I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 202: Arrived in the imperial capital

Opened his eyes, Suning was shocked for a long time and said indifferently, "I understand the predecessors, since I inherited your sword and swordsmanship, I will take revenge for you when I can go to Sanzhou for a day." Suning said silently. Said.

Hearing Suning's words, the remaining remnant thoughts in the killing of the gods seemed to disappear, and the evil spirit in the entire sword body was immediately hidden, and the three little guys who had been protecting Suning's heart also watched such a big show together. Taixu Dragon God slowly said that "Holy Step" is that only the battle of the Holy Step can give Suning such a terrifying sense of oppression. It is already like this before arriving on the battlefield. I am afraid that he will be shaken to death by the aftermath of their battle. Right.

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly after you follow me. I will find a way to help with your former master's hatred." Hearing Suning's words, the whole Excalibur seemed to become cheerful all at once. Suning could feel something from it. Pleasant emotions.

After solving the matter of killing the gods, Suning took out the broken picture from the storage bag again, "Tell me, what is this thing." The three beasts appeared again and looked at the broken picture carefully. "There is nothing wrong with the breath. Although it has become very weak due to time, the taste of the holy rank will not change." Taixu Dragon God said in a circle. "It looks like something like a map. It should be a mountain range. Find some maps to see if there are places in these major states that match the mountains on the map."

Suning hurriedly ran to the Zangjing Pavilion of the Letter King’s Mansion and borrowed a map. There were nine chapters of the big map, one man and three beasts, and he clicked on the map to find some clues on the map. However, the vast territory of Kyushu is vast, and after searching for three hours, the sky is almost bright and nothing is found.

"There are a total of eight similar mountains, but I'm not sure whether they are in these places. The broken picture is too lack of necessary information." Taixu Dragon God said. It is true that there is basically nothing to be seen on the broken picture, otherwise it would not be put out for auction.

"Don't worry about this, let's talk about it if you can find the remaining broken pictures." Suning said with a big wave. The sky is already dark, and I will set up soon. "Morning," Feng Lingyue said, sitting up on the bed and rubbing her eyes. Smiling and helping Lingyue wash up, the two went out and saw the people who had been waiting for a long time. Wuxin and Mengyao returned to Ling Tianzong first.

Behind Jiang Bailin, the black gauze girl who had not spoken pulled the corner of his clothes to hide, not wanting Suning to see her. Seeing that everyone was there, Chu Jiajun shouted! One hundred thousand sergeants plus a full twenty thousand Ghost Iron Cavalry team can predict the change of the Emperor's Tomb this time.

The vanguard forces of Suning and Chu Jiajun can reach the imperial capital in about five days. On this road, Suning’s car can be said to be the most luxurious in the entire army. A whole eight horses of the Nether pulls a car like a small palace. Nian, Suning began to refine the pill on this spacious frame.

Qianji Pill, a low-level heavenly pill, can be said to be the most difficult to refine among the heavenly pill. The residue of elixir all over the ground means that Suning has destroyed many elixir. "Damn it, what's the matter where did it go wrong." Six consecutive failures made Suning a little annoyed. It was obvious that everything would happen according to the rules.

"What's the matter, don't worry about taking your time, there is no such easy thing." Feng Lingyue hugged Suning from behind and said softly, holding him in her arms. Feeling the warmth coming from the back of his head, Suning turned his hand over and gently tugged Feng Lingyue in front of him and said softly, "How about it, or would you comfort me?" How could Feng Lingyue not know Suning's mouth What does it mean to struggle immediately. "Don't make trouble, it's still during the day." "Oh, that means it can be done at night." Looking at the smirk, Suning Feng Lingyue said with a small mouth, "I will be in the imperial capital tomorrow. If nothing happens, you can stay with me. Go out and have a stroll."

The two have never been to the imperial capital. Since childhood, they lived in the puppet place of Sky City. Even though they are still three hundred miles away from the imperial capital, they can already be seen vaguely built on a high mountain. The imperial capital.

"Of course, I'm just going to have a look. Then I can buy whatever I want." Looking at the girl in his arms, how could Suning not satisfy her with such a simple request, and fell asleep slowly holding Feng Lingyue .

"Suning, we are in the place." Jiang Bailin's voice sounded outside the door early the next morning, still in the same shape. The black gauze girl followed behind him, her eyes dodging not to look at Suning, "I said you are What's the matter, just kidnapped the other girl? Don't tell me last night that I slept together too." Suning leaned forward and said in Jiang Bailin's ear.

A blush instantly covered Jiang Bailin's face, watching Jiang Bailin and Suning with a playful smile. "It's not what you think. Last night, I was afraid that she would run away, so I asked her to sleep on the ground. I, I didn't do anything." Jiang Bailin stammered and explained.

Looking at the embarrassed Jiang Bailin, Suning smiled and said, "It's okay, I won't talk about how you are with her, but you must be careful. My restraint in her body must not be broken. Check it every day." Look at Suning carefully. Jiang Bailin also understood the importance of the matter and nodded.

After taking Suning out of the carriage, the city wall is unstoppable. "Is this the imperial capital? It's really big." Although Yunguicheng is the second largest city in Chu, it is still a bit worse than the imperial capital. It can withstand the attacks of the strong in the extreme realm, and coupled with the great defense formation, even if the peak of the extreme realm comes, it will take some effort.

"Little friend, take my token to believe in the king's mansion in the imperial capital. If there is something, you can directly use the token to call me, and I will be there on call." Suning said with a smile after receiving the token in the hands of the king, "thank you Your Royal Highness is now."

Holding Feng Lingyue's hand, Suning greeted everyone and ran towards the most famous commercial street in the entire imperial capital. After all, the goods gathered here from all over the world are gathered here. Take Lingyue all the way to enjoy the tranquility. In the afternoon, Su Ning suddenly felt as if she took Feng Lingyue's hand and walked toward an inconspicuous alley.

Everything in the narrow alley looked dilapidated, in sharp contrast with the bustling outside the alley. Suning followed the guidance of Taixu Shenlong towards a slightly dilapidated house, knocked on the door, and an old woman with white hair appeared.