I Have Unlimited Magic Skills

Chapter 487: Ascend to the sky in one step, acting as

  Xen smiled and walked towards Li Quan.

   "Li, is this a meeting?"

   "Thank you for coming with the team. You can get me a certificate in a while." Li Quan smiled and nodded.

   "Professor Exxen, please sit here! You can go to the back and find a seat."

  Deputy Dean Min got up and greeted him.

"Okay thank you."

  Xen sat down beside Li Quan.

  He hasn't seen Li Quan for more than a month, and he has many things to say to Li Quan. Li Quan also needs Li Quan to help them solve new problems encountered in researching new drugs.

  This is the point.

   "Li, I haven't seen you for more than a month, you can make me think so hard!" Axen, an old American man, held Li Quan's hand tightly and refused to let go.

   makes Li Quan's goose bumps all over.

   "We will talk about the old days later. Now that the chief leader of the province has come down, it is important to have a meeting first. Do you understand what you will say later?" Li Quan asked in a low voice.

   "OK, OK."

  How can such a shrewd old man like Xen not understand.

   More than half a month ago, when he learned that the research results that Li Quan exchanged with him were shamelessly taken away by Hezhen and Jiang Yuansuke, he realized why Li Quan hadn't helped them research new drugs for more than a month.

  I came here this time to help Li Quan solve this problem.

  In addition, he and his team are applying for a tourist visa, which will arrive in three months.

  He really wants to successfully develop new drugs before the visa expires.

  So, Li Quan called him to come over and help testify. Without a word, he rushed over with someone.

   "Are all the middle and high levels of the Whale Hospital here?" Director Wan asked majesticly.

   "Report to Director Wan, there are a total of 726 middle and high-level leaders in Whale Hospital, and 676 people are present. The rest are either studying in the field or not in the hospital just on vacation today."

  Head of the Personnel Department, He, personally registered the attendees at the door with paper and pen.

  All the top leaders come, so he naturally has to work harder.

   "Well, let's start today's meeting!"

Director Wan's expression is always serious.

  Hezhen, who is sitting in the chair of the dean, is still dazed at the moment. He doesn't know why these superiors are here?

  Just looking at these leaders, one by one looks murderous, very scary.

  Besides, Jiang Yuansuke has not seen the figure, he can't help feeling a strong anxiety.

   "Director Wan, I don’t know what is going to be discussed in this meeting today?"

  Crane couldn't help but ask.

   "What's the hurry, you will know in a moment."

   Director Wan was very kind to him last time.

  It was cold this time.

  The management of the hospital are all masters of observation. One by one, I thought about it below.

  It seems that Dean Crane is a bit bad today.

Director Wan swept the audience with his majestic eyes, and then stood up.

  "First of all, I would like to apologize publicly here. Because of our negligence in work, two despicable men took advantage of the loopholes and stole the medical research results that Dr. Li Quan dedicated to the country."

   Director Wan bowed to everyone.

After    was over, he bowed and apologized again to Li Quan who was sitting there alone.

  "Doctor Li Quan, because of our sloppy and careless work, we characterize your research results as Hezhen’s contributions to the country. Sorry, please accept my belated apology."

  Someone must take responsibility for this matter.

  Unexpectedly, Director Wan would eventually step up and shoulder the responsibility.

  When Director Wan announced the shocking news, the audience was shocked.

  No one can think that the wrong person was awarded last time.

  Hezhen's face instantly turned pale, without a trace of blood. Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, he did not expect it to come so suddenly and so unexpectedly.

"I don't blame you, I only blame Hezhen and Jiang Yuansuke on the two despicable villains. After I got the USB flash drive with the data in my hand, I didn't let me meet you and the leaders of the provincial government at all. Dean Tan has just finished the operation and is in a hospital retreat, unable to take care of it. So these two brave villains secretly invaded all the credit that should belong to me."

  Li Quan stood up, angrily pointed at Hezhen.

   "You, don't want to spit blood. You keep saying that I robbed you of your credit. What evidence do you have?"

  Hezhen is attacking the crime and angers Li Quan.

  In front of so many high-level and middle-level hospitals, Li Quan and Director Wan accused him of being a shameful thief.

  This makes Crane really faceless.

   also made him particularly irritated, struggling desperately.

   sprayed directly at Director Wan, he didn't have the guts yet.

   So he aimed the muzzle at Li Quan.

