I Heard That I’m Super Fierce

Chapter 101: .Debut

There is a saying that is well said, it's not that enemies don't get together.

Not to mention that after such a tossing down, the enemy has to become an enemy. Under such circumstances, he was deceived by the other party. The accident was a real surprise, and the excitement was also real. SCP-106 obviously didn't feel surprised at all.

Skull cleared his throat, very satisfied with his acting skills.

Most of the old man's corrupted face was left with intact teeth and eyeballs. When he grinned, he could still see a little white. At this moment, the smile disappeared and the white disappeared between the rotten lips. He stared at Lin You fiercely, and his throat was full of vague voices-he had difficulty speaking at first, and when his emotions came up, he couldn't even organize the most basic language.

The piece of meat he stuffed into his throat was shaking with the remaining muscles on the face, and it was almost shaking off any more.

This may be the only human being that the Horror Old Man has ever encountered, who, without the deterrence of a strong light, makes him want to leave when he sees it, and it is best not to run into it for the rest of his life. He takes a step back without thinking.

"No no no—"

Seeing that he was going to run again, Lin You hurriedly stopped, "I have said it several times, don't go in such a hurry!"

"Everyone is acquaintance, it's a rare opportunity to meet," she said, "not to chat together?"

The old man who was about to go through the door staggered and almost tripped himself.

——Fuck acquaintances! to chat with? Talk about how she opened her "dimensional pocket"? !

If he could speak cleanly, I am afraid he had already cursed. Poorly, he has always been diligent and sincere in his "hunting", but now he has encountered such an undead nemesis, it is really desolate and nowhere to speak.

For fear of being chased as before before slipping away, SCP-106 plunged straight into the black stain on the wall that had been corroded. However, just when he could completely leave here with only one heel, he only heard the "Huh" sound from the person behind and threw out his own assassin.

"This picture," she asked, "is it yours?"

The old man's footsteps stopped suddenly.

These two words seemed to awaken his dusty memories.

The experiment that has been out of control is trapped in a vast darkness, and no matter how much you try, you can't get out of this "wormhole". The only recorder that could accompany him was the recorder that was brought in. He spoke to himself to the small red light above it all day long. In addition, there is a certain picture of him that can give him some comfort.

Without knowing the passage of time, the recorder faithfully recorded how long he stayed.

——Five years, eleven months, 21 days.

Lin You was waiting for his response. She couldn't be sure how much the photo that happened to be picked up had anything to do with SCP-106. She just wanted to take a gamble, but looking at the other party's reaction, she might be right.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what--"

He rolled his cloudy eyes and stared straight at Lin You.

"Pocket Dimension" was ruined like that, and even an omniscient **** couldn't understand everything. He thought he had hidden the photos enough, and he didn't expect to fall into this guy's hands. No matter how Rao avoided her before, the look and roar of SCP-106 at this time were enough to prove that if the other party dared to do something with this photo, he would still take it without hesitation.

The horror old man took a step forward.

As the black mud-like liquid dripped, the floor creaked, and the threatened person was not even panicked.

"take it easy."

Lin You twisted the corner of the photo, "I apologize for tampering with it, and I have no plans to use it for anything."


It was inevitable that the other party would react excessively in a hurry, she just threw the photo forward gently. The piece of paper was no better than anything else. Halfway through it, it fell lightly, and SCP-106 caught it before landing.

His body was covered with asphalt-like color, but the photo he held in his hand was not stained with black. Lin You returned the things to him so easily, which obviously exceeded the old man's expectations. He stopped snarling, and didn't make such a vague sound anymore, but looked at her blankly, wondering what she might be thinking.

"——Finally I am willing to listen to me."

Lin You sighed decently.

"What I think is also very simple." She stretched out her hand, "Do you want to cooperate to escape here?"

Even though she seemed to be shaking hands with the other person, she didn't intend to do it, but it meant it-the legs that were caught once became like that, and God knows if other places will also be melted. The horror old man obviously didn't mean this.

"I know you can go through walls."

she says.

"Ordinary walls are fine, but there are complex and sophisticated walls set up everywhere for this. You are not good at passing through them, right? Moreover, the Foundation has already taken action on the outside. Even if you can get out by yourself, After going out, they will try to get trapped. At that time, it will only be the difference of changing from one site to another. Do you really think this is a good deal?"

SCP-106 hates light and lead, and after dealing with him so many times, the Foundation has long known how to contain him most efficiently. Even if it can't be solved by ordinary agents alone, there is a mobile task force above, there is always a guy who can deal with him.

He himself should know whether or not what she said was correct.

The horror old man looked at her and made a short sound, which sounded like a sneer, but it seemed to be something else. He didn't say a word either, instead he went straight to Linyou.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is an overwhelming picture.

The highly decomposed old man walked towards him step by step, the flesh on his face wrinkled and liquefied, with an inexplicable smile, a black, slime-like substance spreading everywhere he walked.

Lin You didn't move, even her hand was still stretched there. She just watched the other person approaching, just a second before she came up—

He disappeared.

[Name: SCP-106 Horror Old Man]

【Card Number: 029】

【Level: SR】

[Remarks: Dr. Robert Scranton, the discoverer of "Red Reality (later designated SCP-3001, had his body changed during an accident caused by him. Usually with a highly decaying appearance, he was originally a hospitable old man who also liked to play games with guests. After being retaliated, he was no longer willing to receive others. Remember, respect the old and love the young, start with me! ! ! 】

... Lin You decided to forget the second half of the reversed black and white.

Anyway, she looked at the card that appeared in her hand out of thin air and thought, it was really a bumper harvest for SR.


"Fortunately I don't have a voice," the skull said quietly when everything finally came to an end.

"Come on."

Lin You exposed it, "You haven't shouted for long."

