I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 750: From Pang Jiu'er

In the dilapidated and gloomy room, there was a burst of laughter from the two, and then a brilliance flashed by, and everyone in the room disappeared without a trace, and the surroundings fell into a dead silence again.

Suning stayed in the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion and was caught in a dilemma. He wanted to take Feng Lingyue and others to the Upper Three Continents as soon as possible to find a secret place suitable for cultivation. On the other hand, he was worried about Kuntianyu. After he left, something unexpected happened again in Kun Tianyu.

Suddenly, Suning's bracelet rang, breaking the silence in the hall. Suning connected the message and a virtual image appeared in front of him.

Pang Jiu'er was wearing a light blue shirt at this time, with a light-colored ribbon tied around her waist, her black hair was tied to her shoulders, and her skin was white and tender. Pang Jiu'er smiled and asked softly.

"Mr. Su, it's fine these days."

Suning looked at Pang Jiu'er, and was stunned for a while, but did not hear Pang Jiu'er's voice.

"Mr. Su?"

"Mr. Su?"

Pang Jiu'er showed a puzzled expression and shouted repeatedly.

"Ah, why do you think of calling me!"

Suning came back to her senses and asked in surprise.

"Why, do I have to have something to talk to you?"

Pang Jiu'er said shyly, her white face gradually becoming ruddy.

"of course not!"

Su Ning suddenly raised her brows as she spoke.

"By the way, has the city of Case been well recently?"

Pang Jiu'er frowned slightly, and doubts arose in her heart. Now the historian has been completely removed from Case City, and all of his family's properties have fallen into the hands of their Pang family. There are still people in the historian who will do things.

"Did something happen? We haven't found anything unusual on our side in recent days."

Suning breathed a sigh of relief. As one of the goddesses in his heart, Pang Jiu'er was also particularly concerned about Pang Jiu's comfort. Then Suning informed Pang Jiu'er of Shi Ming's affairs in detail, and asked her to take precautions.

"how come?"

After hearing the whole story, Pang Jiu'er said in surprise.

"Well, I didn't want to believe it at first. It was not until I found out that we were all wrong."

Suning raised her eyebrows slightly and said lightly.

Pang Jiu'er thought about it, and then responded.

"I will arrange for the people below to take more precautions."

"By the way, you suddenly called me this phone, won't you just care and condolences me?"

The corner of Suning's mouth curled up, jokingly.

Seeing this, Pang Jiu'er was taken aback, then smiled slightly and said lightly.

"Mr. Su really has such a good look, it can't help you!"

With that, Pang Jiu'er's expression became serious.

"Mr. Su does not know that in recent days, in Taikun City, which is on the edge of Shanglin Province, there has been an unusually large surge of space forces, and recently that space force has become more frequent. The big family sent people to check it out, and David is there now."

"According to David's description, there should be a ruin there. Now the core cadres in my Pang family have suffered serious losses. I want to invite Mr. Su and your friends to visit Taikun City in the name of my Pang family. ."

"Of course, if there is any chance, my Pang family is willing to split equally with Mr. Su!"

Pang Jiu'er said solemnly, with a trace of solemnity between his brows.


Su Ning's expression changed slightly, and she murmured, then said to Pang Jiu'er.

"Patriarch Pang is polite, but there are so many things in Kuntianyu now, I am afraid it will take some time."

Pang Jiu'er smiled slightly and said softly.

"It's okay, as long as Mr. Su is willing to come forward, I still believe in Mr. Su's strength! I just hope that Mr. Su can be faster. We don't know the specific time when the ruins will be opened, I am afraid we need to prepare earlier."

"Well, Patriarch Pang, don't worry."

Suning said softly, and then the two interrupted communication.

"Also, if it is suitable here, Yue'er and the others can be cultivated in it."

Su Ning murmured, then got up and returned to the mansion, and informed Jiang Bailin, Zhou Meiniang and the others.

Hearing what Suning said, Jiang Bailin squeezed his fists, looking like he couldn't wait.

"To be honest, I can't stay at home anymore. It's time to go out and exercise!"

A different look flashed across Jiang Bailin's eyes and said excitedly.

"Oh? Are you unable to stay at home, or is it boring to be with me at home?"

Wan'er on the side heard Jiang Bailin's words, and the corners of her mouth curled up, and she said faintly, a little angry in her words.

Hearing this, Jiang Bailin stopped in an instant, hugged Wan'er and said some affectionate words to make her happy.

The few people in the hall who watched this scene laughed, completely forgetting about Shi Ming.

"To be on the safe side, Bailin and I will go and see first, and if there is nothing unusual, we will pick you up together."

Suning said softly.

After all, they suffered a lot in the Upper Three Continents last time. Although Zhou Meiniang is there, they can also protect a few women, but they will inevitably work hard. Moreover, if the Holy Spirit King’s line or the Nether Cult learns the whereabouts of Zhou Meiniang, I'm afraid that some of their god-level powerhouses will be sent when the time comes. Even if there is Zhou Meiniang, I am afraid that she will not be able to retreat.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Meiniang nodded slightly, very satisfied with Suning's decision.

After Jiang Bailin and the others left, Zhou Meiniang left Suning alone and exhorted.

"Ning'er, you must remember, if you are not a last resort, don't use the power in your body!"

Zhou Meiniang said solemnly.

Suning was taken aback for a moment, then said with a smile.

"Mother, don't worry, you can be regarded as a person who has seen wind and waves when you have been out for so many years, so naturally you know what should be revealed and what should not be revealed!"

"Well, so the best!"

"Yue'er and the others are at home, you don't have to worry too much about it, there is a mother, no one in this little Kuntianyu can touch them!"

Zhou Meiniang said softly.

She knew Suning's temperament well, even if others were outside, her heart was still on Feng Lingyue's body, and she was always concerned about her.

"If you have a mother, I feel relieved!"

Suning said with a smile.

After Zhou Meiniang left, Suning raised the bracelet and dialed the communication with Old Man Yao and Mo Li.

"How are things going?"

Suning looked solemn and said coldly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Su, the two of me have already spread the news. If there is any movement, we will contact you as soon as possible!"

Old man Yao said lightly, full of confidence in his words.

"I hope so, the next thing will be handled by both of you!"

Suning nodded slightly, then said.