I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 1177: Immortals come to dust. (Second update!

Su Xirou shook her body, gasping for breath, but she stopped talking, as if she didn't want to answer the question.

Seeing this, Pei Ling immediately urged the [Maha Seyan Scroll] to the extreme, [12 characters in harmony here].

Su Xirou's body suddenly trembled violently, and she made the sound of [5 characters in harmony here].

She is the predecessor of this Su Lijing, a former Supreme Elder of the Holy Sect, who once coerced the saint of the same generation, but now she is in a coffin...

At this time, Pei Ling made a brief voice transmission and said, "Speak!"

Su Xirou let out a soul roar of [8 characters in harmony here], and then Gu Qiinian completely defeated reason!

She said, "The knocking is over, go out and knock on the doors of other monks..."

Pei Ling was stunned for a moment, and immediately asked: "In other words, can I go out now? Can I open my eyes?"

Su Xiju said, "Yes..."

Hearing this, Pei Ling will be tested immediately, but the next moment...

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The knocking sound sounded again, as if someone was knocking on the door and on the coffin.

Pei Ling frowned, and immediately stopped opening his eyes, just pinched Su Xirou fiercely.


"Boom bang bang."

In the abandoned inn covered with dust and cobwebs, the dark coffin kept shaking.

...after a long time. .

The knock on the door finally disappeared.

Pei Ling was hugging Su Xirou tightly, and stopped immediately when she saw this.

He opened his eyes directly, and saw a very old tent in front of him. Outside the tent, the house was simple, dark and drowsy, and the sky was still unclear. He was lying on the bed alone, Su Xirou in his arms disappeared, and the original coffin disappeared.

The experience just now seems to be just a dream.

Pei Ling nodded slightly, the information Su Xirou revealed to him was no problem!

So, he immediately stood up and walked towards the door.

Pei Ling walked silently to the door, and his spiritual sense came out a little bit, and when he realized that there was no one outside, he opened the door carefully.


A low voice came out, and before the cold wind from outside rushed in, Pei Ling had already stepped out of the door.

It was also dark outside the door, with no lights illuminating it. With the cultivator's eyesight, he could only see some general outlines.

Fortunately, Pei Ling looked around and after identifying it, he found that the left and right sides of his house were the same house.

However, most of these houses are empty and nothing. There are only three rooms, and there are the breaths of Su Xirou, Samsara Tower and Wushi Villa.

Pei Lingluo walked silently to the door of Wushi Mountain Villa without making any movement.

His spiritual sense probed around, but he didn't notice anything abnormal, so he reached out and knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door.

A dull and rhythmic voice echoed in the courtyard.

The surroundings were silent, and in the darkness a little far away, there seemed to be countless ghosts and spirits lurking and waiting, waiting for an opportunity to move, deeply depressed.

The room was quiet and there was no response.

Pei Ling pondered for a while, and quickly turned into the appearance of the old demon of Menghui, and said in a low voice: "I am the golden immortal of Menghui, which immortal is in the house, please come out and meet!"

The voice fell, and the room was silent as death.

If the breath is not still there, it seems that there is no one living there.

Pei Ling frowned, with a tone of displeasure in his tone: "My immortals have extraordinary souls, and their fate is extremely precious, far exceeding the illusory creatures in this world."

"Why should I be confused by this fantasy trail, so that I am tied up, and I am no different from a low-level immortal!"

"If you don't think that you can come to this so-called fierce place in the fantasy world, you must be well-known in the fairy world. I am a dignified golden immortal, and my status is respected and noble. How can I visit you in person?"

"I didn't expect you to be so unbearable."

"It seems that in just a few years, the mind has become dusty, and the spiritual sense has become vulgar. It is like those inferior immortals who regard this world as the real world, and there is no possibility of returning to the immortal world!"

"The middle person in my generation is one less person!"

"When I was in the immortal world, I made a suggestion that immortals should not be left alone when they are in the dust. They must investigate their Taoism and will when they are in the upper world."

"Otherwise, you can't help but be eroded by the red dust after going down to the realm, and you will fall into the mortal world forever without knowing it. It's just plain harm to those of you who are not strong in Taoism."

"At that time, all the Immortal Emperors and Hongchen Immortals thought that the principal Jin Immortals were young and disapproved."

"Now it seems that the principal Jinxian Bill has fallen for many years, but has come to the top. It can be seen that they are both immortals, regardless of their strength or Taoism, they are also very different!"

"This opportunity to sharpen the lower realm, giving you such a so-called immortal, is a complete waste."

"It's good to stay in the upper realm honestly and slowly refine the years."


"You shouldn't be a low-level immortal, sneaking into my Wushi Villa, right?"

Pei Ling looked suspicious, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me your honorable title in the Immortal Realm, my Wushi Villa is the one who holds the bull's ear in this fantasy realm, not a lowly inferior immortal who can mix in!"

The house is shabby and empty.

On an old bed, the monk of Wushi Mountain Villa was lying quietly, with the curtain hanging down, he did not move, like a dead body that had been dead for a long time and had no breath.

"...In just a few years, my mind has become dusty, and my spiritual thoughts have become vulgar..."

"Everyone of my generation, there is one less person!"

"You shouldn't be a low-level immortal, sneaking into my Wushi Villa, right?"

"...The lowly inferior immortal..."

Listening to these words, the cultivator of Wushi Villa gradually revealed a deep murderous intent and hatred.

He no longer remembers the Wushi Mountain Villa mentioned by the other party, or even his own past. He only remembers that he is an Immortal Venerable who has been trained in the lower realm...

Yes! He is a fairy!

He is not afraid of anything!

He doesn't need to abide by the rules of the lower realm!

That is what those ignorant inferior immortals do!

You are a dignified immortal, and your feet are honorable, how can you act like an immortal?

Thinking of this, the cultivator of Wushi Mountain Villa knew that there was something wrong with the sound outside, but suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw that all around were airtight coffin boards, narrow and cramped, the simple room and the bed lampstand had all disappeared, and in the darkness, a pair of eyes as bright as a ghost were staring at him.

The next moment, the owner of these eyes suddenly stretched out his hands and pinched his throat...