I Have Unlimited Magic Skills

Chapter 513: There is only a dead end to resist, this

"Look at the current orthopedics department again. Western medicine stands aside, and the Chinese medicine method is directly respected. Don't look at the orthopedic department of various hospitals joining forces to resist the Chinese medicine method. It is just a dying struggle. Dean, that's a great man, what happened in the end? I was so angry that I couldn't afford it.

Just wait and see.

Li Quan is now focusing on the ophthalmology department, and this video is only the first.

Soon, our ophthalmology department will be subverted by his Chinese medicine law. "

This was what Yang Jiangjin was worried about.

Orthopedics is a lesson from the past.

He is worried that the ophthalmology department will be like the orthopedics department soon.

"Chairman, what shall we do? Or join forces to boycott him now." A 47-year-old vice president gave an idea.

"Did your brain grow up on your ass?"

Yang Jiangjin was so angry that he slapped the table and yelled at the bad idea raised by the deputy dean.

The others were holding back a smile.

The chairman is quite old, but sometimes he has a temper. It's not uncommon to slap someone on the table in front of everyone if they don't agree.

The vice-president who was scolded sullen his head and dare not say anything.

"Dean Zhao, I'm not right about things, don't go to your heart." Yang Jiangjin also realized that he was speaking a little harder, and his tone was a little slow. "Jiang's Orthopedics did it in the first place, thinking about shooting Li Quan to death. What happened? Not only did Li Quan not be shot to death, but his reputation is getting bigger and better, and the business of Chinese orthopedics is getting better.

"A lesson learned, we must not make the same mistakes again."

After all, Yangjiang Jin is a hard-working man who started from scratch. If nothing else, his long-term vision and mind are not comparable to ordinary people.

"Chairman, what do you mean?"

The other vice-president learned his lesson and stopped making ideas to avoid being scolded.

Just let the chairman of the board of directors and the dean of the general hospital come up with such important matters.

"Chang En, I want to hear your opinion." Yang Jiangjin looked at an old man who had been silent, sitting in the second seat at the desk.

This person seems to be about the same age as Yangjiang Jin.

They are all over sixty years old.

Yang Jiangjin calls others by his job title, but he uses extremely intimate terms to address this person.

From this point, it can also be seen that this old man has an extraordinary position in Yang Jiangjin's mind.


The old man called Chang'en only said two words.

"Haha, thought of going with me. As expected of our Chief Dean." Yang Jiangjin said with a smile.

"Chairman wise!" The old man smiled shyly, and said to Yang Jiangjin.

He doesn't seem to like to talk more, his brows are always frowning, and he seems to have something to think about.

Generally speaking, if it is a public hospital, the selected male dean is no more than 55 years old.

However, this person is over sixty years old and still holds the post of dean, and is an extremely important post of the dean of the General Hospital, which shows that this person is extremely difficult.

"Chairman, Dean Lu, why don't you understand what you are saying? Is it possible that our Super Vision Eye Hospital put down our body and took the initiative to seek cooperation with Li Quan?

Vice President Zhao obviously disagrees with this suggestion.

"Dean Zhao, you are a doctoral student with a background of studying abroad. You have performed well in all aspects. There are only two aspects, you must change. The first is arrogance and always feel like you are The feet are so big that everyone can step on them. But I want to tell you that the world is big and your feet are small. No matter how severe myopia is, you can understand that your feet cannot step on the whole world.

At most, I stepped on a big slap.

The second point, the least valuable is the so-called face.

The islanders have done a good job. Even billionaires or high-ranking officials should not be hesitant and unnatural when they should bow down to salute. Even if the other party is just a beggar or a refugee, they can still salute each other.

Sending a sentence to Dean Zhao, a quiet heart is the way, and stepping back is forward. You have a good taste. "

Yang Jiangjin also spared no effort to train these senior executives.

"Thank you, Chairman!" Vice Dean Zhao looked humbly and taught.

Yang Jiangjin's gaze swept across the audience, including those senior executives from the hospital chain who participated in the meeting via video connection.

"I am calling everyone for this meeting today, not to deal with Li Quan.

Why must we be hostile to Whale Hospital and Li Quan?

We all serve patients and benefit mankind. Why can't we cooperate and win-win?