   "Evidence? Ha ha, good question." Li Quan sneered. Stand up, take out the evidence that was prepared long ago from his arms. "This agreement is an exchange agreement signed between me and Professor Xen. Xen will give me all the results of their team's research on blood diseases over the years. In exchange, I will help the Xen team solve the process of developing leukemia drugs. Problems encountered in

   "President Crane, the real can't be faked, and the fake can't be real. Whatever is stolen, it is stolen."

   "This agreement is only known to me and Professor Exxen. You thief naturally does not know the inside information."

  Li Quan directly put the agreement on the big screen.

  This book is organized and produced by the official account. Follow VX [Book Friends Base Camp~lightnovelpub.net~ to receive cash red envelopes!

  Everyone can see clearly.

  The hospital management at the scene, from the deputy dean to the deputy director of the department, couldn't help but feel an uproar.

  No one thought that the research results handed in originally belonged to Li Quan.

  Everyone did not think that, soaring upward, the head of Crane, who was still in the sky, turned out to be a thief.

  The persona that Crane really worked hard to create directly collapsed.

  "Only an agreement can still prove nothing." Crane was still dead with a hard mouth.

   "I can prove that the research results were indeed handed over to Li Quan by myself." Exon stood up and said solemnly.

   "Hezhen, what else do you have to say?" Director Wan had a sharp voice.

  Originally, Tsuru Zhen was once a soldier under his command.

  After all, Hezhen spent two years in the Health Bureau.

Director Wan also thought that Crane really walked out of the Health Bureau. He became the head of the Health Bureau, and that would be regarded as an addition to the Health Bureau. What's more, if there are tasks assigned in the future, Hezhen will work hard to implement them.

  Who would have thought that Crane was actually a thief.

  This time, even Director Wan was exhausted by this.

  The future will definitely be affected.

"I, I... Director Wan, listen to my explanation. At that time, after Li Quan got the research results of American experts, I saw that he was hesitant, and he didn't mean to submit it to the country. I thought, no, so How can he occupy important medical materials alone? His mental consciousness is low, so I can't keep it low.

  So I did some tricks, tricked the information in his hand and handed it over to the country..."

  He really arrived at this time, still running the train with his mouth full.

  He really dared to make up this kind of lie.

   "Nicky barrier, now, in full view, you dare to make up this kind of nonsense. I'm not dead yet." Dean Tan sat in a wheelchair and was pushed in.

  Hezhen saw a flustered expression on his face when he saw Dean Tan.

  Dodge his eyes.

  The tiger is overwhelming.

  Although Dean Tan has no longer served as the dean, his long-standing majesty has not disappeared.

  Not to mention that Crane really did something wrong.

  He and Jiang Yuan’s help secretly poisoned Dean Tan with only half his life left. Now Dean Tan called him a wicked obstacle as soon as they met, which naturally made him more flustered.

"Comrades, it is a blessing for me to be here alive to meet you today! Crane and Jiang Yuan helped two beasts, in order to win the position of the dean, they worked hard, and the methods were so cruel and cruel. .They actually poisoned me secretly, making me sick again and again, wanting to kill me.

  After poisoning me, while in hospital.

  They stole the research results that Li Quan handed over to the country.

  Hezhen told everyone just now that it was pure nonsense to say that Dr. Li Quan did not want to hand it over to the country. Li Quan received the research results of American experts that night and immediately reported to his teacher, Professor Liu Jinshu, and indicated that he would submit it to the country. It's just that he doesn't know the channel of submission.

  Professor Liu reported the matter to me immediately.

  Then I reported to the Health Bureau and provincial authorities.

   Early the next morning, Dr. Li Quan handed the prepared U disk to Hospital Assistant Jiang. If Li Quan really doesn't want to contribute to the country, how can he take the initiative to report? How could you give the information to Yuanzhu Jiang? "

   Dean Tan’s words once again sparked heated discussion in the audience.

  Some people even started to angrily scold that He was really not something.

  Dean Tan has a high status and prestige in everyone's mind, and is deeply loved by hospital staff. Now I heard that Hezhen and Jiang Yuanzhu actually poisoned Dean Tan in order to win the position of Dean.

  This makes them feel extremely angry.

   "Crane is so cruel and treacherous, in my opinion, he is not worthy to be the director. Not even a doctor."

Director Zou Quanliu of the Chinese pharmacy was the first person to stand up against Hezhen in public.

