I Have Unlimited Magic Skills

Chapter 416: People are going to hang up again, the w

  "Well, don’t mention it, we made a mistake in cutting the tree. Lao Yang was hit when the top of the cut tree fell, and then a cross-section of the cut hit Lao Yang’s chest..."

  The worker who is still wearing dirty overalls still has a lingering fear when he tells what happened before.

  Felling big trees is a very dangerous job.

  Especially the kind of tall trees.

  If there are some important facilities or buildings around, you must climb the tree to cut it off.

  During operation, due to the influence of wind power, misjudgment, improper operation and other factors, it will directly cause the felled branches to fall to the direction where the lumberjack is located.

  It is conceivable that the lumberjack can't dodge at such a high tree.

   Hit by a fallen tree trunk, it is easy to suffer serious damage.

  This lumberjack is very unfortunate, and it is not clear how severe the injuries were. However, just looking at the location of the injury from the fifth rib to the fourth rib of the left chest, the injury will certainly not be small.

  Li Quan just watched from the side for the time being, his face became a little serious.

  "Are the family members here?" Lu Hao asked again.

   "It has been notified, but since my worker is a neighboring province and lives in a remote rural village, it will probably take at least seven or eight hours or even longer for his wife and parents to come over."

  It is still the 45-year-old worker who is answering.

  Another young worker who is about 20 years old, his face is pale and his body is shaking constantly. This is scary.

  When Li Quan first went to the hospital for internship, he also experienced many fears.

  Especially the first time I saw a parturient woman died because of amniotic fluid embolism. He couldn't eat all day, and he always wanted to retching.

   "Since the family members are not present, who is the person in charge?" Lu Hao asked again.

   "I am, I am!"

  A boss-like person standing under the stage with a black leather bag and raising his hand.

   "You are the person in charge, then you come here, and the situation of the injured must be explained to you." Lu Hao waved to the boss.

  However, the boss was obviously concerned and found a pair of sunglasses to put on, and then reluctantly stepped onto the stage.

  There are many media reporters on the scene. Now that there is a safety accident, he naturally does not want to expose it.

  After taking the stage, Dr. Lu Hao pointed to the location of the patient’s wound.

"This is the fifth rib on the left side of the human body. The injured part is larger and should involve the fourth rib on the left. Between these two ribs, the corresponding position is the mitral valve area of ​​the heart. This position is the most apical pulsation. Stronger, also called the apical area.

  Now that the injured person’s external wound is obviously collapsed, the possibility of ribs breaking is very high.

  After the rib is broken, it may damage the heart. This patient’s condition is very dangerous. "

  Dr. Lu Hao does have the level, and he knows all about the injury points of the patient and the parts that may be endangered.

"According to my experience in treatment, this type of broken rib injury can generally be resolved by minimally invasive surgery. I once treated a critically ill patient who had a broken rib and only a little bit of the heart was pierced. At that time. Other big hospitals dare not accept..."

  Dr. Lu Hao did not rush to treat the patient, but began to talk about his past heroic deeds and successful cases.

  Li Quan stood by and saw that the patient's face was changing little by little.

  His brow furrowed tighter.

  Seeing that Dr. Lu Hao is still talking about various professional knowledge, citing the classics and eloquently.

  If this delay continues, the wounded will die.

  Li Quan squatted down and put on the wrist pulse of the injured, and began to check the pulse of the injured, to further confirm whether the injured was getting worse as he saw it?

  While Lu Hao flaunted his expertise there, he wanted to get back a round, and he caught Li Quan's pulse diagnosis.

  He couldn't help but show a proud smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Dr. Li must have listened to my professional introduction, and can’t help but want to learn about pulse diagnosis? Let me tell you, this pulse diagnosis is a relatively backward diagnosis method. Ancient ancestors did not have modern stethoscopes. High-tech testing instruments such as electrocardiograph, CT, etc.

  That’s why the ancestors were forced to use this backward pulse diagnosis method to judge the patient’s basic condition by palpating the patient’s arterial beating.

  This ancient diagnostic method is neither accurate nor in line with modern high-tech medical standards..."

  Lu Hao is still preaching to Li Quan endlessly.

  Tongbi pulse diagnosis is a very backward diagnosis method.

  Li Quan's brow frowned as if he hadn't heard what he said.

