I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 462: Three young

In fact, Lu Feng had already told him at that time that Suning's body was a bit special, but he didn't directly explain the situation. Lu Fan thought it was something, but he didn't expect that Suning's body didn't even have a trace of spiritual power! This is a bit abnormal. Except for the dead and the useless, he really doesn't know anyone who doesn't even have any spiritual power in his body.

Obviously, Suning is definitely not a dead person and definitely not a waste person. If Suning is a waste person, then most of them will die. "What is going on?" Make sure that no one around listens to Lu Fan frowning. "Nothing is just a little hurt." Suning said with a smile.

"Is this a bit hurt? Your spiritual power!" "Nothing, isn't it the same?" Suning said with a smile. Now Lu Fan is completely convinced that Suning has the Soul Fire. If there is no Soul Fire, how could he refine the pill! Nafanhuo? Stop dreaming!

"If you need my help, just say it." Lu Fan said with a sigh for a long time. Such an excellent child has caused him to endure so much suffering. Not only did he lose his eyesight, but he also lost all his cultivation skills! If Suning's spiritual power is still there, even if he is blind, Lu Fan believes that he will be able to spread the world!

But this is a world where strength comes first! Without strength, no matter how good it is, it has no effect! You can't save your own life, let alone the life of your loved one! "Do you want to go in and see if there is a way?" Lu Fan said. "Well, maybe that is my only choice." Suning said with a smile.

But that smile made Lu Fan feel stuck in his heart. He was really jealous of the talent! "Wait, try these things, maybe it's useful!" Lu Fan rummaged for a long time, took out a lot of pills from the Qiankun bag and placed them on the table, "No need, I have them all, you Take it back, I know my own illness in my heart." Suning said.

He could feel that Lu Fan was sincere to him, instead of having any other thoughts. He was very grateful that Lu Fan could help him so much, but he really didn't need these things. With a sigh, Lu Fan comforted Suning and left the room, then closed the door and took out a sound transmission stone from his arms. For a long time, a lazy voice rang across the room.

"Crooked? Why is old man Lu in the mood to contact me? What strong wind is causing you to hang on?" Taking a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, Lu Fan said in a deep voice, "Yao Ning, I need your Help, do me a favor." Then there was a moment of silence over the sound transmission stone.

"Hahaha, I heard that right, did I have deaf ears? Oh, my ears are not good for my age, what did you just say?" Lu Fan said word by word, holding back his anger. I need your help!" "Oh my God, you need the help of such a **** from me? It's amazing, why are you hurt? It sounds pretty good, besides, if you are going to die Tell me quickly, I can go and help, rest assured, although you are disgusting, I still like the matter of killing you."

"Come to me, or you will regret it." After saying that, Lu Fan turned off the sound transmission stone and talked to him. It was too challenging for his patience. I was really afraid that I could not bear it anymore. If this continues, he must be **** off by him! Now he can only think of this person, and maybe he can help Suning reply again.

The next day soon came again. Today Suning once again won the game without using spiritual power. After this game, Suning was completely famous. There was no way to use spiritual power for two consecutive games. It's hard not to be famous. "Did you see it? That's him, that man pretending to be a trafficker, because he likes to torture and kill people without spiritual power."

Many people have interpreted Suning in this way, and the two people who fought with him lost their ideals in life instantly, which is really embarrassing. Why is the gap between young people so big? The other party just put the sword directly on their necks, but they did not react.

Watching Suning leave the arena slowly and slowly, many people in the private room in front began to pay attention to this person who suddenly appeared. When did the Tianming Academy find such two people, one more fierce than the other, double killing Entered the top five hundred, but this is just normal strength.

Although Destiny’s performance in recent years has not been good, after all, it’s normal for a lean camel to be bigger than a horse and to be a little genius. However, this person is a bit too much. This is completely insulting his opponent. The damage caused is more than just crushing and defeating the sea of ​​people!

I'm afraid that if the two hapless guys can't get out of Suning's shadow in the future, their strength will be impossible! "How about the Third Young Master, do you see anything?" A young man in a white robe smiled and said to the person on the side. "I can't see the depth, because the other party should have used a spiritual attack."

"Otherwise, it is impossible for two people to have such a situation in a row, but whether they are too lazy to fight, or just want to pretend, or the real strength is the only thing I can't see." , I think 80% of them are pretending here! If they really used the divine consciousness so well, I guess they would have been picked up by Huanlangshan long ago!"

For the young man on the side, the person known as the Third Young Master smiled. He did not speak. He could feel that Suning might not be that simple. Although he hid well, he could still feel that person’s eyes seemed to hide. With a lion, the aura of that body can't be put on casually!

Smiled, San Shao muttered to himself, "I hope you don't let me down." As a top ten or even top three favorable contender in this competition, he hopes that there will be real masters to play against him. Today, among the younger generation, his swordsmanship has never found anyone who can fight a battle. Suning's weapon is a sword, and now he has so few shots, he is looking forward to the day when Suning will fight against himself.

At this time, Suning, who had reached the gate, suddenly turned around and looked at where he was, then disappeared into the crowd with a slight smile. "Oh, interesting, it seems that I won't be too lonely this time." Seeing Suning turning around, the third master's interest was completely seduced and said with a smile.

Suning sensed that someone was staring at him. Although he didn't know who it was, he didn't feel any malice from the other party. Then he just turned back and smiled at the other party, indicating that he had seen that.