I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 150: Shrink into an inch

The fifty-second floor of the Bailian Pagoda is the most outstanding record of Ling Tianzong in the past 100 years. The creator of this record was the previous head Chixiao, but it is a pity that he has disappeared for many years, and there is no news so far. I don't know if it is life or death.

Thinking of this, Feng Qingzi's eyes couldn't help flashing a trace of loss. When Chi Xiao was there, Ling Tianzong was definitely the number one power in this piece, even the Zhou family could not compare.

Since his inexplicable disappearance, Ling Tianzong’s absolute strength has also fallen sharply. As a result, a series of accidents have occurred, and the usurpation of the unique old man also made Feng Qingzi realize that under Ling Tianzong is an undercurrent. The surging situation, but I don’t know when, it will set off a monstrous wave.

On the second floor of the Bailian Pagoda, when Suning entered, the scene around him suddenly changed. There was an expanse of desert in front of him. Under the scorching sun, it was already very fluid, and he soon felt thirsty and unbearable.

The scorching sun is fierce and fierce. If this continues, the water in the body will run out. By then, there will only be death.

After realizing the danger, Suning wanted to leave here, but the desert was surprisingly big. He was like a headless fly, running around, without seeing the edge.

The water in his body continued to evaporate, his lips were already white, a lot of dead skin was lifted, his feet were already staggering, and he might fall down at any time.

He wanted to wait for the blazing sun to go down and find a coolness at night, but he gradually found that the blazing sun above his head, like an eternal freeze, has been hanging in the air.

"Little snake, I really don't have the strength..."

Speaking the last sentence with difficulty, Suning's body fell uncontrollably on the hot sand, letting the pain of his skin burn unbearable, he no longer had the energy to stand up.

Gradually, his vision began to blur, the surrounding world seemed to disappear before his eyes, his breathing became very weak, and he seemed to have felt the imminent moment of death.

The blazing sun in the sky, like punishing a wicked person, did not mean to weaken at all, but was stronger than before.

Suning only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. At the moment when he was about to close his eyes, he noticed a refreshing breeze, his vision seemed to become clearer, and he seemed to see a green shade.

The originally desperate heart was ignited in an instant. He widened his eyes hard, and then carefully looked into the distance. Only then was he surprised to find that the green shade was a thousand meters away.

Although the water in his body is almost exhausted, he can still bear the distance of this kilometer.

Where there is green shade, there will inevitably be water. As long as there is water, he can survive. Thinking of this, Suning no longer hesitates. The spiritual source in his body urges him to stand up and drive towards the green shade. go with.

If it were in the past, the distance of kilometers would be enough for him to take a few breaths. Even if he is physically exhausted, it shouldn’t take long. But to his surprise, he walked for about five minutes and still couldn’t. Arrivals.

And it seems that this distance has not been shortened, as if he was advancing at the same time, that piece of green shade was also advancing at the same speed, always keeping a distance of one kilometer from him.

Damn it! How is this going? Suning's body has almost reached its limit. God seems to have made a huge joke on him. The green shade in front of him seems to be a holy land he can never reach. Is he destined to die in this vast desert?

Obviously, Suning would not be willing to die here. He began to control his emotions and gradually calm them down. If this green shade really exists, he will definitely be able to reach it.

He slowly closed his eyes and stopped looking at the things in front of him. At this moment, the realm of mind and eyes was quietly opened. Under his mind, there is still this desert, thousands of meters away, it is still the green shade, but the feeling at this moment It's quite different.

The blazing sun in the sky was still poisonous, but he no longer paid attention. There was only the green shade in his eyes, and immediately, there seemed to be an inexplicable force urging him to move forward.

Suning took a deep breath, and then took a step out, only to feel that the green shade thousands of meters away was constantly magnifying in front of his eyes, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer. When this step fell, he just I found that I was already in this green shade!

This...what is going on? Suning was a little surprised. He had only taken a step just now. How could he have stepped over the distance of kilometers?

Could it be... Could it be that this is the legendary shrunken ground?

The environment around Suning changed again. The desert and green shade disappeared at this moment. When he recovered, he had already reached the third level.

Suning was still immersed in the strange feeling just now, but it was just an unintentional move, not a complete grasp, but the feeling of shrinking to an inch had left a superficial impression in his heart.

When the third floor of the Bailian Pagoda was lit up, the inner disciples outside the tower were shocked again, because Suning only took less than twenty minutes to pass through this floor, even faster than the first floor. A lot.


On a rock in Ling Tianzong, Feng Yueling woke up from her sleep, she touched her side with her hand, and suddenly started!

"Xiao Ningzi?"

She couldn't help shouting, but the surroundings were empty, and she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. However, she saw a letter left beside her and hurriedly opened it. Only then did she learn that Suning had gone to the Pagoda of Bailian.

She had also heard about Bailian Tower, but because she was directly recruited as an inner disciple by the lonely comer, she did not have the opportunity to enter it.

Driven by curiosity, she simply cleaned up and headed towards the Bailian Pagoda.

For more than two months, Feng Yueling was already very familiar with the terrain of Ling Tianzong, so he soon came to the Pagoda of Bailian.

When the inner disciples saw her, they immediately cast hot gazes. Ling Tianzong also had many beautiful female disciples, but compared with Fengyueling, it was like the difference between wild flowers and peony. Level.

Moreover, Feng Yueling had been learning equipment refining from Elder Huangfu before, and hadn't shown up for a while. When she appeared at this time, it naturally attracted a lot of attention.

When Zhou Yong saw her, he went straight up and said in a very concerned tone: "Sister Yueling, where have you been these days? Why didn't you tell me? It made me really worried."

During the period when Feng Yueling suddenly disappeared, Zhou Yong had been looking for her for a long time, but one of them didn't find any news.

In the first few days, he didn't even think about eating and drinking, and his whole person was a lot thinner. It was not until he learned that Zhou Tai was expelled from the sect because of Suning, which diverted his attention.