I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 417: trap

In the silent night, the barking of dogs outside the window makes the night look more dangerous. The other party is already prepared, which proves that the action tonight will be difficult, but Sombra likes this kind of challenge. Only in this way can I feel at the tip of the knife. The feeling of dancing up. After feeling quietly for a moment, the black crystal counted the aura in the room, eight in total.

With a faint smile, he waved his hand and the team members behind him filed out towards these rooms, and he also cautiously came to the door of a room where the psychic energy fluctuates the most, and he knows that it should be where Suning is located. Up. With a cold smile, the door in his hand opened silently.

There was a slight snoring sound from the bed, which made him laugh suddenly. It's really meaningless. I thought it would be a more challenging night, but I didn't expect this strict precaution to be in vain. A sneer appeared on his face, and Sombra quietly touched the front of the bed, and then burst out like lightning and flew toward the bed.

But a warning sign suddenly sounded in his mind, and he was shocked and suddenly rushed to the side, but it made him feel that the breath of death was still around him! At this time he realized that he was the real joke, and now he has fallen into the trap of others!

The person lying on the bed is not a real person at all! At that moment, his eyes were like eagle eyes, and he caught a triangular mark on the black ground machine on the bed! That is the logo of Jiangbei General Administration! "Damn it!" With a secret curse, he immediately rushed towards the door, and the sensitive response that he had trained over the years saved him his life.

With a bang, a wave of earth-shattering waves came from behind, and then a violent psychic explosion blasted him out, smashed through a wall with a bang, and fell into the garden. He was unclear all at once, and a stream of blood poured out of his throat.

The big bang started, and the black crystal was only the first one, and then the chain reaction caused the entire house to fall into the explosion. Suddenly sawdust was splashed, and a large number of building debris was spread on the ground. He knew that the group of subordinates he had brought was basically scrapped. Standing up silently, Sombra looked at the two figures slowly coming out of the sea of ​​flames, and suddenly felt a furry in his heart.

The light from the corner of his eye swept outside, and his heart suddenly sank. There was no response from the outside after such a violent explosion, which explained a problem! This has been covered by the formation! Sure enough, Suning has been waiting for them for a long time! He didn't even notice the concealment of this blindfold formation!

"You're Suning?" Hei Jing said in a deep voice. He, who had always been unfavorable and had always killed people invisible, would be in a good mood now that he was overturned in the gutter. "You don't need to know so much. Go back and tell your master that I will take down the account." Suning said coldly.

"Suning, our Patriarch wants to see you." Hei Jing said. "See me? In this way?" Suning said with a sneer. This sentence choked Black Crystal. He felt that Suning would not agree to come over, so he used such an extreme method, but he did not expect that he would indeed lift a rock and hit him in the foot.

Hei Jing knew that if he did not bring Suning back, the Patriarch would never let him go. The spiritual power in his hand swept towards Suning in an instant. "Boy, just follow me with peace of mind!" Such a distance and his explosive power came to Suning in an instant.

The Lingtian Realm eighth layer's spiritual power surging instantly grabbed Suning, and Suning who was in front of him had to peel off without death. But a sudden shock swept across the garden in an instant, and the terrifying consciousness fluctuated. Suddenly, Sombra paused for a while, and then knelt on the ground and wailed as if he was hit on the head by a heavy hammer.

"Damn! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! If it is a pharmacist or other person who specializes in divine consciousness, this blow might be a little better, but Black Crystal has never practiced divine consciousness, so the impact this time has done to him is not low.

"It seems that you are a little confused about the situation, do you really think your strength can hurt me?" Suning said with a smile and squatted beside Black Crystal. "If I want to kill you, there are a thousand ways, just like now." With a smile, another wave of terrifying consciousness rushed out, but this time it was directly pressed towards him.

At this time, Hei Jing felt that what stood in front of him was not a person, but a mountain, so that he could hardly breathe. At this time, he could not even think of resistance at all. He knew that he was only in Suning’s eyes. It's just a joke. "Go back and tell your master that if you want to see me, show your sincerity, otherwise I will come to ask for an explanation next time. You should be thankful that I know Chen Shan."

"Get off!" With a low growl, Suning waved his hand and suddenly a wave of energy flashed, the entire formation disappeared, and everything in the yard was displayed in front of everyone. At this time Sombra stood up tremblingly, resisting the fear in his heart, hiding in the darkness, all the people of the major families who were watching nearby were trapped, how could this suddenly become Like this?

"Who is that person? What happened?" Everyone quickly took pictures of the scene, and then uploaded them to their superiors. For a while, the entire Longwangguan shook, and a large number of military vehicles in the Longwangguan base also rumbling. Long drove out and hurried towards the house in Suning.

After all, their informant reported that there was a suspected explosion there just now. They had to take action in this situation, and in the end they saw the man in black who had left here. From the intelligence point of view, it should be from the Chen family. I know what's going on with Suning.

"General, the second brigade is fully armed, and the entire base has entered a first-level alert state. Please give your orders!" The staff officer reported. "Wait, let the first brigade take control of the scene immediately, don't let any family in, now prepare a car and set off to see the situation!"

Soon under the **** of the second brigade, Wang Hai led people towards the scene of the incident. I have to say that the Longwangguan Military Region responded very quickly. In just ten minutes, none of the aristocratic families responded. At that time, the first brigade had already arrived, and then took control of the scene. The family members could only look for some news based on some sporadic circumstances outside. They saw a lot of blood and corpses, but they didn't know if there was that Suning!