I Have Unlimited Magic Skills

Chapter 459: Surgery, surgery plus 50%

   "The three of you, hurry to eat after get off work in a while, and you will work overtime to do an operation tonight." Li Quan said to the three.

  Now, Li Quan has absolute prestige in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  The three agreed without any hesitation.

   "Dr. Luo, Dr. Tang, today's operation is a highly difficult deformed bone correction operation. You will pay attention to observe and learn later. After the operation, I will explain the main points to you."

  Li Quan, this is the beginning of training two apprentices.

  But bone correction surgery is a very difficult surgery. I am afraid they will have to study for at least three or five months before they can barely get started.


  At around 6:20, Li Quan was conducting a ward round.

  He Youlong, who had not contacted for many days, took the initiative to call.

  He Youlong is a super busy man and never chats. He called, there must be something.

   "Brother He, are you back from a business trip?" Li Quan asked with a smile.

"Well, I just returned to the company today. Your bone injury medicine has been tested and there is no problem. I am very optimistic about this medicine. If it is convenient now, I will directly bring the contract to sign with you. Old rules, four or six open, I If you don’t need people, equipment, funds, etc., you provide the secret formula and provide technical support."

  As a successful pharmaceutical company businessman, He Youlong naturally understands the value of Li Quan’s bone injury medicine.

  "Don't you need to look at the clinical effect?" Li Quan asked with a smile.

"I can trust you! I know that this medicine has given me great face when you ask me to cooperate. I don't have much gratitude. Apart from cooperation, you have all the love for me in mind. "

  He Youlong is a person who understands taste.

  Know the scale and the general.

  Li Quan is such a good bone injury medicine. He would rather drag him forever and find him to cooperate. In addition to fancy He Youlong's solid strength and character in all aspects, it is indeed because of the friendship between the two.

   "Brother He, we are mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation. But if you come to find a contract now, I’m afraid it won’t work."

   "Why not?"

  He Youlong was nervous.

  You said just now, why did you refuse to sign the contract again?

  The successful cooperation of weight-loss drugs has brought rich returns to He Youlong.

  Li Quan can allocate about one billion a month, and He Youlong should make more money.

   "I have an operation to do now. I don't know how long it will take. Or else, I will come to you when the operation is over."

  Li Quan said with a smile.

"It turned out to be like this, that's OK. When you get off work, call me and go to find you directly with the contract. By the way, Brother Li, you are now a rich man. You have bought a house and a car. Buying one is convenient for traveling and doing business."

   He Youlong suggested.

  Before, Li Quan was just a poor doctor at the bottom, and he had to calculate with his fingers even to eat.

  I don’t have money to buy a car and a house. Now that I have money, I can really spend some money to improve my life.

  Cars, houses, and clothes are all rigid requirements.

  Successful people, all of them buy houses and cars, they are not for the so-called face.

  But to make life more convenient and better.

   "Hey, isn't this busy? I haven't had time to test the driver's license. Next month, I will see if I can spare some time to practice the car and take the driver's license test."

  Li Quan really wanted to buy a car a long time ago.

  It's very convenient to travel.

  "Would you like me to give you a driver? Take the driver's license test slowly and be fine." He Youlong is really enthusiastic.

"No need, I'm just a hard worker and I'm not used to being waited on. Besides, I basically live a simple life of two points and one line. It takes only a few minutes to rent a room to the hospital. There is no need for a driver at all. ."

  Li Quan declined He Youlong's kindness.

  It is unnecessary to ask the driver for the money, whether it is paid by the company or by Li Quan himself.

  He is a person who has been poor, and now that he is rich, he still will not forget those hard days without money.

  Squandering the money he earned, Li Quan would definitely not do it.

  But when you are done with the TCM license test, go to the driving school to apply for a name and get your driver’s license first. This is fine.


  The functional neurosurgery operating room, everything is ready, only waiting for Li Quan, the real chief surgeon to arrive.

  In terms of level, Li Quan is not even the chief sword now, he doesn't even have the qualifications to be a helper.

  But his talent lies there.

  Not without him.

  So Director He and others can only wait patiently for him to come and become the chief surgeon.

   When Li Quan and Luo Wenhao and others arrived, Mr. and Mrs. Feng and his wife were waiting anxiously outside the operating room.

