I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 380: Dan Cheng

"Congratulations to Master Su!" All the people in the West District all said their joy. This time Suning has refined a high-grade pill of the heavenly rank, which is a real divine tool. I am afraid that countless people will throw this pill outside. All have to flock for this. "Master Jiang is here!" Suddenly the guard's loud shout made everyone react.

This time, the ** broke in without waiting for anyone to report it, and he had no choice but to do this because it was of great importance. "Master Su is out, congratulations." ** said with a smile. Suning smiled and didn't say anything. He naturally knew what he was thinking about, and this pill did not have much effect on the current self. It is naturally good to be able to bond well. .

"Master Jiang is really well-informed. I'll clean up in a while, and I'll talk later." After that, Suning turned and left. If someone usually dared to treat *** like this, and put him here directly, he would definitely be angry, but he had no temper at all with Suning.

Keane also knows the purpose of the sex, this time he also wanted to ask for the medicine, but after thinking about it, let it go to the sex, at least he can accept his personal feelings. Soon after, Suning finished washing, put on clean clothes and went downstairs. "Master Jiang is here for this Nine Ranked Divine Demon Pill," Suning said with a smile.

"Master Su is really observant. I don't know what to say. I have been stuck in this state for too many years. I can only pin my hopes on this pill and hope that Master Su can fulfill me. If you have anything you want to say, there is You can ask whatever you want!" ** said.

The weight of this sentence is not light, but Suning gently shook his head and said. "I didn't ask for that much. You can take this pill, just send me some more elixir." Suning said with a smile. There are so many elixir accumulated in Central District for so many years, you really don't need to use it for nothing!

Hearing Suning talk about the panacea, the ** immediately nodded, and quickly agreed. "I hope you will keep this matter secret, and don't tell me about my identity." Suning said, and then he handed a small porcelain bottle to the police, and the eyes of the crowd did not leave it. Bottle of elixir.

"The thing is for you, put it away, and when the preparations are complete, directly take the pill and mix it with Ling Tianshui. Remember that outsiders must not interrupt during this period, otherwise there will be big problems." Suning is serious. Said. After listening to these precautions, I nodded quickly to signal that I understand.

Immediately, Suning left the hall and walked towards the room. It was too tiring to concentrate on refining the pill for such a long time. As soon as she entered the door, she fell on the bed and couldn't wake up. It's just that he didn't know. At this time, the message about the West District Mansion flew up, and everyone was extremely shocked by the birth of a high-grade pill.

Especially Jiang Ying in the North District. She is the most majestic alchemist veteran in the North District, but she can only refine the middle rank of the heavenly rank. Who on earth actually refined the upper rank of the heavenly rank in the western district? This is not a good thing for the North District. It was originally suppressing the West District everywhere, but now that such a person appears in the West District, it is really not a good thing.

The pharmacists in the entire Western District, except for the old man Mo and the old man Lin, can know which one of them actually took the last hurdle before her, which immediately caused her a headache. Extremely. After sleeping for a full three hours, it was night when Suning woke up again. Looking through the window, the lights outside of Wanjia really had a little charm.

"Is it too tired?" A pair of soft hands touched up from behind, rubbed Suning's face, smiled slightly, and Suning gently pulled Tian'er back into his arms and said with his arms around. "How do you feel? Is it comfortable to stay here?" Nodded, Tian'er said softly, "It's all okay, everyone is very happy. Sister Lingyue and Sister Xiaoyan want to go out to play, when will you take us? Go out?"

Although it was said that the two girls of Feng Lingyue wanted to play, Suning looked into Tian'er's eyes and knew that they all wanted to go out to play. He smiled and said softly, "Now let's go out and feel the beauty of this central area. night."

A group of five people and a dog, this strange combination really attracted a lot of attention, and countless men cast envious eyes on Suning. Two hours later, a group of talents returned to the mansion. Three days later, the five-district competition was in place. In fact, the competition was divided into two parts. In addition to the Suning competition, all the major schools in the five districts also sent people. Participated.

It can be said that this is the grand event of the entire Hunyuan State. You must know that if you can win in the five districts, then there will be an extremely bright future. So the most important part of this game is actually this group of young people. As for the child, the three members of the Luo family were listed impressively on the team in the Western District.

After all, these people in the Luo family have systematically learned the knowledge of psionic technology. Now they are coming to Hunyuanzhou for further study, and this time everyone has brought all kinds of weird things. The products created are likely to be valued by others, and they will have everything they need in time.

"Are you confident?" Suning asked, looking at Luo Mengmeng who had been sitting quietly on the sofa reading a book. Seeing that the person here was Suning, she smiled gently and said, "I don't know that Hunyuanzhou's psionic technology level is much better than ours and their imagination is more abundant than ours."

"This time I am ready. As for whether I can succeed or not, I have to watch the game." After the last incident, Luo Mengmeng's temper suddenly changed a lot, especially when Suning was by his side. She was very quiet, and she could feel that she would feel more at ease with Suning.

"Has the opponent figured it out?" Suning thought for a while and asked. The competition system is very common. There are ten people for each event in the five districts. There are five events covering all aspects. Luo Mengmeng participates in the innovation of psychic technology. "Well, I have learned about it, they are very good." Mengmeng thought for a while and said.

Not only is it very powerful, Suning has also learned about it when he has nothing to do. Each of the other four districts has a lot of famous young people, all of them are leaders in all walks of life, and their families are very influential in the entire Hunyuan State. force. But seeing Luo Mengmeng's situation unchanged, he also felt a little relieved.

"Come on, I am optimistic about you, don't shame us." Suning smiled and left, looking at Suning's back, Luo Mengmeng muttered to himself, "How come, I will try my best, Suning, I will Let you see me." At this time, she has no longer the silence that was just now, and there is a different kind of light beating in her eyes.