I Have Unlimited Magic Skills

Chapter 514: Another case was cured, the ophthalmolog

  This old man’s eye disease already has more mature treatment techniques.

  Some large hospitals basically like to treat this disease with a combination of Chinese and Western medicine.

  In fact, if you can find a master of acupuncture and moxibustion like Li Quan, who knows how to dredge the meridians, you don’t need a combination of Chinese and Western medicine.

  Directly perform acupuncture and meridian, and it can be cured in a very short time.

   "Dean, look at this disease..." Deputy Director Hong saw that after Li Quan had read the examination results, he gave the patient the pulse, and there was no sound in her heart. There was no hope in her heart.

  The best way is to decisively stop the damage and tell the patient that Whale Hospital does not have such advanced equipment to treat this disease.

  Then persuade the patient to go to a top ophthalmology clinic like Super Vision Eye Hospital.

  A patient who cannot be treated with persuading in any hospital will find some less embarrassing reasons.

  For example, our hospital does not have such equipment, or it is recommended that patients be treated conservatively and then observed.

  Let the patient stay in the hospital for observation, and the hospital just collects money every day.

  The patient suffers, the illness cannot be cured, and the pain is very painful. Seeing the illness worsen day by day.

  At this time, the patient can't afford it!

  I have no choice but to find another hospital obediently.

  "Mr. Feng, our hospital can treat your disease. If you want, we can treat you now, and you can be cured and discharged in as little as one or two hours."

  Li Quan is really shocking and endless.

  Deputy Director Hong, who was already almost desperate, his eyes widened in surprise, and he covered his mouth with his hands. Because she was afraid of screaming.

  "Are you bragging? Just now I said that the disease is difficult to treat, but now I say that it can be cured in an hour or two. Isn't this a contradiction?"

  The little nanny is kind of sharp teeth.

  But Li Quan is not angry.

   smiled faintly.

"If Mr. Feng adopts traditional western medicine, this disease is really difficult to treat. At least one or two months of continuous medication will take effect. This is still the most ideal treatment effect. In fact, Mr. Feng's disease is posterior ischemic. Neuropathy, some important arterial blood vessels in the eye are almost completely occluded.

  Don’t say a month or two, even if you wait another week, it may cause irreversible and serious consequences.

  If no measures are taken now, waiting until the optic disc is necrotic after a long period of ischemia, it will definitely lead to direct blindness. At that time, I am afraid that no doctor can cure him.

  I said that it is possible to heal within one or two hours, and I use Chinese acupuncture.

  The effect is quick, and there is no need to worry about negative effects.

  Even if the treatment effect is not satisfactory, you can try western medicine immediately.

  Mr. Feng, my diagnosis opinion is probably like this. You have to decide how to choose. "

  After Li Quan finished explaining, he stared at Mr. Feng.

  This little nanny obviously has no power to call the shots.

  "Thank you, the dean, for patiently answering my old man. I believe you will not harm me. Therefore, I am willing to try Chinese medicine first. Please also take your time."

  Mr. Feng did not reject Li Quan’s acupuncture therapy at all~lightnovelpub.net~Get red envelopes] Follow the public.. Public number [Book Friends Base Camp~lightnovelpub.net~ draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

  This surprised Li Quan.

   "Okay, I have already prescribed a treatment application for you. After you pay the fee, I can immediately get the silver needles and medicinal materials, and then I will treat you immediately."

  The charging standard chosen by Li Quan is based on the advanced acupuncture and moxibustion programs of the TCM department.

  As the TCM department of Whale Hospital has not been established for a long time, there are not many departments currently covered. The fees are relatively rigid.

  This is actually not very good.

The   and other committees have to report to Director Hu of the hospital and ask the finance and other departments to formulate a more detailed set of charging standards for TCM treatment items.

  Now Li Quan has become the dean, taking over the overall situation and holding power.

  The resistance from various departments is actually gone.

  Traditional Chinese medicine departments will definitely be integrated into various departments in the near future.

  Whale Hospital is truly advanced to a top three-tier integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine hospital.

  To treat this patient, Hu Yueer had to be called to help.

  When Li Quan treated the patients, he did not forget to ask Deputy Director Hong to help shoot the live video.


  Forty minutes later, Li Quan ended his treatment.

  The old swollen eyes have returned to normal.

  The blocked arteries have been dredged under Li Quan's acupuncture treatment. Li Quan's Confucian classics increased his experience value by 10%.

