I Just Became An Immortal, My Descendants Beg Me To Come Out of the Mountain

Chapter 329: Challenge from the royal family

Chen Li felt that what Jiang Changsheng said was reasonable, he mainly came to test his tone.

"As expected of Dao Patriarch, he doesn't pay attention to the gods in the sky at all. The Patriarch of Ten Thousand Immortals is really powerful. It seems that no matter in the mortal world or in the upper world, fighting is always indispensable."

Chen Li thought silently, and looked at Jiang Changsheng with respect.

Jiang Changsheng entrusted some things, mainly about Lingshan. After the war, the Shaming and Zhurong tribes brought an opportunity for Tianjing Martial Dao to explode. More and more warriors stood out and obtained the qualification to go up the mountain. It becomes complicated, from the royal family to the geniuses of the common people, the gathering of geniuses and meritorious ministers at all levels will inevitably lead to conflicts.

No matter how strong Jiang Changsheng is, he can only make most people turn to him, and cannot control all their selfish desires.

Chen Li made a note, saluted and left.

Jiang Changsheng did not continue to practice, but used the eyes of the infinite world to spy into the depths of Taihuang.

The world of martial arts is extremely vast, and even Jiang Changsheng has not yet fully observed the entire world of martial arts. Every year he spends time looking at the world, and the avatar holding the Book of Mountains and Seas and the Treasure Book of Heaven and Earth cannot keep up with his eyesight.

This time, Jiang Changsheng continued to explore from the previous spying distance.

The races in the depths of Taihuang are indeed powerful. The creatures who dare to walk on the earth are as huge as mountains, and the fierce beasts that are ten thousand feet tall are all small here. in the eyes.

Wanzhang is only huge for mortal spirits, just like the earth in the previous life, it seems big, but in the vast universe, isn't it just a grain of sand?

Jiang Changsheng wants to pursue the peak of immortality, how can he not play the universe in the applause?

At least this is the realm Jiang Changsheng wants to achieve.

The sky and the earth shrank, mountains and rivers changed, and infinite magnificent scenery flashed before his eyes.

a long time.

Jiang Changsheng raised his eyebrows suddenly, Tiandi Wuji's eyes stopped, and he stopped pushing forward.

This is a swamp with countless potholes, as big as a lake, filled with thick fog, and many huge insects live here. Trees and vines as thick as mountains are hung on big trees, and a meteorite fell on the ground. On the swamp, the swamp with a radius of a hundred miles collapsed, forming a huge mud pit.

At this moment, this huge meteorite is cracking open, with more and more cracks and bigger cracks, wisps of black air are escaping out, which is terrifying.

Jiang Changsheng saw many meteorites along the way, but this was the first time he happened to see a meteorite split open by itself.

Under his gaze, pieces of rubble fell, and it took a long time to shatter. He saw a snow-white figure, it was a woman, only the upper body was exposed, and the lower body was still embedded in the meteorite. Her skin was fair and glowing, and her black hair fluttered, longer than her upper body.

Out of Space?

Jiang Changsheng observed carefully, and had to say that the other party's body was pretty perfect from his aesthetic point of view, and his face was even more beautiful, more beautiful than all the women he knew.

She slowly broke free from the meteorite layer, her black hair quickly wrapped her body, covering her beautiful figure.

She looked up, her pupils were like sapphires, her eyes were cold and stern, she was not confused, she seemed to be looking for something.

Jiang Changsheng felt the other party's breath.

Very strong!

Absolutely surpassed Emperor Wu!

Could it be the enemy of Taihuang Shenjun?

Jiang Changsheng tried to calculate the strongest person this woman could invite, but the system showed that it could not be calculated, that is to say, it was not a desolate god.

Of course, there is also a possibility, that is, even though she is a subordinate of the Taihuang God Lord, she can also invite someone stronger than the Taihuang God Lord.

Either way, Outer Ones must be careful.

Under Jiang Changsheng's gaze, the woman from beyond the sky flew in one direction.

"Strange, how can there be a feeling of being stared at."

The woman outside the sky muttered to herself, her eyebrows were furrowed, and the black hair wrapped around her body became longer and denser.

"It seems that Shenjun is right. The odd number is definitely not simple. Fortunately, I came down early, otherwise..."

The words of the woman outside the sky are what she thought in her heart, she didn't say it out of her mouth, and she was also afraid of being heard. Although in her senses, there is no threat within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, but in the face of unknown oddities, she must be cautious.

She speeded up, and Jiang Changsheng kept staring at her, witnessing her slaying a fierce beast, and then made its fur into a robe to wear.

Seeing that she didn't come directly towards Tianjing, Jiang Changsheng stopped paying attention to her and continued to explore the unknown world.

late at night.

The woman outside the sky sat in meditation beside a big river. Under the moonlight, the surface of the river shimmered, reflecting the twisting moon.

She took out a piece of jade, which was as big as a goose egg, and she poured her true energy into it. Soon, the jade lit up, revealing the face of Zihuan Shenjun.

"Shenjun, I have arrived in the Taihuang Martial Realm." The woman outside the sky said softly.

Zihuan Shenjun did not change his face, and said: "Look for the human race first, don't startle the snake, find the strongest human race, try to win over."

The woman outside the sky nodded.

Zihuan Shenjun was worried, and said: "Yaoling, remember, don't have an attitude of contempt for the martial world, the existence you face may not be as good as you, and the odd numbers that can make Taihuang Shenjun helpless must not be used by the creatures of the martial world. Combat strength to evaluate."

