I Have Unlimited Magic Skills

Chapter 402: Patriotism can also get good impression

"Oh, every family has a hard-to-read sutra. My wife passed away early, and I was a father and a mother, and I finally paid for my son to finish college. Watching him go to work, who knew it happened? What an accident."

Curator Li Ding sighed, and when he talked about his son, he was both distressed and helpless.

"That kid is 26 years old this year. I have been talking with my girlfriend for more than four years, and he will soon be able to get a good result and talk about marriage. Who knows that the girl’s mother will be killed by a 500,000 gift. You say me Only more than four thousand yuan a month, where can I get so much money?

I really can't get it out. My son is also sensible, knows that his family is poor, and can understand the difficulty of being a father. He didn't ask me again. Then, not long after, he split with the girlfriend who had been talking for more than four years. "

When talking about this, the curator Li Ding showed an expression of pain, guilt, and self-blame on his face.

When Li Quan was in love with Sophie, Su Bingran was also killed and asked Li Quan to take 100,000 yuan as a gift.

And it requires one hundred thousand yuan in a week.

At that time, Li Quan also felt extremely desperate.

But he is luckier than the son of Curator Li Ding.

Although Su Bingran's attitude was firm, if Li Quan couldn't spend one hundred thousand yuan, he would not let Sophie and Li Quan be together.

Sophie never compromised.

Did not give up.

She has been comforting Li Quan, let him not worry, she will find a way to convince her parents.

Although it has been a long time, Li Quan always thinks of it, his heart is still full of sweetness and warmth, and he is grateful to Sophie.

She is more assertive than most girls.

The girlfriend that the curator Li Ding’s son talked about was obviously a marionette who obeyed his parents' mercy, and helped his parents put pressure on his boyfriend together. Can't wait to drain every penny of the man's house.

In fact, such a woman is very stupid.

She also didn't want to think that if she really squeezed all her husband's money out, she would even force her husband to owe a debt. Will her life be better after she gets married?

"Curator Li, in fact, you don't want a woman like that. Even if your son marries her in, he may not be happy." Li Quan counseled.

"It's me who is incapable of being a father, and killed my son." Curator Li Ding shook his head repeatedly. "These days there are more men than women, and it's hard for a wife to marry. It's basically a woman's market. I don't blame the girl and her family, I just blame myself for not being able."

The current social atmosphere is indeed distorted.

Especially in some areas, comparisons become popular. Seeing that someone else’s family asks for 300,000 gifts for marrying their daughters, my daughter also wants so much.

Otherwise, doesn't it appear that my daughter is worse than others?

It is this nasty unhealthy trend that has broken up countless pairs of beloved lovers. Or let countless families bear heavy debts.

"What does your son do? What major does he study?" Li Quan wanted to go back to read a book sooner.

Looking at the posture of Director Li, I guess it will be fine for all afternoon.

"My son studied computer management at school. At the beginning, I also listened to the words of some relatives and friends around me, saying that computer development is a major trend and will be a high-paying career in the future. The result was not good. After my son learned it, I found it too difficult to find a job. Later, I applied for an insurance sales company. At the beginning, I only had a basic salary of 800 yuan a month, and the commission was only a little more than 2,000. Later, I became more proficient in my business and my job improved a bit, rising to about 5,000. Then he had a fight with a colleague and was directly fired by the company."

Curator Li Ding felt very sorry about this incident.

If the son is not impulsive and can calm down and continue to work in the insurance company, he may be promoted to team leader or supervisor in the future, and his income will naturally continue to rise.

"It’s a great insurance salesperson. I heard that those who can successfully stay in the insurance industry are sales elites. Well, after two days of work, I’ll talk to your son and try to help him out. Refresh yourself."

Li Quan thought, if curator Li Ding’s son is reliable, it should be good to introduce him to He Youlong’s company for sales.

Men should have a career.

Only when you do a good job in your career will you gain stable love.

"Great! Dr. Li, as long as you can really help my son get out of this trough, you only need to give an order if you have anything in the future. I will do my best to help."

Curator Li Ding, like most parents, is looking forward to the future for his son.

Now seeing his son depressed all day, he is more anxious than anyone else, and more uncomfortable than anyone else.

Li Quan really wants to help this, and Director Li Ding will definitely become a confidant of Li Quan.


Holding three medical books by Shen Kuo, he returned to the Chinese Medicine Clinic.

Still desperately deserted, there are not a single patient seeking treatment.

Compared with yesterday's hot scene, it is simply a double heaven.

The market is like this, when you have something that does not fit the patient's wishes, he will abandon you without hesitation.

In the Magic City area alone, there are more than 40 large Class A hospitals, and a dozen Class B hospitals. As for the smaller Class II hospitals and community health service stations, it is even harder to count.

The patient can choose a lot of space.

You can't cure it here, or your reputation is not good, or there is a safety hazard. It doesn't matter, he will go to other hospitals directly.

The Chinese medicine clinic of Whale Hospital had just opened for two days, and the mass base was very weak.

The patients who came to Li Quan for treatment would certainly not be affected by the rumors.

But patients who don't know the truth are hard to tell.

There was no patient in the afternoon, and the fault was so severe. It is estimated that Jiang’s Orthopedic Hospital must have more than just pulling banners at the entrance of Whale Hospital. It is possible that other methods were used, but Li Quan did not know it for the time being.

If Jiang's Orthopedics really uses other methods, but there is no response from the Whale Hospital, it means there is a problem.