  Now, his general skills have reached 30% of the entry level.

  As long as you work harder, you should be promoted to the Xiaocheng realm soon.

   agreed to help Deputy Director Yang treat his daughter’s frostbite, and Li Quan would definitely fulfill his promise.

   "Mr. Feng, now you can open your eyes."

  Li Quan said with a smile.

  Hu Yueer removed the blindfold for Mr. Feng, he slowly opened his eyes, and then stared at the few people in front of the treatment bed.

  After that, a smile bloomed on his face.

   "Haha, okay, it’s really good! I haven’t seen things so clearly for a long time. Before, people, things, and scenes were all blurred, like a layer of frosted glass.

  Now, that layer of frosted glass is gone, and I can see each of your faces, even your eyebrows.


  Mr. Dean’s medical skills are really amazing! "

  Mr. Feng smiled like a child.

   Deputy Director Hong's hanging heart was relieved, and his face also showed a happy smile.

  In the clinic room, everyone smiled.

"Mr. Feng, although your disease has been cured now, you have severe hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure. I suggest you pay attention to the regular schedule of work and rest, and ban alcohol, and if possible, it is best in the morning and evening. Set aside at least an hour each to exercise. Even a walk outside is good.

  If you trust me, I can prescribe an additional Chinese medicine for improving blood vessels.

  According to the doctor's advice, you can decoct it. "

  Li Quan has also diagnosed many elderly people. The blood vessels of this old Mr. Feng are of the worse type.

  Sclerosis of blood vessels is actually a common problem among the elderly.

  As the saying goes, the old roots of a tree die first.

  As people get older, the blood vessels will become hardened, and the circulation space in the blood vessels will become narrower.

  "I definitely trust you! Please help me prescribe it! After I go back, I must exercise more according to your doctor's advice and take care of my body."

  Mr. Feng Lao now has a high degree of trust in Li Quan.

  Li Quan nodded and prescribed a Chinese medicine prescription for blood vessel conditioning on the spot.

  This recipe was not made by Li Quan himself.

   is a common prescription in the treatment of childhood blood disease.

  To date, the experience value has reached 65% for the treatment of infant blood disease.

  There is still a long way to go before being promoted to Xiaocheng realm.

  If it were not for the treatment of blood diseases in adults, only 5% of experience points would be increased, and his medical skills would have been successfully upgraded.

   is only an entry level, which can treat leukemia and hemophilia, two world-class difficult blood diseases.

  Li Quan is very much looking forward to it. How powerful will it be if the specializing in the treatment of childhood blood diseases is upgraded to the Xiaocheng state, or even the master state?

  Blood is the core of human medical research.

   is as mysterious as the brain.

  This medical skill, Li Quan is very eager to promote it to a master level or even a higher level as soon as possible.

  At that time, it may be possible to see the deep mystery of human blood.

  He prescribed a prescription for Mr. Feng, and after sending Mr. Feng away, he edited the video of the treatment he had just taken and posted it on the Internet.

  This is the second video he uploaded to treat eye diseases.

  "Director Hong, if you encounter an eye disease that is uncertain next time, you can always notify me to come for consultation. If you are interested in Chinese medicine, you can also charge yourself and learn Chinese medicine knowledge when you have time.

  You have also seen just now that Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their own advantages, and they are not as bad as imagined.

  I estimate that in the near future, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine will become the mainstream of major hospitals.

  Traditional pure Western medical treatment will quickly decline and lose the market. "

  Li Quan’s eyes shone with wisdom.

  He would tell Deputy Director Hong this because of her return to work at Whale Hospital.

  The era is advancing rapidly, and the situation is changing.

  Many pure Western medicines, if they still stick to their prejudices, arrogant and arrogant think how great Western medicine is, but still look down on Chinese medicine. Don't learn Chinese medicine.

  Perhaps, they will be the first people to be eliminated.

  "I have seen Chinese medicine many times before. Whether it is the small clinics on the street or the Chinese medicine hospital, their medical skills are just like that. Many times, they even use Western medicine to treat diseases under the banner of Chinese medicine.

  It is you who made me realize that Chinese medicine is not as unbearable as I imagined.

  I will follow your instructions and quickly learn Chinese medicine knowledge. "

   Deputy Director Hong also knew good and bad.

  Know that Li Quan is doing this for her good.

  Just now this patient, she used the western medical examination method, but she could not even find out the cause.

   Although part of the reason is that her medical skills are limited, it still shows that Western medicine is not as perfect as expected.


