I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man

Chapter 208: Conquer the General of the Town (8)

Conquer the General of the Town (8)

There is no good place in the north, but Ji Mingyuan has a lot of magical power. He just took down the hot spring Zhuangzi, and went to work in advance, and invited Xu Qingze to the west. Xu Qingze looked at the misty hot spring pool, and faintly understood Ji Mingyuan's intentions. On the way, Ji Mingyuan discussed the cheap things he could ask for, and he didn't mind doing more.

Anyway, Ji Mingyuan just wanted to try something new. This idea turned in his mind for a long time, Xu Qingze took off his robe generously, and went down the water.

Ji Mingyuan ordered people to warm the wine, and when time came to fetch it himself, he came back to see the looming light-naked back in the mist. The water in the pond is clear, but the heat is rising, making people look down on what is hidden underwater. The half-turned out of the water was really white and pretty. Ji Mingyuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and it took a lot of work to calm down the breath.

If he hadn't known that Xu Qingze was a strict tutor since childhood, he would have thought that Xu Qingze was hooking up-citing him. Even Ji Mingyuan never thought that he would have such patience, and he only touched it for a full year without actually starting. This unlucky day is really difficult. Now that Xu Qingze has been invited like this, how can he disappoint Xu Qingze?

Ji Mingyuan also unbuttoned his robes and took the wine. The wooden support floated on the water and floated to Xu Qingze with wine.

Ji Mingyuan said with a smile on his lips: "Drink a glass of wine?"

Xu Qingze looked at Ji Mingyuan and looked at the wine in the glass, and said lightly, "Don't drink alcohol when you are in a hot spring, and you are easily dizzy."

Xu Qingze didn't drink, and Ji Mingyuan did not reluctantly. He leaned in and bullied slightly, sniffing the breath of Xu Qingze: "You know a lot."

Xu Qingze froze for a while, and said after a long time: "Your Majesty said." He also heard that in his dream.

Ji Mingyuan's face was a meal. On such a good day, Ji Mingyuan didn't want to hear the name "Your Majesty", and I wondered what Ji Jinrong had put on Xu Qingze, which actually made Xu Qingze so loyal to his allegiance. What is worse for him than Ji Jinrong? Of course, he must be inferior to the people and the world. He doesn't care about the survival of the world and the people at all.

Ji Mingyuan didn't want to talk about anything else, he reached out and brought Xu Qingze to the hot spring pool. The joy between men-well, he hasn't tried it, but since he is interested in "taste", he will naturally understand thoroughly. He knows clearly how men's bodies are different from women's bodies, and what needs to be prepared.

The body underneath is strong and strong, not as weak and boneless as a woman, with thin shoulders, arms, wrists, thighs, calves, ankles, and there is infinite power everywhere. And such a body that can burst into resistance at any time, but like a beast that has bitten its throat, can only tighten its spine and wait for the fate of being torn and bitten.

It's great.

Haven't enjoyed yet, Ji Mingyuan feels satisfied. He bowed down and kissed Xu Qingze's lips. This is the place he visited most in the past year. He was already familiar with every inch of the territory. A fierce kiss swept through the storm, making Xu Qingze tremble with his breathing.

Ji Mingyuan bullied him, and was close to Xu Qingze, making Xu Qingze feel his long-pressed desire. The person in front of him is him. No matter in the dream or the dream, the body underneath is what he longs for. He will not let the "dreams" bind his hands and feet.

Xu Qingze naturally noticed Ji Mingyuan's "change", and his face changed slightly. No matter how calm and calm he was, he was less than 20 years old, and it was not easy to convince himself to accept such a thing.

Fortunately, Ji Mingyuan couldn't bear him to think too much, and soon caused the fire on him. They were both men, but they were not so shy and embarrassed.

It wasn't until Xu Qingze was physically weak that Ji Mingyuan held him in the room. But when I arrived in the room, I never let Xu Qingze smile, but said with a smile, "I don't need your effort in bed." I covered it again, and I tried it again.

Xu Qingze fell asleep almost early in the morning, and it was noon when he woke up again, and the bedside was empty. He didn't wear anything on his body. Looking down, it was all the traces left last night, blue and purple. If someone didn't know it, he would think he was beaten. But compared to the torture last night, Xu Qingze was willing to take a beating. His head was dizzy, his eyes opened for a moment, and then he closed slowly. The arms, waist, hips and legs were all weak and weak, and they fainted as soon as they moved. It can be seen that the person was like an estrus just last night.

With last night, Ji Mingyuan should get what he wants? Xu Qingze thought so, and fell asleep again. When he woke up again, the setting sun outside came in through the window. Jin Chancan's was a bit dazzling. He blinked and tried to speak, but found that his throat was sore and his voice was dumb.

Forget it.

Xu Qingze sat down with pain and wanted to go down to the ground, but found that he had already put on a coat. Those scary traces were faintly hidden under the placket. It was not so terrible. He was a bit surprised, but he heard Ji Mingyuan's voice coming from the door: "Yo, wake up?" Ji Mingyuan put down the hot porridge in his hand and brought a glass of water over, "Drink some water first."