She bypassed the corpses of two guards on the ground. This place was not easy to find, and they kept guarding it. Players other than her seemed to have never been here.

Get SCP-106, now it's time to work on this.

Standing in front of the universal converter, she opened the compartment marked "input", she took out the secondary card and placed it on the floor. After closing the door properly, Lin You stood between the two compartments, facing the dial above.

There are five levels of "rough machining", "semi-rough machining", "1:1", "finishing" and "super finishing".

"Rough processing" is definitely not selectable. The options before "1:1" are reverse processing options. For example, cooked meat will be changed back to raw meat. Choosing these may damage the authorization card.

The question is-should I choose "finishing" or "super finishing"?

The former will definitely increase the authority, but it is estimated that it will only be upgraded from level two to level three, and I don’t know if repeated finishing will work; while the latter does not know what will be processed, even if the card evaporates in place.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin You finally felt that she was reluctant to let her child catch the wolf.

——Follow him, the big deal is no longer looking for it, she just wants to play "super finishing", she has been curious for a long time!

With the adventurous spirit in her bones, Lin You decisively turned the **** to the last option. She held the "key"-shaped iron bar under the dial and wound the universal converter one by one.

The moment she let go, the little bell that I don't know where it was installed gently knocked. With the bell and intermittent roar, the universal converter started to operate.

"Speaking of which, there is no time to ask."

While waiting, the skull broke the silence.

"Who was the picture taken?"

"Anyway, it's just an answer," Lin You said, "Can't you guess it too?"

The photo was taken by Dr. Scranton before he disappeared, and he has been like this for many years. SCP-106 just won't die, it doesn't mean that he won't age due to time, pushing back according to the age, based on the age he was involved in the accident and the age of the woman in the photo——

It's a wife, she thought.

She was convinced of this when she heard the other's tone.

Without staying on this topic any longer, Lin You turned her head up.

"It would be great if I could take this away," she sighed.

There is nothing that can't be solved by one finishing, if there is, then another super finishing.

Among other things, using it to upgrade weapons is scary enough.

It's a pity that her ability is summoning, which means that it can only drive the creatures with life and a certain sense of autonomy, and it doesn't work on machines that are just pure processing. It is impossible to take it away as a special prop. The universal converter occupies an area of ​​18 square meters and weighs more than ten tons. How can there be such a prop in the world?

So regrets can only be regrets. About five minutes later, the door of the "output room" opened.

Three steps and two steps forward, Lin You picked up the things in the compartment.

......It's still a card.

It's just that compared to the original card clearly marked as secondary authority, nothing was written on this card, only blue and white patterns.

Strange, Lin You thought, try what it can do later.

"Now that the card is done," the skull said when she put the card in her backpack, "Shall we go out now?"

"Do not."

Lin You was silent for two seconds, "Wait."

Wait until the cooldown CD of her other skill has passed.

The skull felt something, "Related to them?"

Naturally, it was talking about the two dead guards on the ground, and Lin You said "um".

"It may be SCP-173," she said, "much like its standard attack method."

After the confrontation with the terrifying old man and waiting for the universal conversion machine for a while, the cooling time was not long left. Presumably, Lin You put a hand on the doorknob.

"From now on."

Lin You took a deep breath.

"You must be more careful at every step, and once you see something, tell me immediately."

She stepped into the darkness.

The door to the outside world can only be opened with a certificate. If it is 173, it means that the guy is still here 80%.

Whenever she took a step, Lin You's eyes quickly swept across every corner, and she carefully observed the movement around her.

Passing through the corridor and passing the observation room, iron doors stand in front of you.

"Behind!" She had never heard the sound of a skull so hurriedly, "Look back! Just now—"

-It's coming!

Lin You turned his head immediately in the flashlight.

The statue, which was moving at high speed in her direction, stopped abruptly. It takes on a rough human shape with short arms raised flat forward. The face is also made of concrete with pits and pits, and only red, green and black colors are used to smear the facial features.


A statue built of concrete and steel but with life, has a strong hostility to humans. It cannot move in the line of sight, but once the gaze is interrupted-even with a blink of an eye, it will immediately move to your side and break your neck.

In other words, as opposed to SCP-096, one will die if one looks at it, and the other will die if it doesn't.

The last scene before many people die is to watch SCP-173's uneven and weird face gradually become blurred in their vision. Sometimes it's easier to break it directly, it will sometimes choose to strangle you.

There is only a few centimeters between Lin You and the statue, and even her heart suddenly hangs in her throat. After all, she held back the blink of an eye, took a slow and deep breath, and worked hard to hold on to her a little sour eyelid.

But then again.

She was prepared to prevent it.

Lin You sank, facing SCP-173, she squatted down a little bit, and put the thing down on the ground.

"Don't blink," she said, "but you shouldn't need it either?"

Plaster statue: "..."

Finally, there was a chance to play, why is this strange request.

But the order was so, and the "Ms. Lin" whom the former boss valued, he still kept his eyes on the strange statue.

As early as when the skull yelled, Lin You guessed that its gaze would have no effect on SCP-173-who made its eye sockets a black hole. No matter how unmolded the plaster statue is, people will turn their heads 180 degrees if they have eyes.

Lin You blinked.

SCP-173 did not move.

Under the gaze of the plaster statue, its arms were raised flat forward unwillingly, just dead and unable to move.

The atmosphere suddenly relaxed, Lin You looked up and down the statue.

Today, she will not only blink frantically in front of SCP-173, but also turn it into a card!

There is five minutes for her to think about what to do.

"I really like you."

Otherwise, he would not run over at any risk.

Lin You put on SCP-173's shoulders solemnly-if that counts as a shoulder, "You can make your debut with 096 at that time."

It is double happiness.