I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 342: Shocked everyone

In the past few days, I learned from chats with Luo Mengmeng that the Luo family is now the largest manufacturer of psionic equipment in Lingyuan Prefecture. The other small families in the entire Aquaman City all depend on the Luo family’s orders. At this time, the most important link went wrong. A precision instrument that Luojia couldn't produce was out of stock. The entire production chain was suddenly broken.

Seeing Luo Mengmeng, who was crying with his nose and tears, suddenly felt a headache, "Can't you make any parts by yourself?" But Luo Mengmeng shook his head and said, "You can produce it yourself, but we produce it. The parts are too rough and the accuracy is not up to standard."

"In addition, the performance is not as good as those produced by others, so my father has been shopping outside and then coming back to assemble." Su Ning was stunned. Hearing what Luo Mengmeng said, this thing is the most important part of the whole process. How can the family feel at ease outsourcing to others? According to Suning's idea, shouldn't it vigorously develop its own parts?

Knowing what Suning is thinking, Luo Mengmeng said with tears, "Father said the same. He said that if we can't produce this part, we will always be controlled by others, but many people in the family are unwilling!" This made Suning even more so. After being trapped, how can there be unwillingness in this kind of thing?

"The consumption needed for self-developed research is too much. It is impossible for our Luo family to catch up unless we invest all the profits in a short period of time. After all, this is the experience accumulated by others over the past few decades. It cannot be done overnight. Those who catch up, feel unnecessary within the family, and wasting money has always hindered father's development."

Su Ning suddenly understood that these profit-stricken **** only cared about their immediate interests and completely ignored the future development. This was all right, and they got stuck in their necks. Now the entire Luo family was at stake. With a sigh, Suning slowly said, "I'll go out and have a try now. Tell your father what to do when I go back. I don't need to talk about it anymore?"

Luo Mengmeng was very excited to hear that Suning was willing to help, nodded and left. Seeing Luo Mengmeng leave Suning and sighed, who is he looking for if he just came to Hunyuanzhou where he was unfamiliar? Now the only thing that can be counted on is the Pharmacist's Union, with a sigh, Suning pulled Yun Xiaoyan to his feet.

"Xiaoyan, do you know who the president of the Alchemist's Union in Haicheng is?" Suning asked. Nodded, Yun Xiaoyan said, "I only know that he is called Yiqiu and he is a great master, and the others are not known." Hearing this, Suning got up and said, "Then we will go to see Yiqiu for a while and see if he is standing. Which way."

Duan Haicheng’s Apothecary Union can be said to be more luxurious, and it’s almost the same style as the Neptune’s Apothecary Union, except that most of the costumes are short clothes worn by Hunyuanzhou people. Xiang Suning, etc. People dressed like this really stand out among the crowd.

"Haha, there are two more buns. I guess I have never seen such a good place. I don't know where it came from?" The big guys in the corner chatted and discussed, "You see that girl is very punctual, really beautiful. , That kid had some **** luck.” Although the voices of several people were very small, Suning and Yun Xiaoyan could still hear them.

Holding Yun Xiaoyan who wanted to get angry, Suning shook his head and continued to walk inside. "Excuse me, I don't know what it is that you are here?" The staff of the Alchemist's Union watched Suning and they walked straight in and asked. "Call your president to come out and see me." Suning said lightly.

This sentence directly made the staff silly. What are these two people doing? It's arrogant enough to just come in and let your boss come to see me. "Do you want to advance or buy something?"

But his good qualities kept him from angering and continuing to ask with a smile, but in his heart he thought to himself, "How do these two goods look like they came from a small place, but looking at the materials of the clothes, they are pretty good. I guess they are also a local snake." But now it’s not in their house but in Duan Haicheng!"

"I said, call your president!" When the staff saw that Suning was so uncomfortable, he was about to get angry but saw a small token appear in front of his eyes. The gold above almost blinded him. s eyes. Suddenly he didn't move as if frozen.

"What? You don't understand what I said?" Suning said. This sentence awakened the waiter and quickly straightened up and said excitedly, "I don't know if the old man is here, please go to the one inside. I will immediately ask the chairman to come down to meet you in person."

After talking, Suning and Yun Xiaoyan walked towards the quiet room inside. At this time, the big guys who wanted to watch Suning's joke were already stunned. This "countryman" was actually a big man!

"Brother, did I misheard it? They said the youngest member just now?" said one of the Chinese characters. "No, I already hoped that what I heard was wrong." This group of people fell into a deadly silence all of a sudden, and then all wanted to fly around and fled. The **** thing was in the back of criticizing the old man not running now. What are you waiting for?

After sitting in the back for a few minutes, there was a sound of going downstairs, followed by a sound of rolling downstairs, and then there was a scream of Suning in the room before he could see what this person looked like. Make it up again. "Where? Where?" Suddenly the door was opened, and an old man with a black and gray face, who couldn't see anyone, broke in.

"You are the old man?" As soon as "Black Coal Ball" came in, he ran to Suning and looked at it from top to bottom, then turned around and shouted, "Nen damn, who lied to Lao Tzu to play? It’s okay to find an old man who looks like a little bit, this kid is so old! If he is the elder, I won’t be able to live!

Suning should have been a little angry because of this, but he smiled when he looked at the happy old man. "Hey, boy, you are bold enough, you dare to do anything you pretend to be a veteran, don't be afraid to let me directly execute the meeting order!" The old man looked at Suning and said solemnly.

"Why do you insist that I am a liar?" Suning said with a smile. "Hey, I need to ask? If you can be a veteran, what should I do? At a young age, you have already broken the sixth level of the extreme realm. How can you practice medicine so strong that you still want to go to heaven? "

Despite the fact that the face of the waiter behind him was turned into purple, the old man carefully dragged the corner of his clothes behind him and said righteously.