I Have Unlimited Magic Skills

Chapter 162: Sickness

  Li Quan did not explain either, but calmly, focusing on the middle-aged man's pulse.

  Inspecting the pulse condition at first, the pulse is floating and tight, it is indeed a symptom of wind-cold.

  At this time, strange things happened again.

The skill points of   Diagnosing Pulse Technique have also not increased.

  Li Quan’s heart sank. He guessed that it was definitely not the problem with his pulse diagnosis and observation technique, but the obscure disease of the middle-aged man that could not be detected.

   "Boy, it has been checked for several minutes, has it been found out? In the past, my husband had a cold, and he could find it out through a blood test at the hospital."

  The lady saw Li Quan giving her husband a pulse, but she didn’t respond for a long time. She felt a little uncomfortable.

  The young doctor looked at it and made people feel very worried.

  Will you see a doctor?

  She became a good doctor for a long time. This is not the first time that she has accompanied her husband to the hospital to treat a cold.

  She knows all about the doctor’s check for colds.

  After receiving her husband, Li Quan neither opened an examination application form, nor did he take his body temperature or heartbeat. Instead, he followed the practice of traditional Chinese medicine to get the pulse.

  No matter how you look at it, it is a bit incompatible with the provincial-level tertiary hospital Whale Hospital.

  "Give me a little bit more time, stay calm and not restless!" Li Quan began to practice the floating, medium and sinking method of waiting for diagnosis.

  This is a three-part nine-waiting diagnosis method that can only be performed after the pulse diagnosis is completed.

The three parts of    are inch, guan, and ruler.

   Then each part can be divided into three methods of pulse diagnosis: floating, middle and sinking.

  So put together it is called three parts and nine hous.

  In just a few minutes after Li Quan's consultation with the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man had already yawned several times, as if he was not sleeping well.

   "I found it!"

  Li Quan originally felt that the patient’s pulse condition had become skewed and sharp, and then changed again, turning into a slippery number, an end of generation, and long-term instability. This is a momentary matter.

  When he was ready to take a closer look, the subtle pulse that he had just sensed disappeared again.

  Li Quan's expression became more serious.

  Slippy pulse indicates that the patient has phlegm drinking, liver-stomach discord, and food stagnation. This is a sign of stroke.

  As for the patient’s pulse, it shows that the blood pulse is rapid and fierce, and it is likely to have high blood pressure.

  The pulse condition changes that occur later are even worse.

  The pulse condition changes from the slid slid to the slid number, the end of the generation, and the long-term instability. This is a sign of great death.

   After Li Quan got the clues, he performed the vision diagnosis technique to supplement the diagnosis.

  Finally, he came to an amazing conclusion.

  Patients have signs of cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, and even death.

  【You successfully performed the pulse diagnosis technique and diagnosed the disease you want to get sick. Skill points +100.】

  【You successfully performed the inspection technique and diagnosed the disease you want to get sick, skill points +100.】

  When Li Quan concluded that the patient had signs of stroke and brainstem hemorrhage, the long-lost skill point was finally added.

  And gave him a big surprise.

  Two magical skills, each of which adds 100 skill points. It is exactly ten times the usual diagnosis.

   "I am in the martial arts, should it be considered epiphany?"

  Li Quan was very surprised.

  Through medical treatment for diseases that are already ill, and Chinese medicine for diseases that are ill. Going to the doctor is better, you can treat the disease that is not sick.

  Now, Li Quan’s two diagnosis and medical skills have been upgraded to the Xiaocheng state, and he has actually touched the threshold of Chinese medicine.

  Can diagnose the disease of wanting illness.

  When the flood is high, everyone who has guarded the dam knows that if the leaking point of the dam can be found in advance, it will be easy to prevent trouble. Put this in the doctor, it belongs to the doctor, you can find the disease that is not sick.

  A little bit again, it is Chinese medicine.

  When a small breach occurs in the dam, it can be quickly found and blocked to prevent the occurrence of a major dam breach.

  Li Quan now discovers in advance that this middle-aged man is at risk of cerebral hemorrhage, which can be regarded as saving his life and winning the seventh-level Buddha statue.

  After finding out the hidden disease of the patient, Li Quan's face also showed a smile.

"Sir, your cold or cold is actually just a minor illness. Even if it is not cured, it can heal itself. Now there is a serious illness in your body. Cerebral hemorrhage may occur at any time, and it is a brainstem hemorrhage. I suggest you immediately accept some necessary After the examination, he was hospitalized."

  It is the first time that Li Quan has dealt with a patient face to face alone.

  After thinking about the wording for a long time, I decided that it would be better to be honest.

  He waited expectantly for the patient to agree to his diagnosis and treatment plan.

  Because the personal accomplishment embodied by this couple is extremely high.

  Compared to those rude patients who scold their mothers as soon as they come in, and pat the table is countless times better.

"Little doctor, my husband came to you to treat a cold. As a result, you didn't take his temperature, blood pressure or anything, and you didn't do any routine checkups. You just took the pulse, and then made a fuss about what my husband said. There is a risk of cerebral hemorrhage. Do you think your words and deeds meet the doctor's norms?"

  The lady looked very angry.

   can hear her, her voice is full of anger.

   "I'm not fooling around, but sincerely doing good for your husband." Li Quan's kind reminder, I didn't expect to be misunderstood as a black doctor and cheating money.

  He is speechless.

  May also be related to his experience of receiving doctors almost zero, and there is no skill to communicate with patients and family members.

   Faith is against the ears, good medicine is bitter.

  His rectal advice makes it difficult for patients to accept.

"Young man, I am very grateful to you for consulting me. In addition, I would like to say something for you sincerely. As a doctor, medical skills are very important, and medical ethics are equally important. In order to earn more examination fees and diagnosis and treatment fees, you have to make mystery for a while. Saying that I may have cerebral hemorrhage, do you think it should be? Whale Hospital is one of the top tertiary hospitals in the province. What you did is really disappointing."

   "Speak up here, if you don't listen to advice, sooner or later someone will expose your illegal medical behavior."

  The middle-aged man stood up and said to his wife.

   "Wife, let's go! Go to Yuanyang Hospital, it must be much more formal than Whale Hospital!"

  The two did not listen to Li Quan's advice at all, instead they cursed Li Quan as a black-hearted doctor, and left angrily.

  Looking at the back of the two leaving, Li Quan sighed.

  In this world, it's hard to be a good person!

  I hope the couple will not complain to the medical department, otherwise they will have trouble again.

  After all, this time, Li Quan's practice of medicine does have irregularities.

  Li Quan secretly summed up experience and lessons.

  Next time you encounter this situation, you must pay attention to the way of communication. You can open two examination application forms for the patient first, and then inform the patient after the examination results are obtained.

  It can be said that, Mr. XX, you must be mentally prepared for something.

  From your check result sheet, I accidentally discovered that you have a potential disease. For your safety, it is recommended that you do further inspections to find out the cause and treat in time...

  Doctor Luo had already finished going to the toilet at this time, and ran back violently.

  Looking at his anxious look, Li Quan secretly guessed, maybe he forgot to bring toilet paper?