I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 704: Wedding eve

The night came slowly, Shangjin City was brightly lit, and various night vendors began to operate.

Feng Yifan and Ye Qianqin got into the prepared car and walked through the street. Ye Qianqin looked outside through the car window, and the sound of various food stalls came into her ears.

For many years, Ye Qianqin was weak, and Feng Yifan had never let her go out at night. He hadn't seen such a lively Shangjin City for a long, long time.

Ye Qiqi smiled and said, "Yifan, I didn't expect that after so many years, the night in Shangjin City would still be so noisy and lively."

As the patriarch of the Feng family, Feng Yifan often socializes outside, and the patriarchs of several other major families in the city often gather for dinner. Naturally, he is not surprised by this scenery.

Feng Yifan said lightly: "What's the matter with this? Other cities are the same. It's almost like this at night."

Hearing Feng Yifan's answer, Ye Qiqi's expression changed slightly, and then he returned to normal, saying, "I haven't seen this kind of scenery for a long time, and I feel that there is a different smell in the air."

"Huh? What's the smell?" Feng Yifan spoke and smelled it.

Seeing Feng Yifan's appearance, Ye Qingqing smiled slightly and said, "The taste of life." The two of them talked and laughed in the car and soon arrived at the Fanlou.

The guard at the door saw the Feng Family's car from a long distance, smiled and complimented: "The Master Feng is here, please come inside!", and then led Feng Yifan and Ye Qiqi into the Fan Tower.

"I don't know which table is reserved by Feng Patriarch today?" the guard asked with a smile.

"I came to find someone today." Feng Yifan said lightly.

Suning slowly walked down from the second floor and came to Feng Yifan, and said with a smile: "Father-in-law, you can count on coming, Linger and I have been waiting for you for a long time!" Then he said to the guard next to him: "You Go on!".

"Father-in-law, come with me." Suning said, leading Feng Yifan and Ye Qiqi to the private room on the second floor.

In the private room, Feng Lingyue slowly stood up and said faintly: "You are here, sit down."

Hearing Feng Lingyue's indifferent tone, Feng Yifan and Ye Qianqing looked at each other, a trace of displeasure flashed in the depths of their eyes, but they didn't say much, and then sat down.

Suning walked to the door, gave a few orders, sat next to Feng Lingyue, and looked at Ye Qianqi and Feng Yifan.

Since Ye Qiqi took the pill during the day, her body has obviously improved a lot, her face is no longer pale, and more rosy, Suning smiled and said: "Mother-in-law, you look like you are much better."

Ye Qingling took a sip of the tea and said with a smile: "Hehe, thanks to my son-in-law's medicine, otherwise I won't be able to come here tonight."

After a few people chatted for a while, the waiter in the Fanlou brought the dishes to the table.

Suning took a bite of food for Feng Lingyue and suddenly remembered something, and then asked: "Hey, my father-in-law, why didn't you see Sister Feng Lingyue? Didn't she come with you?"

Ye Qingyu and Feng Yifan had a slight meal, and Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Oh, that girl Xing'er is unwell today, so she won't come. Xian-in-law won't be offended!"

When Feng Lingyue heard this, she naturally knew that Feng Lingxing simply didn't want to see her. She picked up the tissue on the side and wiped her mouth, and said faintly: "Since I'm sick, I won't force it. That's fine. Originally, I just wanted to tell you something tonight." Then he looked towards Feng Yifan and Ye Qianqi indifferently.

Feng Yifan and Ye Qianqing looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

"Yue'er, what needs to be said now, let's go home after dinner and talk about it, okay?" Ye Qingyu said softly.

"No need, I have already said that I am now married into the Su family, so I am naturally a member of the Su family." Feng Lingyue glanced affectionately at Suning, turned her head and said indifferently.

Feng Yifan was a little displeased. Since Feng Lingyue came back, he kept talking coldly to the couple. Even if they loved Feng Lingyue, they couldn't bear her like this.

"Yue'er, how do you talk to your mother?" Feng Yifan stopped the movements in his hands, his face sank, and said harshly.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't blame her." Ye Qianqian quickly persuaded.

"Do you know how you left Feng's house back then?" Feng Lingyue said coldly while looking at Feng Yifan.

Ye Xingling glanced at Feng Yifan, seriously puzzled, turned around and asked, "Yue'er, you, didn't you get lost back then? Why... My father and I have been looking for you for so many years and couldn't find you."

"Oh, lost? Do you think I was lost by myself?" Feng Lingyue sneered, and then said, "If it weren't for Feng Lingxing, how could I not get home?"

Hearing this, Feng Yifan stood up all of a sudden and said solemnly: "What! You, you mean Xinger, she did it? Impossible. At that time you were all young, how could she have Such thoughts."

Feng Lingyue guessed that Feng Yifan would be like this.

Yes, when he was young, who would have thought that Feng Lingxing would do such a thing against his conscience.

Feng Lingyue snorted coldly, a smile came up at the corner of her mouth, and she told her all the things in the past.

Feng Yifan and Ye Qianling listened to the whole thing, their eyes were full of weirdness. Although they didn't ask Feng Lingxing about them on weekdays, they didn't expect that she would do such a thing. The two of them just felt chilled.

"Yue'er, are you not going home because of this? If so, I can expel Feng Lingxing from Feng's house immediately!" Feng Yifan frowned slightly and said with a serious face.

"Oh, sure enough, you still didn't realize anything!" Feng Lingyue shook her head and said disappointedly.

"Do you think that Feng Lingxing has nothing to do with you when it becomes like this?"

"Do you think it is enough for you to care about me ignorantly and take care of me?"

"Since you are parents, why can't you make a bowl of water? If it wasn't for your indifference to her since childhood, which caused her to be distorted, could she become what she is now?"

"Oh, think about it yourself!"

Feng Lingyue saw that Ye Xingyu and Feng Yifan didn't feel her fault at all. Now, in order to let her go home, she was able to expel her own daughter out of the house. She was completely disappointed and got up and left after speaking.

When they walked to the side of Feng Yifan and Ye Qingyu, they said coldly: "From now on, Feng Family, there will be no Feng Lingyue." Suning could feel how uncomfortable Feng Lingyue felt when she said this. , And the hands holding him were shaking uncontrollably.

When Feng Yifan heard these words, his anger rose from his heart, and he couldn't help thinking, Isn't the care for her enough? After so many years of searching for her, this is the result.

Feng Yifan got angry, stood up and slapped Feng Lingyue with a slap. When Suning saw this, he stopped Feng Yifan with one hand, and the spirit source flowed in his body, and an overbearing aura radiated from him.