   "Doctor Li, you are here!"

  Mr. Feng quickly pulled his wife up to greet him.

  After seeing Li Quan’s ability yesterday, Mr. Feng’s attitude towards Li Quan has also undergone a fundamental change.

   "My son's operation has troubled you so much, this is a little bit of care." Mr. Feng stuffed a rather thick big red envelope into Li Quan's pocket.

  "Mr. Feng, it is my duty to save your son. I will not accept this red envelope. If you give me gifts again, it will insult my personality. Then I will not do your son’s surgery."

  How can Li Quan accept red envelopes from family members?

  Don't say he is not short of money at all.

  Even if it is really poor, it is impossible to accept red envelopes from family members.

  Mr. Feng saw that Li Quan's attitude was firm, his expression and tone were very serious, so he did not dare to put red envelopes anymore.

  "Director Crane has talked to you about the risks, right? Any surgery has risks. You should also know that cervical spine correction surgery is a world-class ultra-difficult surgery, and the risks definitely exist. Have you considered it clearly?"

  Li Quan asked.

  "How high is this risk?" Mr. Feng's wife asked.

   "The risk is within 10%. But even if the risk is only one in ten thousandth, there is still a risk after all, so you have to think carefully."

  Li Quan's expression is still serious.

"Doctor Li, we have already considered it carefully. Please perform this operation on our son. I believe that even if there is any accident, the son will not blame us. If the operation is successful, he can become a normal person. Otherwise, for a lifetime. They can only be disabled. In the future, working, marrying a wife, even ordinary life, will be greatly affected.

  There are many unknown risks in life, so just go over it.

  For a bright future with 10% risk, I think it is worth it. "

  Mr. Feng’s wife looked acrimonious, but she didn’t expect to speak fairly well.

  It is said that women are weak in nature, and they are strong when they are mothers.

  She is a qualified and excellent mother.

   "You can just wait outside. My team and I will try our best to treat your son. Pray for the success of the operation."

  Li Quan finished speaking, and led Luo Wenhao and others into the operating room.

In   , Director He has already summoned several doctors of functional neurosurgery into the operating room. Including instrument nurses, surgical assistant nurses, etc., all in place.

   Busy people like anesthesiologists have also come to the operating room early to prepare for anesthesia.

  However, the director of surgery was not invited to the scene.

  It stands to reason that this is an extremely difficult and major operation. At least one chief surgeon must be present.

  Li Quan understands Xiao Jiujiu in Director He's heart.

  Invited the chief surgeon of surgery to come over. After the operation was successful, the director of the functional neurosurgery department took his turn, basically no credit.

  Now, he is the highest level physician here, and the credit is certainly not small.

  Laugong is the capital of achievement for promotion.

  "How is the patient's condition?" Li Quan walked to the operating table to get the pulse of the sick child while questioning.

  "All signs are stable, which is in line with the conditions for surgery."

Director   He was cleaned up by Li Quan yesterday, and he is much more honest today.

  Even after waiting so long, he dared not express any dissatisfaction.

  "Let’s start the operation. Director Crane has no problem with the muscle adjustment operation, right?" After Li Quan gave the patient a pulse, nothing was abnormal.

  He also deliberately probed the motor nerve that was unblocked for the sick child yesterday, and it is still connected.

   shows that yesterday's treatment effect has been maintained.

  "I am sure of the adjustment of the neck muscles of sick children." Director He is not clear about the specific level, and the lowest is the attending level.

  The possibility of deputy director is very small.

  Because of insufficient working years.

  According to regulations, at least a surgeon at the deputy director level is required to perform this operation.

  Li Quan’s eyes swept across these people in the operating room.

  The male physician who is nearly fifty years old may be at the deputy director level.

  This kind of thing, Li Quan will not bother.

  If there is any problem, he will not be responsible.

   "Start anesthesia!" Director Crane ordered.

  The anesthesiologist puts on an inhalation mask for the sick child and performs general anesthesia.

  After a while, the sick child fell into a coma.

  After the anesthesiologist checks that there is no problem.

   "Successful anesthesia, surgery can be performed."

  This time it is Director He's turn to play.