If his Chinese medicine method is really more advanced and better than ours, then we should humbly learn from him. The times are constantly advancing, and no one can stop the progress of the times, otherwise there will be a dead end.

The development of super vision has been very smooth over the years, and there have been few major setbacks.

At present, there is no particularly strong opponent in China.

I have a hunch.

If we don’t make progress with Li Quan’s Whale Hospital, we may be eliminated in the near future. "

When Yang Jiangjin said these words, his expression was very serious.

"Chairman, isn't it that serious? Our current ophthalmology level can be in line with international standards." Vice President Zhao was full of disbelief.

The ophthalmology department of super vision, whether it is inspection, diagnosis, or treatment, can be close to the international developed countries.

To be weaker, but the gap is not very big.

"Before the introduction of Heiyu Intermittent Ointment, who would have thought that serious bone injuries such as fractures and fractures could be cured quickly by just applying a little ointment? Hey, I remember you, Director Zhao, half a month ago I was hit by an electric car and broke my ribs, right? You should know the magical effect of the black jade intermittent ointment best, and it is estimated that even alien medicine can not match it."

When Yang Jiangjin said this, Vice Dean Zhao stopped speaking.

Half a month ago, he was knocked to the ground by an electric car of a takeaway boy and broke three ribs.

Originally from his serious injury, he would need to rest for at least half a year to recover.

And the attending physician told him that he might not be able to recover to the perfect state before being hit in his entire life.

In the future, Vice President Zhao can no longer do heavy labor such as moving things hard.

As a result, Vice President Zhao stayed in the hospital for five days, suffering to death every day.

Later, with the mentality of trying, his wife bought a bottle of black jade intermittent ointment and applied it to the injured area.

After only one day, he found that the pain was not much, and his symptoms improved significantly.

On the third day, he was discharged by himself.

Because after using the black jade intermittent ointment for three days, the ribs that had taken more than half a year of rest to recover, unexpectedly recovered almost inconceivably.

At that time, Vice President Zhao scolded all the orthopedic doctors' parents, sisters, and ancestors.

What the hell.

One by one, he coaxed, saying that he had decades of experience in orthopedic treatment, or he was the chief physician. As a result, these people's medical skills are not as good as a bottle of black jade intermittent ointment.

"Everyone, everyone is a member of Super Vision Hospital and a community of shared destiny. I hope everyone will pay attention to Li Quan's Douyin account and pay close attention to every ophthalmology treatment video he releases.

Remember, we are not against him, but with an open, cooperative and sincere attitude, we will make progress with him. "

Yang Jiangjin's words can be regarded as a concluding remark.

The executives and chief physicians of the Super Vision Hospital followed the instructions of the chairman.

Those who played Douyin searched for Li Quan's Douyin number on the spot to pay attention.

Those who don’t play Tik Tok, download Tik Tok on the spot, register a number, and follow Li Quan.


There are many ophthalmologists in the Ophthalmology Clinic of Whale Hospital.

The highest status of ophthalmology now is Deputy Director Hong.

She originally jumped to the Golden Eagle Eye Hospital, but was invited back. And really got preferential treatment, became the head of the department of ophthalmology.

At this moment, she encountered a patient who was extremely difficult to diagnose.

This is a 67-year-old man with a slight redness and swelling when he came, and the patient said that his vision was blurred.

I thought this patient might have cataracts that are more common in middle-aged and elderly people.

Unexpectedly, after the inspection, this was not the case.

Up to now, Deputy Director Hong still has not been able to find out the specific cause, let alone what eye disease the other party has?

If it was changed before, she can ask the chief physician above for a consultation.

But at the current Whale Hospital, the four chief ophthalmologists left only one left.

And he is also Director He with a relatively mediocre medical skill.

She really doesn't know who to ask?

Seeing that dragging it down like this is no way, she can only bite the bullet and dial the number of the former superior physician, Director Zhong Zhifei.

She thought to herself, even though everyone does not work in the same hospital, but there are medical problems, they should still be able to communicate and ask for advice.

"Director Zhong, hello!"

"It's Director Hong, what can you say!"

"I saw an elderly patient, 67 years old, male, with slight edema in his right eye and blurred vision. At first, I suspected that it might be a cataract. After examining the patient’s vitreous body, retina, optic macula and choroid , Both show relatively normal.

