I Have Unlimited Magic Skills

Chapter 436: Expansion of Chinese Medicine Department

Li Quan sat on the bed with his knees crossed, leveled the chess pieces, and then began to learn Zhou Botong's left-right mutual fighting technique. A person plays two chess pieces at the same time.

After dropping a black seed, look for the white seed to suppress the disease, or the medicinal properties and pharmacology suitable for curing the disease.

For example, "Old" means the elderly.

Then when taking medicine, only ‘warm’ medicines can be used.

Because the elderly are inherently frail, they must be physically weak when they are sick. In the case of weak and weak, they can only be treated and adjusted slowly with mild drugs.

If the medication is too strong, the patient’s family can be called to prepare for the funeral that day after one dose.


Li Quan sat on the bed alone, just like this, fighting each other, the black and white chess pieces turned round.

If the pharmacology and medicinal properties of the sunspots, the whites can be surrounded and the disease represented by the whites can be cured. Then Bai Zi can be lifted up.

It should be a boring thing to play chess alone.

But Li Quan enjoyed it.

Sometimes when encountering a difficult game, he would frown and think hard. He even used his mobile phone to check relevant Chinese medicine information on the spot.


The next day is Sunday.

His TCM department is closed on Saturdays and Sundays, but he still has to go to work.

As the actual person in charge of a department, while possessing great power, it also means that the responsibilities on his shoulders are heavier than other department members.

After Li Quan had breakfast at Sophie's house, he hurried to the hospital.

He also remembered the patient who was transferred from Jiang's Hospital yesterday.

It is very important to cure that patient.

It was about his final victory or defeat in the competition with Dean Jiang.

Although yesterday, Li Quan had the absolute upper hand in the competition with Dean Jiang. But before the last moment, the ending may be reversed.

So we must be careful.

When he first arrived at the office, Li Quan accidentally discovered that besides Dr. Wenhao Luo and Xia Chen, there was a male doctor in the office.

"Tang Zhengyuan!" Li Quanlue greeted with some surprise.

"Hey, it's early for Dr. Li! I had some minor problems when I went through the transfer procedures, but Professor Liu had already solved it for me personally. The registration was one day late, Dr. Li don't mind."

Tang Zhengyuan said with a smile.

"It's good if someone comes here! You will be a member of our TCM department in the future!" Li Quan smiled and shook hands with Tang Zhengyuan.

Generally speaking, people with big tempers are capable people.

This Tang Zhengyuan has a stinky and hard temper, and he must have some ability.

"Let me introduce you..."

"We have introduced each other!" Tang Zhengyuan rushed.

"Haha, you are self-familiar and don't recognize students at all. Did you bring your resume? I want to see it." Li Quan has already known Tang Zhengyuan's character, but he has a little knowledge of Tang Zhengyuan's ability. Don't understand.

All I know is that he is an outpatient in the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, currently at the level of a resident.

"It's already on Dr. Li's desk!"

Li Quan looked at his desk, and as expected there was a resume.

In addition to the basic resume, there is also a handwritten self-introduction.

When he picked it up and looked at it, Li Quan couldn't help but smile again.

This physician Tang Zhengyuan is a caring person.

Compared with the doctor Kang Ziquan who was kicked out by Li Quan, he was on the road much more.

At least it is clear who is the master and who is the subordinate.

"Tang Zhengyuan, second bachelor degree, graduated from a key medical university. Work experience is four years and two months."

In other words, after three years of regular training, it has been a year and two months since he became a regular resident.

Tang Zhengyuan's academic qualifications are not particularly impressive, but he is a bit better than Li Quan, an undergraduate.

The second bachelor's degree is half a level higher than ordinary undergraduates, and half a level lower than postgraduate masters.

It is equivalent to a degree between undergraduate and postgraduate master.

I don't know why Tang Zhengyuan is, and he didn't directly pass the postgraduate entrance examination.

Then look down.

Tang Zhengyuan's medical skills are still very solid, and the courses he has taken are pretty good.

Especially for the medical knowledge of human body structure and bones, he has achieved good results. No wonder he chose to work in the Department of Rheumatology.

It matches his profession.

Li Quan looked at the self-introduction written by Tang Zhengyuan again, which was to introduce his own specialties and achievements.

"Doctor Tang, you have a good foundation for treating rheumatism, right?"

Li Quan originally planned to put Tang Zhengyuan on the night shift, almost as a bed doctor.

Now that he saw Tang Zhengyuan's expertise and foundation, he couldn't help but have a new idea.

