I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 552: remains

Early the next morning, Suning boarded the shuttle that Pang’s family had prepared for a long time. This was a passenger shuttle. It had no firepower or protection, but it was fast and cheap, and Pang’s family also obtained his production. The technology is much more convenient than a normal shuttle. In just an hour, they came to the center of Shanglin Province, which is the heart of the whole Shanglin.

Countless factories have built machines with superior performance, and then bought them in various places in Shangsanzhou. Once a businessman said that only the land of Shangsanzhou has Shanglin machines! As one of the most developed provinces in the Six Continents, Shanglin has undoubtedly made countless money by relying on machines.

Of course, the price of a good machine is also expensive. One machine can be worth two of other machines, but as long as they are properly maintained, they can keep their machines running for hundreds of years! These are the reasons why Pangshi and his family are unwilling to injure the machine when they go to war. They are too expensive!

Immediately after getting off the shuttle, Suning was shocked by the prosperity of Shanglin. As the center of Shanglin Province, the level of science and technology here is obviously high and scary. In Suning’s view, this is at least 20 years away from the Keys City. Not to mention other small cities. Pang Jiu'er said that now there are many places in the upper three states that cannot keep up with the three centers of the middle three states.

After all, the reform time was too short and too hasty, and many places were pulled down before preparation, but now is not the time to consider those things. The developed city in front of us is the purpose of Suning's trip. It’s too big, even in the sky, Suning can’t see the end of the city. Listening to Pang Jiu’er’s introduction, even if the driver’s space shuttle travels through the city, it still takes half an hour to imagine what this place is. How big is it!

And the huge cylinder soaring in the distance also shocked Suning. ""What exactly is that? Suning asked suspiciously. "The pride of Shanglin, the largest interstellar spacecraft in the entire six provinces, Strelitzia. This is the No. 3 ship that has just entered the port for repairs. It seems that the winner is still fighting outside." Pang Jiu'er thought for a while and said. At this time, Suning could not speak at all. He couldn't believe that humans could really create such terrifying things?

This volume is simply higher than a mountain, and this is definitely not a so-called image project. It can help humans enter the starry sky and fight in the starry sky. How can it be simple things? At this time, there are four spirit beasts in Suning's mind. They also fell silent. "It's really a terrifying race." The Dragon God Taixu said slowly. "Ten thousand years ago, they were just a group of weak creatures, a weak race that could only live for more than 30 years, and a race that did not accompany slaves, only 10,000 years. If you don’t tell me this is I would never believe it if it was made by humans."

"Now I want to understand a little bit, why the people of Netherworld have been advocating killing this race, it's really scary." Xingkong Youshen Huan said.

Ten thousand years is not long or short for the gods, but for humans, these ten thousand years have allowed them to develop rapidly. The pioneers of mankind know that they can’t get rid of blindly practicing until the end. The end of human enslavement. Compared to being stronger than one person, human beings have chosen to make everyone stronger. Surpassing gods and gods is not a simple matter, but they know that they will never accomplish anything unless they take that step! The power of the pioneer is great. He has given people the motivation to move on. Humans have done it in ten thousand years.

Now they can travel through the starry sky like gods. Of course, many people have forgotten the existence of gods. The new generation of education has been instilling in them the relics they have discovered, but the former civilization left behind after its demise. That's it! Such a rebellious thought naturally made Taixu Dragon God and others very angry, but he found that he could not change much. The age of God has passed, and the present age belongs to this young race!

However, although they said that they had forgotten the age of gods, their bodies were still very honest looking for the genes of various gods and beasts in the ruins, and then began to use technology to survive the fittest and cultivate high-blood spirit beasts. In this way, countless fake beasts were born. Up! Of course they are far from the abilities of the beasts, but Sora has an appearance! However, for the people of Shangsanzhou, it is completely enough. This time, Shi Ming is also honored on the list of ruins exploration. As a leader of the younger generation of historians, he certainly hopes that he is stronger, and of course there is a deeper level. The reason, because he can have a chance to kill Suning!

Of course, this idea seems extremely crazy in Tiansha, but no matter how he persuades it, it still can't stop Shi Ming's desire. He must kill Suning! Soon the door of the ruins was opened, and all family members of Shanglin were ready to enter the ruins. Of course, the three of the Pang family followed Suning, and they all knew how powerful this man was! Even Tiansha, who has always been arrogant, is not his opponent! "After you go in for a while, the three of you should not follow me. Do whatever you should do. What I want to do is dangerous. If you are in any danger, send me a message with the bracelet, and I will rush to rescue you in time. ."

Hearing that Suning didn’t even plan to take them together, the eyes of the three of the Pang’s family suddenly dimmed, but think about it, Mr. Su must be planning to do a big vote. He and others will drag him 80%, so it’s better to be quiet. Di Xian developed slowly by himself, allowing Mr. Su to flex his muscles in the ruins. "Master, what should we do after we go in?" The Shijia's staff said after watching where Suning and his party were talking and laughing.

"Find the ruins first, get the benefits out of them first, and then prepare for me to start dealing with this group of guys! Remember to take everything with me, and bring me things like those in the laboratory!" Shi Ming is vicious. Said. ""Master, are you sure? Patriarch said before he left, that thing can't be used unless it is a critical moment! The subordinates quickly stepped forward and said.

"Whenever I say it is a critical moment, he will count it! Bring it to me!" But Shi Ming's servants had no choice but to activate the things they had prepared. I hope the young master can use him well, otherwise You can only hurt yourself if you can't hurt others.

Step by step, he walked to the portal, Shi Ming turned his head, did not hide his killing intent on Suning, and then turned around and disappeared into the teleportation formation. "Oh, interesting. I hope he can make our journey unusual." Suning said with a smile watching Shi Ming's performance.