I have never received such a case. Can Director Zhong give some pointers? "

Deputy Director Hong lowered his figure and asked Director Zhong for advice.

"Director Hong is not a two or three-year-old child. Now everyone is in charge. Do you think I will provide you with technical support? Okay, I'm still very busy. I will hang up first. You can't cure that patient. You can ask him to come to the Golden Eagle Ophthalmology Department to see me, and then I will be successful, and I can give you an introduction fee."

Director Zhong said shamelessly.


Deputy Director Hong hung up with anger.

After Li Quan invited her back, he treated her not badly. If she really did such a thing, she would be sorry to Li Quan.

After hanging up, Deputy Director Hong's brows became Chuan.

She is really anxious.

The patient was waiting outside. She bite the bullet for diagnosis and treatment without any certainty. It could easily happen.

Having worked as a doctor for so many years, she would never do such a stupid thing.

Can't let the patient wait like this all the time.

After thinking about it, Deputy Director Hong bit his head and dialed Li Quan's phone.

"Dean, I am Hong Caiyun from the Department of Ophthalmology, and I want to report to you now."

"Director Hong, please speak."

Li Quan was sitting idle in the optic nerve clinic.

"I have an elderly patient here who has blurred vision. I thought it was a cataract. The disease can be ruled out after the examination. I have never received such a patient, and I have not been able to find out the cause. What do you think?

When Deputy Director Hong asked this sentence, his face burst into confusion.

"It's okay, I'll come over and have a look. I'll be there soon."

After Li Quan ended the call, he quickly walked to the outpatient office of the chief ophthalmologist.

Arrived soon.

I saw an elderly male patient with jet-black hair and well-maintained skin sitting in the outpatient room. To be sure, this patient pays more attention to image and his hair must be dyed black.

Skin care should be done regularly.

So it looks much younger than the elderly.

Standing next to him was a 35-year-old woman who did not look like the daughter of this elderly patient.

The dress is relatively ordinary, two or three grades lower than the old man's dress, and should not be the old man's daughter-in-law.

On the contrary, it is a bit like a babysitter hired by the elderly.


Li Quan greeted the elderly and the nanny.

"The dean, it's that Mr. Feng's eyes are blurred. This is the result of the examination." Deputy Director Hong was relieved when he saw the savior came.

Show the results of the inspection to Li Quan quickly.

"This is your dean, so young!" the babysitter said in surprise.

"Our dean is young and promising. His outstanding ability and good medical skills can stand out from many competitors." Deputy Director Hong smiled and helped Li Quan speak.

At least these words made Li Quan heard very coolly.

The trust of the nanny and the elderly in Li Quan has also increased a lot.

"Mr. Feng, I heard the report from the doctor below, saying that your condition is a bit complicated, so I rushed over to have a consultation with Director Hong. I will get your pulse and check it again with Chinese medicine."

Li Quan said with a smile.

"Excuse me!"

The old man was very kind to Li Quan.

Just think about it, if you can have a lot of money when you are old, you must belong to the elite of society when you are young.

The cultivation is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Li Quan carefully diagnosed the pulse of the old man.

"The blood pressure is a bit high!"

Li Quan frowned slightly.

"Yes, yes, I have high blood pressure and need long-term medication to control it." The old man nodded repeatedly, trusting Li Quan a little more.

After a while, Li Quan's brows frowned more severely.

He withdrew his hand.

This old man not only has high blood pressure, but also has serious hardening of the blood vessels. In addition, the blood circulation in the eyes of the elderly is blocked.

Then think of the old man’s eyes with slight swelling and blurred vision.

The name of an eye disease appeared in Li Quan's heart.

"Could this old man have ischemic optic neuropathy?" A rare disease name popped into Li Quan's mind.

[You successfully perform Pulse Diagnosis, skill points +10.]

[You successfully perform Vision Diagnosis, skill points +10.]

Li Quan couldn't help being overjoyed. It seemed that his diagnosis was correct.

Sometimes, TCM pulse diagnosis methods are better than any advanced examination equipment.

In Li Quan's current state, as long as he pulses the patient, he can basically lock the lesion.

There are many kinds of eye diseases, most of which have already been diagnosed.

There are also some strange and rare diseases, which have not been recorded.