  The director of Golden Eagle Eye Hospital, Jin, has just summoned the heads and brains of the hospital to have an emergency meeting to keep an eye on Li Quan's every move of the Whale Hospital. As a result, as soon as he returned to his office, the dean’s assistant ran in in a panic before his **** was hot.

   "Dean, Dean, it's not good..."

   "What's the matter? Speak slowly."

   Dean Jin was also calm.

   "Li Quan has released another video on the treatment of eye diseases." The assistant to the dean rushed to report to the dean as soon as he learned the news.

"Let me see!"

   Dean Jin took out his mobile phone, turned on the Douyin, and clicked on Li Quan's Douyin account.

  Sure enough, I saw a newly posted video.

Less than ten minutes after    was released, it has already liked more than 3,000 and has more than 200 comments.

   is also enough to see the popularity of Li Quan on the Internet.

   "Poster ischemic optic neuropathy! Healed in forty minutes... I went, it was 20 minutes shorter than the previous case. It was a monster."

   Dean Jin's face became very ugly.

  As soon as Li Quan released the first video, he felt a little bad.

   Realized that Li Quan might be preparing to revitalize the ophthalmology department of Whale Hospital.

  I just never thought that Li Quan’s firepower was so fierce.

  In just one day, two ophthalmology treatment videos have been released consecutively.

   "Don't worry, this case is also related to the optic nerve. Let's wait and see." Dean Jin settled down, and now he can no longer believe Professor Xia Ping's big words.

  What Li Quan can only treat the disease of optic disc tilt.

  Now, Li Quan has cured another ischemic optic neuropathy, which has a certain relationship with the optic disc, but it is no longer the same disease.


  The Optic Nerve Clinic of Whale Hospital was originally deserted. At three or four in the afternoon, five patients came one after another, all of whom watched Li Quan's treatment videos and made a special trip to him to treat eye diseases such as the optic nerve.

  This is also enough to show that Li Quan's influence on the Internet has grown.

  Just yesterday, his Douyin fans have exceeded the four million mark.

  Since the first video of the treatment of optic nerve disease was released in the morning, Li Quan’s number of fans has begun to grow rapidly.

  It is estimated that some patients with eye diseases are attracted this time.

  Or colleagues in the field of ophthalmology.

  For example, the chairman of the Super Vision Eye Hospital directly asked all senior executives to pay attention to Li Quan’s vibrato.

   virtually increased the number of fans for Li Quan.

  Li Quan does not refuse these patients who come for treatment.

  Come and cure one.

  At the same time, his generalization and ophthalmology specialization, even acupuncture, are all gaining experience.

  The last patient has been treated, and it is already past eight o’clock in the evening.

  No way, it takes a long time to treat a patient.

  It takes more than half an hour at least.

  However, his gains are also great, and the passage of menstruation has risen to 80%. As long as the two patients with neurological diseases are treated again, his Jingjing skills can be promoted to the realm of Xiaocheng.

  It is estimated that the goal will be completed tomorrow morning.

  All of the seven ophthalmology patients treated today, Li Quan made videos and posted them on the Internet.

  Usually, he can post one or two videos at most a day.

  Today, a total of seven were posted, with only one purpose, which is to vigorously promote the ophthalmology department of Whale Hospital.

  As to whether it will cause pressure on other hospitals, Li Quan can't manage.

  This society is a competitive society. Whoever has better medical skills and whose cure rate is higher, the patient chooses.


  The next day, Li Quan went to work in good spirits.

  Whale Hospital, thanks to his efforts, the business of many departments has improved.

  Some have stopped the downward trend.

  Some even started to grow against the trend.

  The most powerful is orthopedics of traditional Chinese medicine.

  The number of consultations in a single day has exceeded the two hundred mark. This is still the case of a limited number.

  Otherwise, the number of consultations in a single day may exceed the 400 mark.

  Less than eight in the morning, Dr. Xin Le called Li Quan.

   "Dean, come here quickly. Nearly 30 ophthalmology patients have come here. They are all your fans. You are appointed to treat them."

  Doctor Xin Le is both envious and anxious.

  There are so many patients queuing up for treatment. So far, only three departments of Whale Hospital have appeared.

  The first one, the emergency department.

  Secondly, when Professor Liu from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology personally sits for a consultation, he specifically calls his expert number, and asks his patients to line up in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  The third one is orthopedics of traditional Chinese medicine. The hot scene is even more exaggerated than the emergency department.