Xu Qingze nodded, took a few sips of water, and felt his throat was much better. Try it again carefully, and find that Ji Mingyuan handed in the water from the honey to moisten his throat. His ears were warm, thinking of all the things he had last night. He never knew that such a thing could be so indulgent. But in the future, if he is looking for a partner, he must not find Ji Mingyuan like this, otherwise his body will be overwhelmed.

Xu Qingze was thinking, his chin was pinched. Ji Mingyuan said, "What do you want? You want to be immersed in drinking water, and your ears are still so red. Did you just remember when you got out of bed last night?"

Xu Qingze naturally did not tell what he thought. If such a person as Ji Mingyuan listens to his thoughts, he will surely let him know what it means to eat. For a short time, he didn't want to be as indulgent as he was last night.

Xu Qingze turned back into a stuffy gourd, Ji Mingyuan didn't mind. He tasted all the people inside and out yesterday, and he felt that the taste was really unusual. I thought I would get tired of it once I tasted it, but I didn't expect that after I tasted it, I lost my mind. If he didn't take care of Xu Qingze's body, he would have a good time to think about it again.

Ji Mingyuan's eyes swept freely from Xu Qingze. This body is energetic, that is, it is thinner. Next, feed him a lot and let him grow a little meat, so that it is more comfortable to hold it.

After making up his mind, Ji Mingyuan brought the porridge in. He sat down to the edge of the bed with interest, and fed the porridge to Xu Qingze's mouth: "Come, have some food."

Xu Qingze didn't feel right. It stands to reason that Ji Mingyuan has already achieved his wish, why is he suddenly so considerate? He was puzzled, and his mouth was not open. He just reached out to take over the porridge in Ji Mingyuan's hand: "I'll do it myself."

Ji Mingyuan has a rare interest in taking care of people, how can Xu Qingze be disturbed. He grinned, and the porridge stopped at Xu Qingze's lips, and his tone took a bit of unquestionable toughness: "obedient, eat."

Xu Qingze felt even stranger. He was really hungry and didn't want to stand still with Ji Mingyuan. He just opened his mouth and drank the porridge. After the first sip, Ji Mingyuan sent a second sip. After feeding for half a day, one bowl of porridge finally reached the bottom. Xu Qingze breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm full."

Ji Mingyuan is getting up. How can Xu Qingze get through the gap: "No, when you are growing up, how can you only eat this little bit?" He got up and walked out, taking another bowl of warm hot porridge from the subordinate Sit back to the edge of the bed again, "At least you have to drink this bowl."

Xu Qingze could not beat Ji Mingyuan, so he could only let Ji Mingyuan feed the porridge.

The next few days, they all live on the hot spring village. Ji Mingyuan seemed to like to feed him, and changed his tricks every day to make him eat more. After Xu Qingze's body slowed down, he no longer accepted Ji Mingyuan's feeding, and only used Ji Mingyuan's request more than usual to eat more food.

After feeding in this way for several days, Ji Mingyuan touched Xu Qingze's body and felt better than last time. At a touch, Ji Mingyuan was still willing to give up and pressed Xu Qingze under him.

Xu Qingze was a little bit confused. He felt something wrong. But thinking about it, the north is so desolate that Ji Mingyuan only drove once again throughout the year and went with Ji Mingyuan. Compared with the first time, Ji Mingyuan restrained a little, he was more able to adapt, and barely got up and got out of bed the next day.

Ji Ming is far away.

When Xu Qingze stepped out of the door, when he saw the guards around Ji Mingyuan standing outside, he asked Ji Mingyuan's whereabouts.

The guard knew about Xu Qingze's identity and the relationship between Xu Qingze and Ji Mingyuan, and hesitated. It can be seen that Xu Qingze's eyes are clear, unlike a man who is indulgent. The guard could not help reminding him: "Here is the little lord. He said he has found a good place and pulled his highness away." Needless to say, I know where it is.

Xu Qingze listened, but his heart was calm. That's right. He would be surprised if someone told him that Ji Mingyuan had changed his temper because of this relationship. He knew the guard was kind and just told him about it. He couldn't help laughing and chatting with the guard: "Listening to your accent seems to be a person from the south. I recognize a few classmates from the south and talk like you."

When the guard heard Xu Qingze's kind words, he felt that he was doing the right thing. He said, "Yes, I'm from the south, people from Fuzhou."

Xu Qingze said: "The tea produced in Fuzhou is good."

The guard said, "I don't understand this very well, but we do have a lot of people grow tea there. The court will send people to collect tea every year. It should be good." Then he added, "If you like it In the case of tea, I write to keep some at home and keep the tenderest and best. "

Xu Qingze smiled: "Thank you."

Ji Mingyuan heard this sentence when he returned. Seeing Xu Qingze smiling at the guard from a distance, he approached in three and two steps, and heard Xu Qingze thank the guard. Thanks? What are they talking about? Along the way, although Xu Qingze didn't show him coldly, he never thought about it like "in a dream". What did the guard say just now to make Xu Qingze smile at him? Ji Mingyuan's eyes were wrathful and he said to the guard, "Go down."