I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 903: First entry to the Nangong family

Among the Nangong clan in the depths of Shangsan City, Nangongying and Xiaxiaxiao were in the main hall, and the atmosphere gradually became a little bit solemn. The servants of the Nangong clan did not dare to approach.

"Nangong Jing!" An angry shout came from the hall, and the figures of the servants outside the hall were trembling.

"Xia Xia Xiao! You need to know that you are in my Nangong clan now, not in your Xia family!"

Since Xia Xia Xiao entered the Nangong clan, he has been ruthless and repeatedly provoked. Nangong Jing has long been dissatisfied, but he has resisted the eruption. Now Xia Xia Xiao dominates the host and seems to think that the Nangong clan is his possession. Let the anger in Nangongjing's heart erupt completely.

"Xia Xia Xiao, do you think my Nangong clan is a bully?"

"If it wasn't for your own poor strength, could your psychic sniper team be wiped out by Qing'er and the others?" Nangong raised his eyebrows slightly, brushed his sleeves, and a touch of anger appeared on his face.

Hearing Nangong Yan, Xia Xiao patted Anji fiercely. With the tremendous force, Anji turned into powder directly in front of Nangong Yan, and scattered on the ground.

On the huge square outside the main hall, a figure quickly ran towards the main hall, with a serious expression on his face, holding a tablet in his hand, and what was playing on it was the video of Nangong Tongyun and others just now.

Looking at the hurried figure in the square, the servant outside the hall was slightly taken aback, and quickly pulled him aside, looking at him solemnly.

"What happened? I'm so anxious. The Patriarch of the Patriarch and the Patriarch of the Xia Family are in the main hall. It seems that the conversation is not very pleasant. I advise you not to go in now."

The servant turned aside the direction of the main hall gate, raised his eyebrows, and softly persuaded him.

"Patriarch Xia is also here?" The man's figure was slightly taken aback, and he seemed to be a little surprised. Did the Patriarch and the Patriarch of the Xia Family already know about this? The man couldn't help thinking about it.

"That's not the case, it seems that there was a quarrel just now! The quarrel is quite fierce, you go in now, didn't you hit the muzzle!" the servant said softly.

Listening to the servant's words, the man raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the tablet in his hand. He felt a little entangled in his heart. He didn't know if he should go in and report the matter now.

After some weighing, the man's eyes flashed with determination, his hand holding the tablet tightened a bit, and he walked towards the hall, but the servant didn't even hold it.

"Patriarch, the villain has something important to report." The man bowed his head and walked into the hall, trembling slightly. After entering, he knew why the servant stopped him from entering.

Nangong Jing slowly turned around, walked in front of the man, and asked softly: "What's the matter!"

The man tremblingly handed the tablet in his hand. Nangong Ying took the tablet and looked at the content playing on it. His expression gradually became low, as if he had endless anger.

"Xiamen Xiao, it's a good method. On the one hand, he came to me and sent someone to intercept Qinger. Is it possible to use Qinger to blackmail me Nangong clan!" Nan Gongjing waved his hand, and the content on the tablet was displayed. On the screen in the hall, there was an angry shout towards Xia Xiaoxiao.

Looking at the scenes on the screen, Xia Xiao Xiao's face gradually turned blue, and there seemed to be endless anger burning in his pupils, and his hands were a little purple.

After Xia Xiao finished reading, although his heart was angry, the Xia family provoked the matter. The Nangong clan was only forced to fight back and had to let go. Otherwise, it would only be counterproductive. "Hmph!" Then he hummed suddenly, suddenly Get up and walked outside the hall.

After Xia Xiaoxiao left, Nangong Jing calmed down his anger and returned the tablet to the man who was kneeling in the hall. "If Elder Tongyun and Elder Xun come back, tell them to come here directly." The man tremblingly took it. After answering the tablet, he got up and exited the hall.

If the Xia’s Commercial Street incident was the fuse that caused the Xia’s clan and the Nangong clan’s disagreement, then the battle between Nangong Tongyun and Xiayang Yang brought this matter to the pinnacle. From now on, between the Xia family and the Nangong clan, there will no longer be secret hands like in the past, but a real fight on the surface.

For a time, public opinion in the upper three cities continued. Within such a short period of time, the Nangong clan and the Xia clan had two confrontations. Both the Xia clan were defeated. Affected by public opinion, all the industries under the name of the Nangong clan were transmitted. Good news, insults against the Xia clan have continued in major forums, and the industry under his name has also been extremely seriously affected.

Suning and Jiang Bailin followed Nangong Tongyun and Nangong Lingqing along with their swords, and flew towards the position of the Nangong clan. At this time, they still don’t know that their names and names are circulated throughout the three cities. thing.

"Second elder, fourth elder, the patriarch asked you to come back and immediately rushed to the Guiyuan Hall!" Nangong Tongyun and his party have just entered the clan, and the man who has just handed in the tablet slowly walked forward and respectfully saluted everyone. Then he said softly.

Hearing the man's words, Nangong Lingqing was slightly taken aback, "What did my father say, didn't you mention my name?" Nangong Lingqing asked in confusion.

"Hui San Young Master, the patriarch just told the two elders to return to the Yuan Palace, and did not mention you!" the man responded.

"Hey, it shouldn't be. My father didn't punish me for having caused such a big disaster?" A smile appeared on Nangong Lingqing's face, turning his head to look at Suning and Jiang Bailin's group.

Nangongxun and Nangong Tongyun looked at each other, their eyebrows were slightly raised, and they already knew what Nangongying had called them in the past.

"Qing'er, do you want to come with me?" Nangong Xun turned away, smiled and looked at Nangong Ling Qing, and said softly.

Nangong Xun's words fell in Nangong Ling Qing's ears, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, and she shuddered, "Well, second uncle, Brother Su and the others came to my Nangong clan for the first time, I will take them around! "When the voice fell, Nangong Ling Qing ran away.

Suning, Jiang Bailin and others looked at Nangong Ling Qing's behavior, their figures were taken aback, and they looked at each other, a smile appeared on their faces, and they shook their heads helplessly.

"Mr. Su, I have something to do with Mr. Xun, so I won't accompany him." Nangong Tongyun slowly turned around, smiling at Suning and Jiang Bailin's group, and said softly.

Seeing Nangong Tongyun’s behavior, Nangong Xun’s figure was slightly taken aback, and the corners of his mouth evoked an imperceptible arc. He watched Nangong Tongyun sitting in the position of elder, and he had never seen her be angry. Laugh at others at times.

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