   "The patient is now very dangerous and should be sent to the operating room for rescue immediately. Otherwise, it will be too late." Li Quan's voice was unprecedentedly solemn.

  With imperative urgency.

  It is the bounden duty of doctors to save the lives of patients.

  "Let’s not be alarmist here to find a sense of existence. I tell you, as long as I am here, the patient can be treated. My minimally invasive surgery ability is absolutely top in the industry. I know the patient’s condition better than you."

  The medical ethics of Dr. Lu Hao is far worse than that of Jiang Enke.

  But this person’s education is really high.

  At this moment, he is ostensibly introducing the wounded person's situation to the person in charge of the wounded person, but in fact he is talking nonsense. But I took this opportunity to deliberately show off to the judges and media reporters that I was very knowledgeable in medicine.

   was interrupted by Li Quan and robbed him of the limelight, he was naturally very upset.

   "Let me say it again, the patient must be sent to the operating room immediately for rescue, and it will be too late." Li Quan almost roared, his expression turned a little savage.

  He is really anxious.

  This is a living life.

  Compared with Jiang's orthopedics medical skills, in his opinion, although it is related to Chinese orthopedics and his own vital interests. But it's definitely not more important than a patient's life.

"Boy, pay attention to your identity. You are just a Guipei doctor who doesn't even have a medical license. Do you really regard yourself as an onion? This patient has normal breathing, clear consciousness, and good spirits. You think you will Like you said, you will die immediately if you don't rescue it?"

  A physician Gui Pei actually dared to yell at his chief physician in public.

   Really thought this was the orthopedic department of traditional Chinese medicine in Whale Hospital?

  It’s not yet Li Quan’s turn to call the shots.

  Li Quan didn't bother to care about this arrogant Dr. Lu Hao.

People like    were actually promoted to the second-generation successor by Jiang’s Orthopedics, and even promoted to the level of chief physician. It can only be said that for the sake of fame and benefit, Jiang's orthopedics completely ignores the medical ethics assessment of doctors.

  This is the misfortune of the patient.

  Although this person has a very high degree of education, he does not take the patient’s life seriously, and he is extremely arrogant and cannot listen to the opinions of lower-level doctors.

  It’s certainly not the first time an accident occurred.

  It's just that the hospital itself is in a strong position and the patients are in a weak position.

  Some black-hearted hospitals require you to sign a lot of risk consent forms before admission or surgery. In the end, even if the patient is cured, it is a normal rescue death.

  Doctors and hospitals will be clean.

  There are even some black hospitals that directly let the patient lie on the operating table, and temporarily add money after the operation is performed on the patient.

  If the patient does not give it, let the patient lie down on the operating table.

  Jiang’s Orthopaedic Hospital is a regular hospital, and there should be no such obvious illegal medical behavior.

  However, it should be indispensable to get rid of medical responsibility.

  Li Quan turned and looked at the five judges.

"Dear five judges, I found that the patient’s injury is getting worse and worsening rapidly through pulse diagnosis. If the emergency treatment is not implemented immediately, the patient is likely to die immediately. I can give up this competition, just for the injured person. Seeking an opportunity to be sent to the operating room immediately for rescue."

  Li Quan’s words moved countless people present.

  In order to save the patient's life, he directly chose to admit defeat.

  This is the real noble medical ethics.

  Even the hostess who hated Li Quan so much was moved.

  "Doctor Li, do you really want to admit defeat?" Luo Wenhao and Hu Yueer persuaded each other.

  They did not expect Li Quan to make this decision.

  You must know that with Li Quan's medical skills, the winning side is very large.

  At this moment, in order to save the wounded, he is willing to bow his head and admit defeat.

  According to the rules of the competition, there are generally three rounds of winning or losing.

  Li Quan has now won two consecutive games.

  If he wins this round again, Jiang directly loses.

  Doctor Luo and Hu Yue'er are both orthopedics of Chinese medicine. They know that Li Quan came to participate in the war this time, with the heart of winning. Because if he loses, Li Quan's orthopedics of Chinese medicine will be difficult to get ahead.

  At least the heat will drop soon.

  If you want to become bigger and stronger, you need to put in more than ten times more effort.

   "This kid actually gave up, he is a real man!" Vice President Min's face showed a shocked expression, but when he looked at Li Quan, he was a little more admired.