Chang Yaoling, who is also a woman outside the sky, replied: "Don't worry, I understand the importance of this matter."

The Lord Zihuan gave a few more instructions, and the picture in the jade was just interrupted.

Chang Yaoling put the jade stone in front of her eyes, and her right eye directly sucked the jade stone into her pupil. She raised her head to look at the moonlight, wondering what she was thinking.

"Looking from the human world, the upper realm is really far away."

Another two years passed.

In the thirty-fifth year of Xianyuan, Tianjing has as many as five martial arts saint kings, one of whom is Bai Zun, and the number of Dongtian Realm is far more than before the war with the two clans. Mu Lingluo also began to prepare to attack martial arts The realm of the holy king.

In the fall of this year, Tianjing encountered trouble again, and a mysterious race was attacking and killing warriors who were outside.

Jiang Changsheng did some calculations, the opponent wasn't too strong, and the strongest was only in the realm of the Martial Dao Saint King, so he didn't make a move and let the Tianjing warriors hone it.

Although the enemy is not strong, they are extremely cunning. They adopt skirmish attacks and do not engage in direct combat.

Jiang Changsheng is not afraid of the warriors losing too much, so he will go to the underworld to reincarnate after death, and practice martial arts in the next life. Anyway, the background of the sky scene has risen, and it is no longer the scene it was three hundred years ago.

The capital is surrounded by autumn colors, and the bustling city has a special charm.

Today's capital city has become the most prosperous city, with many caravans and bodyguard teams coming and going, and even the city gate has increased to sixteen, and occasionally you can see too barren spiritual race.

at noon.

A strong wind came from the sky, and the speed was extremely fast. The people outside the city had just been overturned, and suddenly they saw a cold light piercing the sky and shooting towards the imperial palace in the capital.

The cold light stopped suddenly when it approached the palace, it turned out to be a huge feather with a length of ten feet, this feather disappeared out of thin air, the people in the city guessed that it was the Holy Majesty who shot it, but they were just curious about the origin of the feather.

Inside Zixiao Palace.

Jiang Changsheng stood in front of the huge feather, and the feather was actually engraved with words. The font was not as good as Tianjing's literary masters, but it showed a sharp edge.

This is an invitation letter!

A letter of invitation from the royal family lineage, inviting him to come to the royal family's sacred mountain to accept the challenge, one-on-one, if he wins, the royal family lineage will give him a great opportunity.

Jiang Changsheng raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face.

I didn't expect the Taihuang royal family to have such martial virtues. Of course, maybe the other party wanted to plot against him. If so, it would be too clumsy.

The time was also recorded on the feather. The legacy of the royal family who fought with him would wait for him for ten years at most. If he didn't go, he would give up.


Jiang Changsheng calculated the opponent's strength in his mind, he was worth more than 9 billion yuan, no wonder he dared to challenge him.

However, the strongest person that the other party can invite is not as valuable as him, so it is worth noting such an opportunity.

"Since you are threatening me, then I have to join forces with other races to increase my survival reward."

Jiang Changsheng silently thought that as he became stronger and stronger, the avatar would no longer be able to trigger the survival reward when he met the Great Master of Heaven and Earth. He estimated that the minimum standard for the survival reward was Emperor Wu, but how many Emperor Wu could a strong clan have.

It's better to wait for the ten thousand races to join forces and make a big wave!

Jiang Changsheng's eyes froze, and the huge feather ignited into flames, and quickly disappeared.

He sat down on the futon again and started practicing.

a month later.

Tianjing Wulin set off a trend of going out to fight, and more and more warriors died at the hands of foreign races, which also stimulated Tianjing Wulin's arrogance.

No one complained about the Holy Majesty's inaction anymore, but felt ashamed. Could it be that Tianjing really couldn't do without the Holy Majesty?

Under the incitement of believers with such remarks, more and more masters left Tianjing, even Jiang Ziyu and Jiang Tianming.

The prince left Tianjing, causing quite a stir.

Jiang Changsheng was not afraid that something would happen to Jiang Ziyu, both Jiang Ziyu and Jiang Tianming had three strands of his hair, each engraved with supernatural powers.

Time passed, and the end of the year came.

Chang Yaoling, who came from outside the sky, was walking on the mountain road. She looked at the majestic Tianjing capital in the distance, and felt very disturbed.

Since coming to Tianjing, she has heard many legends, and she was shocked by the extraordinary magical powers of Tianjing Sheng.

If the legend is true, some methods of Tianjing Sheng can't even be done by people from the upper realm.

The more apprehensive she was, the more she wanted to get closer to Majesty Tianjing.

the other side.

In Zixiao Palace, Jiang Changsheng also noticed her coming.

"So fast?"

Jiang Changsheng was surprised, the place where this woman descended was extremely far away from Tianjing, even if she surpassed Emperor Wu, it couldn't be so fast, right?

But if the other party dares to come, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com must want to see him.

He immediately sent a voice transmission to Bai Yiwei.

After half an hour.

Chang Yaoling lined up to enter the capital, but just after entering the city, a guard in white found her.

"Girl, His Majesty wants to see you."

Bai Yiwei opened his mouth and said, wearing a mask, he couldn't distinguish between men and women.

Chang Yaoling was moved, her skills were not simple, even a **** would find it hard to find out, that's why the **** Zihuan dared to send her down to earth.

She took a deep breath, suppressed the horror in her heart, nodded, and followed Bai Yiwei.

The people and warriors around looked at her curiously, pointing fingers, some were curious about her identity, some were envious of her beauty.

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