I Have Unlimited Magic Skills

Chapter 435: There will be cure within three days. Wh

  Mr. Feng was extremely annoyed, and dialed the number of Chief Wang of the Medical Department on the spot.

  "Hello, is this the head of Whale Hospital?"

  "I am the Eastern District CDC..."

  Mr. Feng introduced his identity again, and then said again about Li Quan’s bad attitude.

  "Chairman Wang, Chief Wang..."

Before Mr. Feng had finished speaking, Section Chief Wang hung up the phone.

  Under normal circumstances, even if the patient’s family really wants to complain about which medical staff, it should be the landline of the medical department office during working hours. Calling Section Chief Wang directly, this is already a leapfrog.

  If the person making this call has a big background, then it’s definitely fine.

  A physical examination section chief of the Eastern District Center for Disease Control and Prevention was embarrassed to use himself as a person. Cong thought he had a good name and called Section Chief Wang without knowing the name.

  Calculate how many catties you have.

  Section Chief Wang has always acted cautiously, but he knows how powerful Li Quan is.

  The patient’s family complained to Li Quan for such a small matter. How could he handle Li Quan?

Mr. Feng hit the wall again and was directly hung up by Section Chief Wang. Even if he was stupid this time, he understood that this young man named Li Quan was very hard at the backstage.

  His wife saw that her husband’s identity was not good enough next to her, and at this time she finally began to look at Li Quan with her right eyes.

   "Mr. Feng, do you need me to provide you with the phone number of the hospital leader? Should you call me again?" Li Quan said with a sneer.

   "Huh, even if you have a hard backstage in the hospital, that's nothing. I will take my son through the transfer procedures tomorrow. At that time, I will definitely expose the darkness of Whale Hospital to the public."

  After saving face, Mr. Feng recognized the reality.

  But men, sometimes they just want to face and suffer.

  Can not let go of the so-called face, can only suffer a greater loss.

   "It's okay, you can come as you please!"

  Li Quan smiled indifferently.

  I originally thought of having a chance to perform pedagogy tonight. Since the other party's attitude is like this, he naturally wouldn't beg to treat the other party's son.

  The failure of the patient’s family to cooperate is itself the biggest risk in the treatment process.

  In fact, for Li Quan, patient transfer will not cause any loss.

  It is the patients themselves who are really unlucky.

   "Remember, if your son comes to me within three days, there may be hope of healing. For more than three days, he will not be used to find me. It is irreversible. There is no doctor for medicine and stone."

  Li Quan said all he should have said.

  As for how the patient's family decides, it is the patient's family's business.

   "Doctor Wen, let's go! Let them go through the transfer procedures tomorrow."

  Li Quan ignored the arrogant and rude middle-aged couple, and took Dr. Wen directly out of the ward.

  I was sacrificing time off work to help their son in the consultation. Is there any gratitude, and all kinds of contempt and insults came up, really thinking that the world revolves around the two of them?

  Out of the ward, when Dr. Wen looked at Li Quan, he was full of admiration.

"Wow... Dr. Li, I have long heard that your relationship in the hospital is very hard. Today is considered a gain. Even the chief of the medical department has sold you face. It is good to have a super high status in the hospital. I am envious. Up."

  Doctor Wen no longer has any sadness on his face.

  This woman is very smart.

  She now has Li Quan as her backer, and she is very stable, and she never has to worry about being suppressed by Director Zhang.

  This difficult patient was transferred to the hospital in a desperate manner after he had nowhere to complain.

  It won’t matter to her then.

   "There is nothing to be envious of. Everyone's status is earned by ability. One day, when your ability goes up, your status in the hospital can also become extremely high."

  When Li Quan fought with Gao Yuan, he had his tail clamped and was cautious.

  Later, with a magical skill and my own efforts, he gained his status today.

"By the way, although this patient’s matter has been resolved, you almost completely rejected Director Zhang’s pursuit today. I think he will definitely find opportunities to deal with you in the future. You must know that he is picking your faults and constantly exerting pressure. , Is to greet your body and make you succumb to him. If you don’t want to fall,

  I suggest that you must be very cautious and follow the procedures strictly during the next period of time.

  There is no handle to be caught by him, so he can't help you. "

  Li Quan wants to clean up this chapter director, he needs time, and he waits for a suitable opportunity before making a move.