"I used to think that Dr. Li Quan could only calculate benefits and was very resourceful. I didn't expect him to have such a noble side. Chen rarely convinced people. I really admire Li Quan's character. Today, he even If you lose, it's a glorious defeat."

  Minister Chen Xuesen admired.

   Even Minister Zhou, who was sitting next to him, looked surprised.

   "Such a talent, it would be great if they were born in Jiang's Orthopedic Hospital! What a pity!"

   Minister Zhou's words are not without regret.

   "You dare to think about it, the talents of our Whale Hospital, your Jiang family can't dig. It's best to avoid this kind of idea." Minister Chen Xuesen said coldly.

   Minister Zhou smiled wryly and didn't say anything.

  All developments on the platform.

   "Director Lu, Dr. Li Quan has such a strong request to rescue the patient immediately, I think it should not be delayed any longer. Send for examination and rescue immediately." Chairman Zhao's expression was serious.

  As the president of the Medical Doctor Association of the Magic City, he is also half an official figure.

  Even if Lu Hao is of a very high level and is a chief physician, Chairman Zhao absolutely has the right to direct the treatment on the spot.

  The boss of the wounded was also very afraid of the wounded’s death.

  "Doctor, I don’t understand the professional knowledge you mentioned. Now that the accident has occurred, the most important thing is to save people. Hurry up and send it to the emergency room for rescue!"

  The persons in charge of the injured are demanding, and Lu Hao is definitely unable to hold on.

  It's for sure that you are not convinced.

"Even if it is a rescue, a chest CT scan should be performed to check the fracture, and then to see if there is internal bleeding and if the heart has been injured, before further diagnosis. In addition, if the operation is performed, do you know the patient's blood type? If you don't know , We must first do a blood routine..."

  What Dr. Lu Hao said is indeed a normal diagnosis and treatment process.

  Before surgery, you must know the patient’s blood type.

  Because the operation may require blood transfusion at any time.

  It would be foolish to check the blood type temporarily.

  In fact, at this moment, he is still showing off and establishing his authority as the chief physician.

  "Doctor Lu, I have already given up, do you want to toss like this? Don’t forget what our original intention of being a doctor was? I will stress once again that the patient’s injury is rapidly worsening and it is very dangerous."

  Li Quan’s pulse diagnosis and inspection techniques have reached the master level, and he has the ability to diagnose diseases that desire diseases.

  Just now, he gave the patient the lungs and confirmed that there was a problem with the patient’s heart.

  He didn't know exactly what caused the major heart problem. It may be that the broken ribs hurt the heart, or it may be that the heart is hurt.

   "Hey, okay, okay, don't show off your sense of existence anymore. I want to prove how noble your medical ethics is, I yuck. You kid is too good to show off."

  Doctor Lu Hao was very dissatisfied with Li Zhu, and now no matter what Li Quan said, he felt it was particularly harsh.

  "Send the patient for a CT examination and draw blood for a blood routine."

   Dr. Lu Hao said to the staff.

  "The examination results will come out in a while. If the routine surgery is difficult to treat, I will perform minimally invasive surgery on the wounded myself." Dr. Lu Hao added.

  He scolded Li Quan for making a show, but in fact, the person who really made the show was himself.

  It’s all about this time, and he still doesn’t forget to show that his minimally invasive surgery ability is leading the way.

  He can't wait for all the patients on stage that cannot be saved by conventional surgery, and then waits for him to show his talents. Take this opportunity to succeed in front of the media reporters.

  When the patient was lifted down, Li Quan bowed deeply to the patient with a painful expression.

   "If I can't save you this time, I will only blame the doctor for being too strict, and there are too many people observing the death rules. I hate that I haven't gotten a practicing doctor's certificate and can't save you."

  Li Quan is full of guilt.

  At the same time, I hate the existing rules too much. But he also knows that the original intention of establishing these rules is to reduce the occurrence of medical accidents.

   is to prevent some doctors from being paralyzed and not taking the patient’s life seriously.

  Like the patient in front of me, clearly injured, it would be okay if I met a conscientious and responsible doctor. Maybe they will not stick to the old rules, and immediately seize the time to rescue the patient.

   I just met Dr. Lu Hao's arrogance.

