I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 659: oasis

Suning and Jiang Bailin counted all the water in the bracelets of the two and divided them one by one.

If there were no Long family members, their water source would still be abundant, and now there were nine more people to divide things, and the supplies became tense.

Except for him and Jiang Bailin, no one kept supplies in the bracelet.

The Longjue bracelet is full of psionic shells and psionic mechas.

After a long while, everyone allocated the amount of water and decided to walk into the depths of the desert. After walking for a long time, they have not seen any ruins. The scorching sun is shining on the entire desert ruins, the sand under their feet is hot, and the high temperature bakes everyone. A large sweat dripped down his cheeks to the ground, and disappeared instantly.

"No, there is a desert in this ruined place! I don't understand." Jiang Bailin took off his coat and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The constant high temperature made him feel more and more irritable.

"That's right, I haven't seen the end of this for so long. I dare not drink more water. When will I be a head?" Long Jue took a small sip from his bracelet and took a sip. Pass it to Jiang Bailin and others.

Suning looked up at the scorching sun hanging in the air, took the kettle, took a small sip, and slightly moistened the hot mouth and did not dare to drink more, "This desert is so big, there should be oasis or other green plants, we Go ahead and take a look." Suning returned the kettle to Long Jue, opening his chapped lips.

In this vast desert, there are countless dangers hidden. Despite this, Suning and his team can only choose to continue walking deep in the desert, quietly, in the distance behind them, a terrifying hunting The predator sneaked under the sand. The predator of the desert is a deadly killer hidden in the desert. He has the strength comparable to the Lingtian realm. All the prey that enters his hunting range will be torn under its huge clawfoot. .

Suning and the others went all the way, focused on how to resist the heat, and found no threat. Except for sand or sand, their vigilance in their hearts was relaxed a lot, and they did not find the predators following them.

As Suning and others gradually deepened, some cacti with a height of about three or four meters gradually appeared in the desert. This made everyone feel relieved. If it is the point where the water is drunk, at least they can Some water is extracted from the cactus so that it will not die of thirst in this desert.

"Did you find it? The number of cacti has increased along the way!" Suning looked at the scattered cacti growing around, "It seems that there must be an oasis ahead!" Jiang Bailin said with a tear. Said, "Hiss... It's so painful." Due to lack of moisture, his lips were chapped, and Jiang Bailin's lips were cracked.

"Quickly, don't waste it, blood can quench your thirst too!" Long Jue joked with a smile upon seeing this.

"Go, go, if you don't see the oasis later, I will be the first to put your blood to quench your thirst!" Jiang Bailin gave Long Jue angrily and said viciously.

"Look, the front is like an oasis!" Qian Tingting pointed to the distance and exclaimed excitedly.

Suning and the others looked into the distance following Qian Linglong’s shouts, and saw that not far in front of them, a small green dot appeared and disappeared in the dust of the sky, and everyone instantly came to their spirits and supported their bodies. Run to the oasis.

When everyone approached, the appearance of the oasis was fully presented in front of everyone. Several large and small lakes were connected together. The surrounding vegetation was lush, poplars were tall and lush, and the roots were staggered, like a dragon, a scene full of vitality. Suning and the others walked into the oasis quickly. The hot air became cooler after everyone entered the oasis.

"It's so comfortable!" Long Jue scooped up a large bowl of water from the lake and drank it in large guts, feeling extremely refreshed.

The two daughters of Qian Linglong and Qian Tingting leaned in the shade under the tree, wiping the sweat from their foreheads, "Miss, I'll get you some water." Qian Tingting stood up and said, Qian Linglong nodded slightly and continued. The high temperature temporarily stopped her bickering with Ding Ling.

"Fortunately, we are lucky. If we run into this oasis, we will all be sun-dried into corpses." Jiang Bailin leaned back under the tree and said leisurely.

"Hahahaha, that's a must! Good things will happen with Brother Su!" Long Jue said with a hearty laugh when he walked over.

After all, after entering the ruins, Suning had rescued them several times back and forth. It is no wonder that Long Jue would say this.

As everyone knows, Long Jue really wants to make friends with Suning at this moment. He always feels that as long as Suning is there, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

"Cuckoo..." A strange sound came into the ears of several people, and everyone heard the sound and looked towards Suning.

"I'm a little hungry after walking for so long. Why don't we eat something first?" Suning touched his stomach, and said slightly embarrassed.

Immediately after taking out a series of barbecue items from the bracelet, Jiang Bailin was surprised when he saw it, "Fuck, isn't it! Barbecue?" Jiang Bailin saw the barbecue and remembered the way they were roasted under the hot sun. On a hot day, he has no mood for barbecue.

"Huh? Let's have some salad." Then Suning put away the grill, took out a lot of green vegetables and meat and stirred in the pot.

"The cutlery is limited, so let's just eat this big pot and not put it on the plate." Suning scratched his head embarrassedly.

When everyone saw this, they didn't dislike it, like a hungry wolf rushing to eat, and quickly solved everything.

In this ruin, even the thousands of sisters who have reached the realm of bigu will feel hungry, and other people will only feel more hungry.

After the storm, everyone slowly finished eating, their mental and physical strength recovered a lot, and they sat together and discussed, "Do you think the journey has been too smooth?" Ding Ling spoke first, "Since entering here. In the desert, I haven't seen anyone from other families, and I haven't even noticed the black monster."

"Indeed, can those monsters only move in the previous place? Is it possible that the test here is a desert? Or is it a desert with oasis?" Long Jue also felt a little confused and asked in a low voice.

Compared with the various monsters encountered before, it seems to be a lot easier here.

However, the deeper the ruins, the greater the danger. Suning couldn't help but think of Gentian City again and shivered instantly.

Along the way, Suning and the others did not use their spiritual consciousness to scan this place carefully because of lack of physical strength. Now that they think about it, they can't help but feel tight. The so-called abnormal things must have demons.