s recognition. For a while, he was speechless, but his heart was filled with excitement. Ling Tianzong has two people, and he will surely rise to a whole new height in the future. Yuanzhou can be ranked!

The disciples waiting for the result in the distance, after feeling the breath of Feng Qingzi and Elder Sun, also courageously swarmed in.

When they saw Xixiang's body, their eyes widened, and their faces were full of horror!