  Relying on the identity of a doctor of medicine, it's not good enough.

  Can't listen to other people's opinions.

  Other people on the stage did not realize the seriousness of the problem. Perhaps everyone is more willing to believe what Dr. Lu Hao said.

  The chief physician said it was all right, and the injured should not be as critical as Li Quan said.

  The waiting time is long.

  Li Quan never sat back, but frowned, looking into the outpatient hall.

  The injured were carried in from there.

  He only hopes that the inspection of the injured can be faster and faster.

  Actually, Dr. Lu Hao should go with him. Sitting here and waiting, when the inspection results come out, the staff will be sent here, which will definitely delay a lot of rescue time.

  About seven or eight minutes passed.

  Whale Hospital came back with the person who went to supervise and check with him, with a sad expression.

  "The injured person suffered a cardiac arrest, and his blood pressure continued to drop. He had already fallen below 60, and he has been sent to the emergency room for rescue. Dr. Lu Hao, you are very powerful. You killed a patient with your own hands."

  Whale Hospital staff angrily accused Lu Hao.

  The two hospitals had already met each other in battle. At this moment, the arrogance and arrogance of Dr. Lu Hao directly led to a medical accident.

  How could Whale Hospital miss such a good opportunity?


  Lu Hao's face instantly turned pale and bloodless.

"Impossible, impossible, the injured was fine before the examination, breathing, pulse, consciousness, and all aspects of the state are very good. How could a sudden cardiac arrest? Could it be accidentally touching during the examination? Touched a broken rib and hurt the heart?"

  After Dr. Lu Hao said such evasive words, he knew that he could not stand up.

  The patient undergoes a CT examination. The doctor in the medical technology department is not a fool. How can it be possible to touch the injured part of the patient?

  No one can bear this responsibility if human lives are lost.

  Even the dean of Jiang’s orthopedics department, dare not take this responsibility.

  In this case, most of the doctors involved will be responsible. The hospital then compensated the patient's family and obtained understanding.

"Oh, I just hate me for being undocumented, powerless, and statusless. Even if the patient is diagnosed as critically injured, the chief physician Lu Hao doesn't take it seriously... A living life is gone, Director Lu, you This is killing, killing, you know?"

  Li Quan yelled at Dr. Lu Hao.

  He is really angry.

  Wheer Hospital has various conflicts and conflicts of interest even among its various departments and even administrative staff, but in terms of rescuing patients, life is absolutely paramount.

  Any personal grievances and personal interests must be put aside before life.

   "You don't spit people here, I tell you, even if the patient really dies, I have fulfilled my duty to treat." Lu Hao refused to admit it, and began to abandon responsibility.

  This is also the instinctive reaction of every doctor who has a medical accident.

  People are not for themselves, and heaven will die.

  True unselfish people cannot gain a foothold in this world, and may even find it difficult to survive.

  The so-called nobility, selflessness, and greatness means that while thinking about yourself, you can also consider the interests of others.

   "Director Lu, you go to rescue the wounded person first." Chairman Zhao's face was sinking.

   "There are other doctors rescuing the wounded, and I will continue to compete with Li Quan..." Lu Hao was somewhat reluctant.

   already knew that the injured man had a cardiac arrest, his blood pressure dropped below 60 and dropped sharply all the way.

  In this case, there is basically nothing to do.

  He went to join the rescue again, didn’t he ask for trouble?

  It’s too late to hide, so how can you get up again?

   "Go now, this is an order!"

  Chairman Zhao’s face was as black as the king of Hades, and his tone of voice became a lot worse. The Chief Physician Lu Hao of Jiang's Orthopedics Department is too outrageous. And very uninteresting.

  Has already been killed, and still want to stay on stage to compete, isn’t it a brain disease?

  Even if Jiang’s Orthopedic Hospital agreed, several judges would never agree.

  Otherwise, wouldn't they have become people like Lu Hao, disregarding life, comparing a medical skill, and seeing it more important than human life.

   "Go down!"

  Chairman Xu of the Chinese Medicine Association also scolded coldly.

  Dr. Lu Hao looked at Dean He Ming, and wanted him to speak for help.

   "Hurry up!"

   Dean He Ming is also unambiguous at this moment. He didn't dare to be vague, otherwise the audience would smash rotten eggs at him.