  He acts as a man, always planning to move.

  If you don’t move, you will be stunned. Once you are in trouble, you will be thunderous and will not give the enemy any chance to turn over.

   "I'll be extra careful. I helped me so much today. Would you like me to treat you to dinner?" She smiled charmingly.

  This fairy-like woman really likes playing with fire.

  Everyone is an adult, and the woman takes the initiative to invite the man to dinner, or two people are alone. Isn’t this just a sheep’s mouth? It was the kind that took the initiative to deliver it to the tiger.

  "Doctor Wen is very beautiful! Tigers are actually cannibals!"

  Li Quan stared at her, and two words came out.

"Hehe, I guess you can't eat people as a tiger. Okay, I'm going home. Dr. Li is such an affectionate and dedicated person, and I must be anxious to go home to see your sweet lady. You entrust me to transfer to Guan. The teacher’s 10,000 yuan, I will do it later. When the time is over, I will give you feedback on the result."

  She waved her hand gracefully and said goodbye to Li Quan with a smile.

  Li Quan looked at the time, it’s still early.

  Hurry up to Sophie’s house for dinner, so that she at least won’t think about it.

   Coming out of the hospital, he quickly arrived at Sophie’s house.

  Sure enough, as Li Quan expected, Sophie was very happy to see him coming back so soon.

   also took the initiative to ask Li Quan whether he borrowed a medical book?

  As a result, Li Quan raised the stone chess in his hand.

  "This is also a medical book? This is obviously a pile of stone chess pieces! Looks like an antique." She said curiously.

"Ancient medical books are not as singular as the modern ones. They have many styles! Simple books, bone books, murals, shell pages... can't be counted." Since Li Quan found out that he could gain a good impression from ancient medical books, he was very interested Pay special attention to the knowledge.

  He also admired the wisdom of his ancestors.

  At that time, there was no paper, so they used animal skins, cloth, or even stones, bones and other objects to write to pass on their knowledge.


  After dinner at Sophie’s house and chatting with him for a while, Li Quan returned to his rental house.

  After taking a shower, he couldn't wait to check the stone chess.

  As long as the secrets can be understood thoroughly, there will be big gains.

  After pouring out all the stone chesses, Li Quan held the stone chess box to study. From the first sight of the box made of wood, he felt that this box should also be an antique.

  Maybe it is a matching item of the same period as Shiqi.

  If this stone chess is really from the Song Dynasty, it is at least 800 to 900 years away from modern times.

  For such a long time, this wooden box with chess pieces has not decayed. Apart from being properly preserved, the wood itself must be very good.

   Holding it in his hand, Li Quan felt that the black painted wooden box looked mottled and old, but it was heavy and of good quality.

  Its wooden structure must be very good.

  But even a box made of ebony wood is worthless in the hands of second-hand antique dealers.

   is worth a few hundred to a thousand yuan at most.

  Because there is no exquisite carving in this box, it is just a simple box for holding stone chess. So it basically has no artistic value.

   "Black lacquer, this fits the characteristics of the one-color lacquerware of the Song Dynasty!"

  The most common lacquerware of Song Dynasty is one color lacquerware. Among them, black is the most common.

  Because of the people of that era, they felt dark and elegant.

  In addition to one-color lacquer, there are more advanced gold-painting and carving lacquer.

  These two lacquers are generally used on exquisite wood carvings, bamboo carvings and other products.

  The wooden box used to hold the stone chess is very simple and simple. It is painted with one-color lacquer, which is in line with the characteristics of the Song Dynasty.

  Holding this big wooden box to study, Li Quan found that there seemed to be some engraved lines inside the box.

   is a bit similar to the reticle on a chessboard.

  He found a rag to wipe off the thick dust inside the box.

  It is estimated that whether it is a second-hand antique dealer or Mr. Guan, who eventually collected this antique, he never thought about taking care of this box.

  After all, the main reason is that the value of the box is not high.

  Li Quan found that the dirt on it had accumulated for many years, and it was quite troublesome to clean up.

  It took nearly an hour to wipe the inside of the box clean.

  Because it is wood, I dare not wash it with water.

  I'm afraid of ruining this box.

   just dared to wet the cloth and wipe vigorously.

   Put it under the light, this time you can see the engraved lines inside the box more clearly.

