I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 970: Rebellion

In the process of marching, Suning's consciousness permeated, and the surrounding environment gradually formed a small geometic map in Suning's mind, looking for a suitable place for rest.

After a long time, Suning brought Lihuo Witch and Christine to a small lake, slowly falling from the towering trees.

"Well, just here. I just checked it out. There are no signs of monster activity around here, so it's most suitable for temporary rest."

Looking at the sparkling lake in front of him, a bright smile appeared on Suning's face, his lips moved slightly, and he spoke softly.

After landing on the ground, Lihuo Witch's clear eyes looked at Suning, and immediately walked to the tree, slowly sitting down, leaning against the tree, and squinting to rest.

"Kristen, it looks like I have to trouble you to prepare for me."

Seeing the movement of Lihuo Witch, Suning shook her head helplessly, and then whispered towards Christine.

After the words fell, Suning moved his wrist, took out a piece of tools and various seasoning materials from the bracelet, assembled it with Christine into a simple table, and then took out a few ordinary pieces from the bracelet. Let Christine clean it up.

After a lot of busy work, Suning set up a simple smokeless stove in the ground, and began to cook the spirit beast meat on the table. As time passed, a smell of meat gradually radiated and spread out in all directions.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of some monsters, Suning moved his wrist, and an invisible force gushed out from his fingers, shaking the fragrance of the soul beast meat, without spreading too far.

Seeing pieces of spirit beast meat in Suning's hands turned into fragrant delicacies, Kristen stared at Suning's eyes, and a strange brilliance flashed by.

"Mr. Su, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Not only are you outstanding, but your cooking skills are also so good. People who want to follow you should be very happy."

Kristen looked at the busy Suning, a smile appeared on his face, Zhu's lips opened slightly, and a sweet voice slowly sounded.

Listening to Christine's words, Suning's figure was slightly taken aback, Feng Lingyue, Pang Jiu'er and others sounded in his mind, and a feeling of longing surged in his heart.

"Hehe, it's always okay to have a lot of things when you go out."

Suning looked at the flames that gradually rose before him, and responded softly.

After a while, Suning stood up slowly, stretched her waist, and finally took care of her. A satisfied smile appeared on her face.

Seeing a table of delicious food and smelling the fragrance in the air, Kristen's eyes flashed with a little brilliance, and the saliva was about to flow down. If it weren't for keeping his image in front of Suning, he would have gulped early.

After finishing the work, Suning looked at Christine, and immediately turned to the Lihuo Witch leaning on the tree, picked up the skewers of spirit beast meat on the table and walked slowly to her.

"Well, it smells good, but fortunately, the craftsmanship has not regressed."

Suning slowly sat beside the Lihuo Witch, took the plate in her hand and smelled it, and there was a sound of praise in her mouth.

Smelling the fragrance in the air, Lihuo Witch slowly opened her eyes, staring at Suning with her clear eyes, and then she shifted her gaze to the plate in his hand and swallowed.

Seeing the appearance of Lihuo Witch, Suning slowly passed the plate in her hand to her hand, and said with a smile: "Eat some, I believe my craftsmanship will make you unforgettable for a lifetime."

Listening to Suning's words, Lihuo Witch took the plate in Suning's hand and began to taste it. After a bite, it was out of control, and the corners of her mouth were greasy.

After a long time, Suning, Christine and Lihuo Witch sat by the lake, all of them burped for a long time, and the expressions on their faces became extremely satisfied.

"That's it? Are you **** teasing me?" Li Huwei walked into a small room, where the concentrate and spirit stones piled up into a small hill, and the quantity and amount of money would allow him to finish it safely and worry-free. Half a lifetime.

In the Xia family for so long, he has met people in the world, even with so many concentrates, it is not as good as Xia Qingyi's usual meal.

Thinking of this, he turned his head sullenly, "You must be sending a beggar!"

Xin Takitang was taken aback, and pleased the flattering begging for mercy, "Li Guard, this is all of my possessions, you have also seen it, my house is only four walls, so many concentrates are worth a lot of money!"

"Furthermore, the Xia family is no longer than before, and the income has been greatly reduced."

"Do you think I am really stupid or fake? No matter how bad the Xia family is, Xue Qianqiu got half of the business back from the Nangong family! Do you think I don't know?" Li Huwei stood up, running his spiritual power, a white line Guangbo confined his throat with a fierce expression.

Xin Takitang struggled hard, his face turned into pig liver color.

Although he is a guard, he is really an under-fed greedy! Xin Takitang cursed in his heart, his legs fluttering in the air.

Even if he used the energy of feeding, he couldn't push away the spiritual power of Li Huwei, he could only struggle.

"Say! Where is the rest?" Li Huwei added another 10% spiritual power.

Xin Takitang was running his brain quickly. Although he was very unwilling to let Guard Li take all his property, he had no other choice at the moment.

"In...in that basement, you let me go and I will take you in!" Xin Takitang said in pain.

Li Huwei put away his spiritual power, and he fell to the ground, his knees were knocked out with blood.

The situation was urgent at the moment, and Xin Takitang couldn't take care of his injury, arched and moved forward with difficulty.

He moved inward little by little, and Li Huwei's cursing sound came from behind, "You **** don't hurry up! If you're thinking about how to hurt me, I advise you to put away these colorful intestines soon!"


Xin Takitang pretended to be looking for a mechanism on the ground, and pulled the concentrate away, and a two-fingered iron rod appeared impressively.

The front of the iron rod is curved, and the tip is as thin as a needle, and it is as long as his palm.

If this one hits a person's chest, no matter how deep the spiritual power is, it cannot stop this fatal blow.

"What are you doing so slowly?" Li Huwei cursed, unable to see what Xin Takitang was doing.

The corner of Xin Takitang's lips twitched, and a ruthless touch appeared in his eyes.


The iron rod with a sharp hook pierced directly into Li Huwei's chest. The speed was so fast that he had no time to use his spiritual power to repair the wound. In almost an instant, the sharp hook hit the gate of life, and instantly he lost his breath.

The gurgling blood went out, and Xin Takitang fell to the ground, his face pale in fright.

After regaining his reason and reacting, he immediately turned around and frantically picked up all the concentrates and spirit stones.

"Are you Xin Takitang?" An unfamiliar voice rang from behind, and Xin Takitang stopped moving, not daring to look back, his body stiffened.

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