  He puts on disposable sterile gloves with the help of nurses, and someone is assigned to sterilize the surgical site of the patient’s neck.

Director   He is really capable, and the cut is accurate and stable.

   "Director Crane, I will do cervical spine correction first, then you will do muscle adjustments, and finally stitches."

  Li Quan saw Director He cut the neck of the sick child with a big cut, exposing the cervical vertebrae inside. All this did not hurt any blood vessels or nerves.

   Including the avoidance and treatment of the neck muscles, they are all in place.

  The level is really not low.

  Be aware that there are many muscles in the neck. Including platysma, sternocleidomastoid, suprahyoid muscles, subhyoid muscles, prevertebral muscles, scalene muscles and suboccipital muscles.

  In addition, blood vessels and nerves are dense.

  The most important trachea and esophagus of the human body are all gathered in the neck.

  If you have to describe it, the human neck is simply an important city with a high density of population and institutions.

The operation is very difficult.

  It's Li Quan's turn this time.

   "Hu Yue'er, you are the surgical assistant nurse. Dr. Luo and Tang, you are the surgical assistant."

  Li Quan deliberately placed himself in the position.

Director   He also left only one equipment nurse to help. The others stepped back.

  At this moment, only a few raised cervical vertebrae can be seen faintly.

  The dense nerves here, even Director He dare not touch lightly.

  After Li Quan took the scalpel, he looked calm and calm.

   Carefully cut the muscle tissue attached to the cervical spine. Then began corrective repair surgery on the cervical spine.

  You can see his forehead gradually sweating.

  Hu Yueer wiped him off with medical gauze.

  Everyone in the operating room held their breath and watched nervously.

  The anesthesiologist is staring nervously at the screen of the life monitoring instrument.

  He has participated in countless surgical anesthesia jobs, and also encountered extremely difficult surgical scenes. But even the operation to rescue those critically ill patients is not so scary at this moment.

  He can even clearly see Li Quan’s scalpel, dexterously passing by the beating carotid artery.

  That is the aorta of the neck.

  As for the dense nerve plexus, not to mention.

  Injury one at random, it may stop the patient’s heartbeat or hemiplegia.

  Luo Wenhao and Tang Zhengyuan were just ordinary resident doctors. How could they have participated in such a difficult operation?

  They were shocked and suddenly realized that Li Quan, who was in charge of the surgeon, was just a doctor who had been trained for less than half a year. This can no longer be described by Bull B.

   is too enchanting.

  Even many chief surgeons do not necessarily have this level.

   However, Li Quan performed the entire operation without any rush.

  It is very stable regardless of cutting or repairing the bone position.


  This operation took nearly three hours. Li Quan performed cervical repair surgery on the patient, which took about two hours.

  After the last muscle adjustment surgery, Li Quan took the initiative to ask for sutures.

Director He had seen Li Quan's surgical ability and agreed without even thinking about it.

  Wait until the operation is completed.

  Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Someone was surprised to find that his back was whizzing cold.

  It turned out to be too nervous just now, and was shocked in sweat.

  Everything is complete, and Li Quan is pleasantly surprised to find two rows of light-shaped characters pop up in front of him.

  【Bone Therapy successfully performed, skill points +10.】

  【Successful operation, skill points +50.】

The skill points of   Osseotherapy are a little bit less, just as many skill points are added to a patient who succeeds in bone setting. This left Li Quan very speechless.

  Fortunately, the surgical operation was a big hit, and it directly added 50 skill points.

  Since obtaining surgery, Li Quan found that surgery is the most difficult one among all magical skills.

  Sometimes an operation will only increase by one or two percentage points.

When    rises well, it also rises by five or six percentage points.

  This time it has risen directly by 50%.

   really gave Li Quan a huge surprise.

  He is especially looking forward to what surprises he will have after the most difficult surgery is promoted to the Xiaocheng realm?

   "Okay, you can wake up the patient with anesthesia."

  Li Quan took the pulse for the patient and reconfirmed that the operation was successful.

  This is also his first successful bone correction surgery on a patient.

  The specific effect is not known yet.

  You need to wait a week or two for the patient’s surgical wound to barely heal before you know the effect.

  It can be seen that the patient’s crooked neck has now been corrected by surgery.

   and did neck fixation care.