Whale Hospital has thousands of employees, and it is certainly impossible to unite and love each other as on the surface.

There are many conflicts of interests involved in it, both on the surface and in the dark.

Every department, as small as every employee, are trying their best to gain more benefits for themselves.

Li Quan is just a rookie. It is nonsense to say how deep the foundation is.

He knew very well that if it hadn't been for Professor Liu to support him behind his back, in which round would he get as arrogant as he was at Whale Hospital?

People who are jealous of him may have dozens of baskets.

As for those who directly offend because of their interests, there are not a few.

For example, those in the Department of Orthopedics, especially the two directors of the Department of Orthopedics, would hate Li Quan.

Every hospital has a department responsible for handling crises.

It's just that each hospital has a different name.

Some are called the public relations department, and some are called the crisis public relations office.

This department of Whale Hospital is called the Public Relations Department.

It is this department that usually receives superiors who come to inspect the work, or receives visitors from outside hospitals, or handles medical disputes.

Yesterday someone ran to the hospital to make trouble and deliberately discredited the Chinese medicine department. This department did not even see the shadow.

Those who made trouble today have become more and more troublesome.

The people in the Public Relations Department are still like the thousand-year-old turtles at the bottom of the river.

This is really abnormal.

Li Quan faintly felt that the public relations department seemed to be gloating at him.

I hope this is just an illusion.

If Li Quan knew that the Public Relations Department did this deliberately, Li Quan would definitely write down the account.

Forget it, if you want to find out whether the Public Relations Department is deliberately inaction on this matter, it will be clear if you find someone to check it secretly.

The most important thing right now is to hurry up tonic pharmacology knowledge.

Of the three borrowed medical books, which one should I read first?

Thin is preferred.

However, the book is not easy to finish reading.

For example, the "Bian Que Nei Jing" that Li Quan hasn't finished reading is hell-level difficulty.

Shen Kuo's medical books are better.

At most, the sentences in classical Chinese are a little harder to understand.

Unlike some ancient medical books, which are written in oracle bone inscriptions and seal script, you have to translate the characters first. Then go to translate the meaning of the whole paragraph.

After scanning all three books, Li Quan finally chose to read the thickest "Prescription" first.

There are many prescriptions included in this good prescription, and it discusses pharmacology and diagnosis.

Li Quan has no pharmacological foundation. If you directly read Shen Kuo's "Dialectics" and "Yao Yi", I am afraid it is similar to reading the heavenly book.

Just like when we go to school, if we don’t go to elementary school, junior high school, or high school, we just go to college, even if we are a genius. I haven't learned the words yet, how can I learn university subjects?

Turn to the first page of The Remedy.

"In ancient times, people who saw diseases must observe their voices, colors, behaviors, skin principles, emotions, and hobbies, ask them what they did, and examine what they did, and they have already got most of them. artery."

This is actually about looking, smelling, asking, and cutting.

Li Quan has now learned all three diagnostic medical techniques, and these contents are useless to him.

Swipe directly and quickly.

"The ancient cure for illness, the prophet's yin and yang calendar changes, the mountains and forests and the emergence of the mountains and rivers. And he also regards the person old and young, fat, noble and inferior, home support, sexual skills, likes and dislikes, sadness, work and rest, and let him go. Appropriate, unsuitable. Or medicine, or fire, or thorns, or bianstone, or soup, or liquid, to make things easier, to explore the nature, to explore and to explore, speculation will follow..."

Finally began to explain the principles of medication.

According to the patient's age, fatness, physical fitness... even the patient's personality, preferences.

This gave Li Quan a new understanding of the use of Chinese medicine.

He is a medical student cultivated by modern medicine, and he has been somewhat influenced by subtle influences.

Western medicine is prescribed to patients, and the dose for children is halved, or one-third of the adult dose. Then the dose can be appropriately increased for obese and tall people, and reduced for petite people.

These are all learned from Western medicine.

However, in the medication matters of Western medicine, it has never mentioned that the patient's personality is different and that he takes different drugs.

There are even hardworking patients who take different drugs. Lazy people take different medicines.

Li Quan has never heard of such knowledge about medication.

He thought it sounded a bit like a fantasy.

If you really learn it in the future, it must be everyone in Chinese medicine.

Judging from the precautions and details of medication, it can also be concluded that Chinese medicine is great.

It is many times more advanced than western medicine.

[You have successfully praised China’s traditional Chinese medicine, and your patriotic sentiment has given you Shen Kuo’s favorability +5.]

Li Quan only read a few words, but he unexpectedly won Shen Kuo's 5-point favorability rating.

Although not a lot, he was overjoyed by easily gaining 5 points of favorability.

This is a good start.

With Shen Kuo's 5 points of favorability, one thing can be done immediately.

Can you view Shen Kuo's magical skills? Is there any pharmacological magical technique that Li Quan urgently needs?

If not, then don't waste time for now.

Quickly change to the books of other famous doctors.

Shen Kuo is a politician who loves the country very much and his sense of national honor is also very strong.

It is estimated that this is also the main reason why Li Quan praised his country's traditional Chinese medicine and devalued foreign Western medicine, and was able to obtain Shen Kuo's favorability award.

"I was originally a patriotic young man with the Five Goods, but Shen Kuogang discovered it."

Li Quan smiled happily, and hurriedly opened the magic medical skills exchange list.

After getting the favor of a certain famous doctor, this is very good.

Even if you have a good impression, a magical skill cannot be exchanged. But you can see it all.