  "This kind of person is not worthy to be the dean! Leaders must be severely punished!"

  Professor Sun Limin is also a female and beard, unambiguous at the critical moment.

"Hezhen and Jiang Yuanzhu are not worthy of being humans! Even dogs know that they are grateful, but they will only harm people. The past month when Hezhen became the director of the hospital has made our Whale Hospital smoky. The department’s business has shrunk sharply, everyone is at risk, and the hospital’s management has become extremely chaotic. I ask the leaders of the competent department to severely punish this person."

  Director Zhang, this is a risk.

  He also yelled out the hearts of most people.

   "Request the leadership to severely punish Hezhen, re-elect a good dean with dual medical ethics, and lead the Whale Hospital to reinvigorate and truly serve the majority of patients."

  The audience began to chant slogans rhythmically.

  The wall fell down and everyone pushed, and the drums were beaten.

  Now Crane has become a rat that everyone shouts and beats.

  He finally tasted how terrifying the power of the people is.

"Everyone is quiet! I'm here to deal with this matter on behalf of the provincial government, just to pay you back. The credit of Dr. Li Quan was shamelessly taken away by the villain, which in itself is a great kind to Dr. Li Quan Unfairness will also chill all doctors who want to serve the country.

  So, we attach great importance to it.

  After many investigations, it is now known that He Zhen and the assistant to the dean Jiang Zhentian used the method of Li on behalf of Tao Zheng to steal the exact evidence of Dr. Li Quan’s credit.

  At the same time, it was also found that Hezhen was suspected of multiple similar cases of embezzling the credit of others.

  For example, when He Zhen was the director of the functional neurosurgery department, he asked Dr. Li Quan to consult and treat a patient with a crooked neck. After the cure, Dr. Li Quan, the hero who really cured the patient, was hid by him. He took all the credit to himself.

   even smarter and wrote a related medical paper.

  However, after we organized experts to appraise the paper, they believed that many of them were inconsistent with the facts, and even contrary to medical common sense. This is a pseudo-scientific paper written entirely based on his own piecemeal plagiarism medical data, plus speculation.

  Now I officially announce that, after research and decision by multiple departments, all awards and personal honors will be issued to Hezhen at amortization. The post of Dean of Tsurujin and all other posts are removed. After the investigation has been organized, the case will be filed and investigated by the public security organs and brought to justice. "

After the old leader of the country surnamed stately announced the decision of his superiors, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

  Hezhen, the black sheep, was directly eradicated, and most of the hospital’s management felt very happy.

  However, the managers promoted by Tsuru Shinshin are full of worries.

  The old leader of the country surnamed raised his hand and pressed down, and the applause stopped.

"The second decision of the superior is announced below. Dr. Li Quan, young and promising, works hard and he is not only exquisite in medicine, but also dedicated to the people. When he participated in a medical skill competition held by Jiang's Orthopedic Hospital, he said to everyone There is a golden sentence wishing that the world will be free from disease. It is enough to see that he is a good young man with responsibility and noble medical ethics, a good doctor,

  At the same time, after he obtained precious research materials from American experts, he immediately thought of handing them over to the country to serve his country. This kind of patriotism is worthy of all of us respect and study.

  For such outstanding young people who dare to take responsibility, have the ability, have medical ethics, and have superb medical skills, we should break the routine and boldly appoint them.

  Facts have proved that Dr. Li Quan is a very capable and good leader.

  In fact, under his leadership, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine has made achievements step by step, and has been well received by patients and their families. At the same time, he himself is very good, and he does not forget to train more excellent doctors.

  There have been several doctors in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine who have greatly improved their medical skills under his careful guidance.

  The whole department of Chinese medicine shows a thriving scene.

  In view of Dr. Li Quan’s exceptional excellence, the superior leadership team decided to appoint Dr. Li Quan as the new director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Temporarily acting as the dean, after one year, if the performance is qualified, he will be given a regularization. "

  The voice of the veteran leader surnamed Guo just fell, and thunderous applause broke out again below.

  There are also heated discussions from hospital management.

  Appoint a doctor Gui Pei directly as the dean, and he is the dean of a top tertiary hospital like Whale Hospital.

  It is estimated that the entire China is the first time in history.

  Although Li Quan is only acting as Dean for the time being.

  But everyone knows that as long as there is no food to get home, and if you don’t do it yourself, you will be able to become normal sooner or later.