Perhaps it is also good to take this opportunity to add another TCM rheumatism department to the TCM department.

However, we must first discuss this matter with Professor Liu.

"That's all right, Dr. Tang will work for two days in the orthopedics department of traditional Chinese medicine. I will see your performance. If it is not bad, I will teach you the Chinese medicine technique for treating rheumatism."

Li Quan said to Tang Zhengyuan.

"Okay, great! I have long been yearning for the treatment of rheumatism in Chinese medicine, and I have learned a lot of Chinese medicine books in this area. However, the theory I learned from the book has encountered many problems in actual use.

For example, the efficacy is poor, and the specific treatment methods are not understood.

I dream about having a teacher who really understands can teach me. Without a master's hand-in-hand teaching, it is difficult to grasp the essentials of acupuncture, acupuncture, and massage. "

Tang Zhengyuan was very happy when he heard that Li Quan was willing to teach him Chinese medicine for treating rheumatism.

This kind of performance fits Li Quan's wishes.

Li Quan took the three of them to the ward for rounds.

Both Dr. Luo and Tang Zhengyuan were listening and studying carefully. Even the nurse Chen Xia was quietly taking notes.

The bone disease patient who was transferred from Jiang's, Li Quan focused on the examination.

not bad.

Except for the cracked femoral head, the recovery is slower, and the bone injuries in the arm and other parts recover quickly.

Then internal injuries such as lungs, large and small intestines also recovered well.

At this rate, it may take only a week or so for the sick woman to be discharged from the hospital.

However, the patient's back bone deformity and chondroma want to be removed, all of which are major operations. If this is done, the patient’s recovery time may be more than three months.

Checked all the beds.

"Dr. Luo, today our TCM department is closed. You can practice bone setting and reduction techniques in the outpatient clinic, so that you can get started as soon as possible."

"Yes, I will!"

Luo Wenhao has the burden of a family on his shoulders, and he has elderly parents and children, as well as elderly parents. So he himself worked very hard.

"Dr. Chen Xia and Tang, you two can go to the treatment room with me now. There are two leukemia patients who need acupuncture treatment. You can observe and learn from the side."

Li Quan said to the two again.

"Doctor Tang, if you want to learn Chinese medicine for treating rheumatism, acupuncture is a must-learn skill. You watch this morning first, and then if you have time in the afternoon, you can memorize the acupoint maps and meridian maps. Two days later, I If you think you are okay, I will teach you Chinese medicine. If you can’t, there’s no other way. You can only be a bed doctor in the inpatient ward.”

When Li Quan said these words, his expression was very serious.

There was a more serious sentence, which he did not say.

If Tang Zhengyuan's performance was unqualified and he did not change after repeated teachings, he would be kicked out by Li Quan like Dr. Kang Ziquan.

The TCM department will never provide idlers or unqualified medical staff.

This is also the bottom line set by Li Quan for the TCM department.

Take the two to the treatment room and treat the leukemia patients without mentioning it.


By the time Li Quan treated the two leukemia patients, it was already 11 o'clock in the afternoon.

No way, acupuncture is too time-consuming.

I hope that Dr. Ye Ru can learn and become a teacher sooner, and Li Quan will be much more relaxed then.

In general, the TCM department is developing in a good direction.

After arranging for Tang Zhengyuan and Chen Xia to stare at the patients in the ward, Li Quan went to the obstetrics and gynecology department. He asked Professor Liu to talk about the addition of a Chinese Rheumatology Department.

This is a big cake.

Because in addition to the elderly, many children and young people who get rheumatism are also prone to this disease.

There are a lot of patients and the needs are there. As long as you have the ability, you can definitely make your business bigger and stronger.

Not long after, Li Quan was in the office of Professor Liu of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

At the moment, Professor Liu is not in the office.

After inquiring, I learned that Professor Liu was undergoing surgery.

The business volume of obstetrics and gynecology is very large, and if this volume is large, it is easy to admit some difficult cases.

Even if Professor Liu is old, because there is no one who can take over, in many cases, he can only play in person.

This is also the reason why he attaches great importance to Li Quan.

As long as you bring Li Quan around to train for two or three years, not to mention taking Professor Liu's stick, Li Quan can handle at least 80% of the patients.

At that time, if Professor Liu teaches him for two more years, he can retire and enjoy his old age.

When Li Quan was sitting in Professor Liu's office and waiting, he couldn't help but start to deduce the stone chess. In other words, it is more appropriate to call it Yaoqi.

At this time, his cell phone rang.

It was called by Dr. Wen from functional neurosurgery.

