I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 1176: Su Xirou. (The first one! Please subscri

"Su Xirou?" Su Zuiqi was instantly refreshed and quickly wrote down the name.

The holy sons and daughters of the Holy Sect of all dynasties are all dazzling peerless geniuses who oppressed the generation.

Among the peers, once you are left behind, you will be far behind!

Therefore, even though she has practiced hard these days, she is also very desperate, thinking that it is impossible for her to avenge her brother.

But this senior Su Xirou can do it, but it represents the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter, not really invincible, nor invincible!

As long as you work as hard as Senior Su Xirou, everything is still possible!

Thinking of this, Su Zuiqi immediately said: "Master, don't worry! The disciple will definitely cultivate hard, and in the future, he will also go to the five sects of false Taoism to practice! Going to the four fierce places to hone and strive for the upper reaches will not weaken my Su family's reputation!"

Su Lijing nodded slightly, he really admired that senior Su Xirou.

As a child, he grew up listening to each other's deeds.

But in fact, the most crucial point, he did not tell this disciple.

That senior Su Xirou had a very high talent. It was because it took too much time to enter the Four Fierce Lands, which gave his peers a chance to catch up, so he missed the position of the Holy Maiden.

In fact, the strength of senior Su Xirou's cultivation has always suppressed the saintess at that time...

Of course, as long as Su Zuiqi has the spirit right now, it will be fine. .

It doesn't matter what the truth is.

Thinking of this, Su Lijing said lightly: "I will teach you another practice now for the teacher."

Saying that, he took out an ancient jade slip and gave it to Su Zuiqi.

Su Zuiqi took the jade slip and respectfully said, "Thank you, Master, for teaching the Fa!"

Su Lijing nodded slightly, and then disappeared.

Seeing this, Su Zuiqi couldn't wait to stick the jade slip between her brows and check the contents: "[Maha Seyan Scroll]?"


Yousu Tomb.

The third door.

On a barren, dark land, stands a solitary inn.

The inn was apparently deserted for a long time, empty, covered with thick dust, and covered with layers of cobwebs.

Near the back of the inn, there was a dark coffin that was constantly shaking.

inside the coffin.

Immediately afterwards, the female nun of the Su clan suddenly bowed her head and kissed Pei Ling forcefully.

Pei Ling immediately felt that a bit of coldness with a fishy and sweet breath flowed into his body from the entanglement of his lips and tongue.

He suddenly realized that there was something in his body, but it seemed to be invisible and intangible, strange and unspeakable, and there was an indescribable but incomparably close connection with the senior Su Clan in front of him.

"Ding dong! This training has been completed, thank the host for using the intelligent training system, one-click hosting, soaring without worry! I look forward to your sharing of the training evaluation, please give a five-star praise if you are satisfied..."

With the sound of the system prompt, Pei Ling regained control of his body, and the [Mahe Seyanjuan] was successfully used, and the senior Su Clan has been refined into a furnace by him!

In addition, his fate has all been recaptured, and because of the burial, his cultivation base has become more diligent.

The cultivation speed of these cultivators obtained through high-level cultivators is far beyond the comparison of ordinary skills.

The knocking on the door outside did not know when it had stopped, and those bewitching voices did not continue to sound.

At this moment, Pei Ling suddenly asked, "Senior, what's your name?"

When this senior of the Su family was picked by him just now, he had already cooperated very well, and now it has become his furnace, which has undoubtedly become safer.

But just in case, he is still ready to cast the [Crazy God Parasitic Curse] at any time.

[Parasitic Spell of Chaos God], originally needed to use one's own flesh and blood as a medium to be able to cast it normally.

It's just that in the current situation, he has just finished cultivating the [Maha Se Yan Scroll], but he doesn't need to feed his own flesh and blood to this senior Su Clan, and he can use it directly.

At this moment, the female cultivator Su's [7 characters in harmony here] was panting rapidly, her eyes blurred, she didn't know if she could no longer think or if she didn't want to think. When she heard Pei Ling's question, she immediately said, "Su...Su Xirou."

Su Xirou?

I have never heard of this name, it should be a relatively long-standing predecessor of the pillow stone Su Clan.

Thinking of this, Pei Ling made a big hand [8 characters in harmony here], and then asked a voice transmission: "Tell me about the situation in this place."

"This...there are nine inns here..."

"There are... around each station... there are... there are many..."

"A being like me...is..."

"We now... have no physical body... only fate..."

"Not...the real dead...but not...the living..."

"So we need...the fate of the 'curse' inheritor...to have a chance to be reborn..."

Pei Ling nodded slightly, and then asked: "How to get the good fortune here? How to get out of here?"

"Fortune...fortune is..."

"For us, the greatest good fortune is to get... the fate of the inheritor of the 'curse'!"

"And the inheritance of the inheritor is... us half-life and half-dead fate."

"It's just that your cultivation level is too low, it's difficult to do it..."

"This place... There are very few beings like me who can stay awake! Most of the monks here, or... can no longer be called monks, have lost their minds, leaving only... the instinct to kill..."

"As for getting out of here...you need...to live in nine inns..."

Hearing this, Pei Ling nodded and competed for life, and he was already familiar with it.

It's just that the laws here are very unfavorable to him. Now, he can't open his eyes or leave this coffin, how can he fight for his life?

With his thoughts turning, Pei Ling continued to transmit his voice and asked, "Then how to obtain the fate of the monks in this place?"