I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 1162: inverse! (The first one! Please subscrib

The emperor suddenly shot, and directly in front of everyone, slammed a palm at Pei Ling.

The palm wind whimpered, like ten thousand ghosts crying together, mixed with bursts of gloomy wind, and swept the audience in an instant.

The gauze curtains and bead curtains moved one after another, and the mortals in the hall shuddered, only feeling that their scalps were numb, like falling into an ice cellar.

Just as the palm wind approached Pei Ling and was about to touch the corner of his clothes, it suddenly stopped, and then turned into a gust of wind and dispersed.

The wind was strong and mighty, the empress dowagers, concubines, imperial heirs, and ministers all swelled up, their skirts fluttered, their hair fluttered, and the sound of bead and jade pendants shaking could be heard incessantly.

Seeing this scene, the empress dowager, the concubine, the emperor's heir, and the civil and military officials were all shocked.

A younger minister suddenly reacted, pointing to the emperor and said in horror: "Demon, sorcery! He is fake!"

The others came back to their senses after hearing the words, and Ruan Xilu was the first to scream, "He's a monster! He's not an emperor!"

Concubine Shu, Concubine De, and Concubine Xian all breathed a sigh of relief and quickly agreed: "That's right! He is not the emperor! The emperor is here! He is a monster!"

"This...this...the queen mother?" The queen stepped forward, supported the queen mother's arm, and said in horror, "the queen mother, the queen mother, what should I do now..."

The emperors were closely surrounded by them, all looking at the queen mother in panic.

"The emperor is the honor of the ninety-five, and the most precious in the world, but how can such a magic trick be used?" Seeing the emperor, he quickly made up his mind, pointed to the real emperor and said, "It must be this monster who has ulterior motives and intends to murder the emperor!"

Many ministers were originally shocked by the emperor's sudden technique, and when they heard the words, they immediately said: "Come on! Come on!"

"Where are the guards?"

"Quickly catch this demon who pretends to be the emperor, and launch the Meridian Gate to behead!"

"Escort! Quickly escort!"

"Whoever kills the demon, this official immediately asks the royal family for a generous reward, and the heirs!"

There was chaos in the hall, and everyone subconsciously moved closer to Pei Ling, looking at the real emperor's eyes, full of suspicion and fear. .

The emperor looked at all this expressionlessly, without any movement.

In the first place, Pei Ling, surrounded by concubines and concubines, became stronger and stronger. Through invisible threads, he took everything from the emperor.

Soon, his breath broke through to the middle stage of returning to the void, and it continued to grow stronger!

At this time, a group of imperial guards rushed into the hall and bowed their knees to plead guilty: "I am waiting for the **** to arrive late, please forgive me!"

However, as soon as the words fell, they looked at the Emperor Mandian, dumbfounded.

"Quickly tie up this demon who pretended to be the emperor and go down to behead!" Seeing that the guards finally came, the ministers hurriedly pointed to the emperor and ordered, "Quick! Quick!"

"Wait!" The thoughtful courtier quickly added, "Bring the blood of the black dog, Tiangui, and the urine of the boy, to prevent the demon from doing evil tricks again!"

Soon, the guards stepped forward and **** the emperor's five flowers. Immediately afterwards, a pot of black dog's blood was taken, and with a "crashing" sound, the emperor's head was covered all over his body.

"Be honest! Let's go!" The guards pushed and escorted the emperor out of the palace, dragged him to the square outside the palace gate, and knelt on the ground. The big knife on the head was repeatedly soaked in the liquid mixed with black dog blood, Tiangui and boy urine. After nodding slightly, he strode towards the emperor.

During the whole process, the emperor did not resist in any way.

In his current state, he can kill all the mortals here with a single wave of his hand.

But he did nothing, letting these mortal guards drag him to the execution ground, ready to be executed.

Seeing that the executioner walked behind him with the big knife in hand, the long knife was raised, and the moment it was about to fall, the emperor faintly spit out a word: "Reverse."

The next moment, the raised long sword suddenly retracted, and the emperor was pulled out of the square by the guards and returned to the palace city.

They followed the path just now and went back to the main hall where Ruan Xilu lived in exactly the same way. Go back to the warehouse.

The ministers, empress dowagers, concubines, and imperial heirs maintained their previous positions, looking at him in fear and shock.

In the veil, Pei Ling's breath changed from the middle stage of returning to the virtual return to the early stage of returning to the virtual.

Soon, everything went backwards to the time when the emperor made his move in public.

Everything was restored as before, and a palm wind swept out like ten thousand ghosts crying and roaring in anger.

But this time, the palm wind came from the motionless Pei Ling, and the target became the emperor!

The moment the palm wind approached the emperor, it froze suddenly, and then, just like before, it turned into a gust of wind and dispersed.


The bead curtains swayed violently, the gauze veils soared, leaping like fog, everyone's robes were flying high, the hairpins swayed, the jade pendants hit each other, the scattered hair fluttered repeatedly, and the pots of flowers in the corners kept rising and falling. .

The empress dowager, concubine, imperial heir and all officials turned pale in shock. The young courtier just now was the first to react again, but this time he pointed at Pei Ling and shouted in horror: "Demon, sorcery! He is a fake. of!"

Others reacted one after another. Ruan Xilu and other concubines who stuck to Pei Ling were so frightened that they avoided her, but it was the queen who clenched the jinpa tightly and shouted loudly, "He knows magic! He is not the emperor!"

The empress dowager's arms were trembling, and she looked at Pei Ling with fear and anger in her eyes: "Demon! This is a monster! How dare you pretend to be the emperor and defile the palace!"

The courtiers said: "Come here! Come and **** me!"

"The demons are plotting evil, and those who dare to arrest them will be rewarded!"

"Where are the guards? Where are the guards? Come and **** them!"

"Quickly pull this monster out and behead it!"

Under the control of the system, Pei Ling still sat expressionlessly, motionless, but a strong pulling force suddenly came from the silk thread in the void.

However, although this force is extremely terrifying, under the operation of the system, Pei Ling's life grid does not move at all.

Even some of the fate and power that he had already competed for had no sign of flowing to the other end.

The emperor watched all this quietly, and soon realized that something was wrong: the fate of this cursed ghost is not reversed!

At this time, a group of guards swarmed in, knelt down and saluted.

"Quick!" When the courtiers saw this, they all ordered, "Quickly tie up this demon who pretended to be the emperor and go down and behead!"

"Remember to take the blood of the black dog!"

"And Tiangui!"

"Child pee!"

The guards got up quickly and went forward to arrest the demon who pretended to be the emperor.

However, as they walked, they came to one of the fake emperors strangely.