"Doctor Li, the little boy with cervical motor nerve dysfunction has been transferred to the hospital. I heard that he was transferred to the Provincial People's Hospital for treatment. When the patient's family left, they ran to our office and pointed at my nose and cursed. Chase threatening words. That Mr. Feng even put aside his harsh words, and must complain to you and me until I lose my job."

When Dr. Wen talked about this, he seemed very worried.

That Mr. Feng can also be regarded as a person who works in a public institution and a section chief. Dr. Wen is just an ordinary doctor with no power and power. When facing threats to this person, there will definitely be a lot of pressure.

"It's okay, let him complain." Li Quan was really not afraid.

Maybe, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Mr. Feng will have to behave like a pug, bowing his head and begging for Li Quan.

After all, this is related to his son's future.

His son's disease is commonly known as crooked neck disease.

Some of this disease is natural, but some slowly appear after the day.

The specific cause is unknown.

However, if left untreated, it can cause permanent disability.

It is better than frostbite, but the consequences are no worse than frostbite.

Just imagine, if a person tilts his head all day and walks high and low, can such a person have a future?

It is estimated that even survival is a problem.

"Doctor Li, you are not afraid, but I am a little girl who is powerless and powerless, so I am really afraid. It is too difficult to find such a good job after losing my job."

What Dr. Wen said was also the truth.

Li Quan has great abilities and there are too many ways to make money.

Moreover, with his current wealth, he is enough to live a life without work.

He doesn't care, he doesn't care about the job. Dr. Wen cares, it is related to her future and livelihood.

"It's okay, I'll raise... I'll help you find another job." Li Quan almost spoke quickly, saying that I raised you.

Fortunately, react and brake in time.

"Don't worry, I'm more than 80% sure that the patient's family will turn around and beg me. Besides, you haven't bumped him face to face. Even if there is something really wrong, you will only come at me. afraid."

Li Quan had her heart wide.

"Yeah! I believe you! By the way, you transferred my 10,000 yuan yesterday, and I have already transferred it to Teacher Guan. Teacher Guan said that next time I will take you to his house, but I didn’t entertain you yesterday. I'm sorry."

Dr. Wen relayed what Mr. Guan had said.

Now that Teacher Guan received the 10,000 yuan, Li Quan felt relieved.

Otherwise, it would be a little bit embarrassing to pick up a huge bargain from others.

"Doctor Wen, Director Zhang asked you to go to the office immediately!"

"Oh, good!"

On the other end of the phone, Dr. Wen was talking with other colleagues.

"Okay, Director Zhang asked me to go to the office. I won't talk to you for now. Remember, if I have the opportunity to help me up, I will do it." Before hanging up the phone, she did not forget that Li Quan told her yesterday The thing that helped her get to the top.

"You ambitious woman! I like it, don't worry, I can't forget you!"

Li Quan smiled and hung up.

I just hung up the phone, after a second thought, I said something wrong again.

I like that sentence, I really shouldn't say it.

Fortunately, Dr. Wen is a smart woman and should know that he is just a slip of the tongue.

Not long after hanging up, Professor Liu came back.

Seeing Professor Liu's tired face, Li Quan felt very sorry for his teacher.

"Teacher, I want to discuss something with you." Li Quan quickly stood up and said hello.

"What's the matter, tell me! I've heard about the things you showed off at Jiang's Hospital yesterday. You did a good job." Professor Liu praised with a smile.

"Hey, the teacher is really eye-catching. I can't hide anything from you. I came to you today to discuss with you about the addition of a rheumatism department in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The business volume in this area should be very large. I'm new. That Tang Zhengyuan has a foundation in this respect. As long as I teach him some TCM techniques for treating rheumatism, he can quickly start his business."

Li Quan himself, now really lacks skills.

He didn't dare to easily expand the department's business before he could develop a replacement.

"Adding a rheumatology department... This is not a big problem. But you also know that plundering other people’s cakes will definitely attract hostility and attack. If you will not add other weighted clinics in the past six months, I can help you Take this matter. Otherwise, you will choose the most important weighted clinic. For example, weighted departments involving general surgery, ophthalmology, internal medicine and other fields."

Professor Liu looked pensive.

These words are tantamount to giving Li Quan the bottom line.

Can't establish too many powerful enemies in a short time.

If Li Quan added the rheumatism department this time, within six months, he would not be allowed to touch the operations of the weighted departments such as surgery, internal medicine, and ophthalmology.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful Professor Liu is, he will not be able to withstand a joint attack by multiple department chiefs.