  "Can this box be expanded?"

  Li Quan suddenly had an idea.

  He always feels that if the box is unfolded and tiled, the engraved lines inside should form a complete chessboard.

  With this idea, Li Quan began to study whether there were any organs on the box.

  Ancient craftsman, with dexterity and unique ingenuity.

  The things they design are sometimes very clever.

  If the Mufu made by Luban can really fly around the beam for three days and three nights, then China should be the first country to manufacture aircraft. Even if this rumor is false, the Luban chair made by Luban is still preserved in the museum.

  All kinds of ingenious ideas, as well as the tenon and tenon structure, amazed countless foreign experts.

   Li Quan studied carefully and found that there was a dowel on the partition in the middle of the box.

  I can’t find it before scrubbing.

  Now you can clearly see the obvious gap between the mortise and the surrounding wooden structure.

  Although the gap is very small, after practicing Wu Qin Xi Tu Na Fa, Li Quan has clear ears and eyes, and his eyesight is very good. The highest vision of ordinary people is about 5.2.

  His current vision is estimated to be above 6.0.

  Try to push the dowel out.


   A crisp sound came out.

   is not the sound of the dark tenon, but the sound of some mechanism being opened.

  Just as Li Quan was curious and was about to check, the box in his hand opened like a lotus flower.

  The partition in the middle can be removed smoothly.

  You can see that there are tenon and tenon joints where it connects to both sides of the box.

  Li Quan tried to push the mortise on the partition back to its original position, and all the mechanical mortises were automatically reset.

   "It's amazing! It's so delicate!"

  Li Quan could not help but sigh secretly about the wisdom of the ancestors.

  The design of this box is better than modern complicated transmission parts.

  However, because of modern computers, the level of craftsmanship has improved countless levels compared to ancient times. Many precision parts manufactured are far beyond ancient times.

  In the case of backward technology in ancient times, and everything can only rely on manpower and crude tools such as carving knives and saws, it is indeed very remarkable that such a delicate wooden box can still be made.

  After the wooden box is unfolded, you can see the flat wooden box, which happens to be a rectangular chessboard.

   is particularly interesting.

  But there is a clear difference from the modern Go board.

   "Hey, why does this wood still have golden patterns?" Li Quan found the junction of the corners of the wooden box. After unfolding, the new wood part was revealed.

  It looks like it has golden lines.

  Li Quan thinks that this wooden box has not decayed for hundreds of years, and a bold and heart-beating idea pops up in his mind.

  Will this wooden box be made of the legendary emperor wood Jinsi Nanmu?

  If it is true, the really valuable part of this stone chess should be this humble wooden box.

  It is said that the market price of golden nanmu more than 300 years old is as high as one ton in case. The ingenious mechanism of this wooden box, coupled with its own material, is sure to be rushed by the boss to sell it for 10,000 yuan.

  For Li Quan, even if this stone chess can be sold for 100,000 yuan, he has no surprises.

  He cares about the medical value of stone chess.

  Now it is almost 100% certain that this is an old thing. As long as you understand it thoroughly, you won't have to run with 100 favorability.

  It is not clear whether it is Shen Kuo or not.

  Now there is a chess board and chess pieces, the rest is to study the rules of chess.

  This chess is definitely different from the normal Go rules.

  Li Quan took a close look at the entire chessboard.

  There are really new discoveries.

  I saw two lines of small print.

  "The chessboard is the ground and the sky, and the colors are all good fortune according to yin and yang. White chess turns into human beings, and black chess makes sense."

  Is this the rule of chess?

  If this is really the rule of chess, how do you understand it?

  The previous sentence, Li Quan felt more like a stunt.

  The real essence should be the next eight characters.

  He picked up a white chess piece and looked at the words engraved on it.

  Old, young, fat, barren, expensive, cheap, living, raising, good, evil, worry, joy, work, rest...

  Looking at nearly twenty characters on white chess, Li Quan found that the characters on white chess were all related to people.

  Look at the words on the black chess, "warm, cold, cold, heat..." are all related to pharmacology and medicinal properties.

  He understood this time.

  The white chess represents the patient, and the black chess represents the pharmacology.

  When playing chess, holding them and deducing, can you solve each disease? Or comprehend the pharmacology one by one?