I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 1178: You are the inferior immortal... (The fi

The coffin had already been nailed to death, surrounded by solid wooden boards, the space was narrow and cramped, and it was dark and stuffy.

Pei Ling grabbed the cultivator of Wushi Mountain Villa, but just as his palm was about to touch the opponent, a large amount of blood suddenly poured out of the entire coffin.

The blood-colored hands stretched out, and in just a moment, they grabbed Pei Ling's body, hands and feet.

The **** smell mixed with the icy and biting breath came, and Pei Ling's whole body was frozen, and his fingers could no longer advance half an inch.

The **** water surged up like a rising tide, and the body of the Wushi Mountain Villa cultivator gradually sank into the **** water.

"Curse!" A cold, grand voice suddenly sounded.

The body of the cultivator of Wushi Mountain Villa, the blood in the coffin, and the blood-colored bone hands that entangled Pei Ling's body, all quickly decayed, and the festering wounds gave birth to a face full of resentment and anger.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee…"

A shrill snicker sounded. . Echoes in the narrow coffin.

Pei Ling broke free in an instant and grabbed the monk at Wushi Villa again.

The space in the coffin was already small, and the curse on the monks of Wushi Mountain Villa was an unavoidable situation.

The next moment, Pei Ling grabbed the cultivator of Wushi Mountain Villa by the neck.

The fate of the monks of Wushi Mountain Villa immediately rushed towards Pei Ling.

Sensing that the situation was not good, the Wushi Mountain Villa cultivator reached out and grabbed Pei Ling's wrist, and the icy chill instantly penetrated into Pei Ling's body and spread to his body along his arm.

In Pei Ling's eyes, countless small runes were intertwined and ascended, [Eternal Curse Divine Ability]!

The aura of the cultivator of Wushi Mountain Villa dropped rapidly. Although his cultivation base was still in the late stage of Void Return, both his mana and strength had weakened a lot.

At the same time, Pei Ling's whole body's mana surged, and his breath suddenly rose, and he used the [Eternal Regret]!

In the blink of an eye, its strength has risen from the middle stage of virtual return to the late stage of virtual return!

This state won't last long, but for him now, it's enough!

As soon as Pei Ling's thoughts moved, the chill that invaded his body was immediately forcibly suppressed by a surging mana.

The cultivator of Wushi Mountain Villa was about to continue his movements, but in an instant, he suddenly forgot what he was going to do next...

As soon as the strike succeeded, Pei Ling shot with all his strength, not giving the opponent any room to breathe.

More and more fate flows into his body, and the body of the monk of Wushi Mountain Villa is getting weaker and weaker.

Seeing that he was about to die, the monk of Wushi Villa said in a deep voice: "My name is Guchuzi, I am Guchu Xianzun."

"The inferior immortal, you are the inferior immortal!"

Before he finished speaking, the aura of the Wushi Mountain Villa cultivator suddenly began to soar, and the mana in his body rapidly circulated. Among the limbs and bones, the majestic power kept shrinking, shrinking, and shrinking again... He wanted to explode!

Pei Ling frowned, and immediately ran the [Eclipse Sun Secret Record] with all his strength, speeding up the speed of plundering the opponent's fate, and at the same time said calmly: "The real Immortal Venerable, the Tao's heart is firm, like a middle-flowing rock, although it has been beaten thousands of times, but unshakable.”

"There is nothing in the fantasy world that can shake their determination and will."

"I don't care about life and death in this fantasy world at all."

"In their hearts, there is only one thing that deserves attention."

"That's Dao Heart!"

"Other than that, it's all just a passing cloud, and it doesn't matter."

"If you want to blow yourself up now, it means that your heart is full of unwillingness!"

"You care too much about success or failure in the mere illusion."

"You're already dusty, but you don't know it!"

"A fallen person like you, Principal Jinxian has seen too much."

"Entering the fantasy realm to experience, with the world's ten thousand feet, sharpen one's heart, see the true self, and seek rapid improvement. It was originally a shortcut for me and other immortals."

"However, for someone like you who didn't know how to become an Immortal Venerable at the beginning, it was nothing short of a catastrophe, bringing you back to your original shape!"

"The inferior immortal is the inferior immortal!"

"Even if you are given a chance, you will not be able to keep the body and bearing that a real Immortal Venerable should have!"

"Take the mere illusion as reality, you must compare your money and your spirit, and you have nothing to do with the freedom that immortals of my generation should have, not to mention the inferior immortals, even those mortals who live and die in the illusion have something to do with it. Not as good."

"Mortals still have the heart of wood and stone, and the comprehension of the interest of clouds and water. Although their life span is short, their understanding is very good. It's just that they are limited by the shortness of the physical body, and they can't get the real freedom and freedom."

"You follow the feet of the Immortal Venerable, you are free and easy, and you can get it at your fingertips, but you are addicted to the illusion, and you have fallen to this point. It is so unbearable that it is enough to shame the Immortal World!"

"Xianjie, there is no Xianzun like you!"

"You, don't deserve to be an Immortal Venerable!"

Hearing this, the Wushi Mountain Villa cultivator suddenly looked startled, but soon, an indescribable majestic anger flooded into his heart... It was just an illusion, he was not unwilling!

He is the Immortal Venerable of the Upper Realm, and he doesn't care about everything about the Battle of Illusions!

He didn't take it seriously!

The breath of the monks of Wushi Mountain Villa slowly subsided.

He said weakly: "I am Guchu Xianzun."

"The Immortal Venerable Upper Realm!"

"Inferior immortal, you are greedy for the creation of the illusion, greedy for my destiny, unable to break the true meaning of this world, greedy...you are the inferior immortal!"

"You are an inferior immortal!"

"I am the Immortal Venerable, you are the inferior Immortal..."

"You... inferior immortal..."

As he spoke, Gu Chuzi's voice became smaller and smaller. Seeing that his figure was extremely thin and almost non-existent, Pei Ling said, "Yes, you are an immortal, and I am a lower immortal."

Gu Chuzi suddenly showed a relieved and satisfied look, as if he won this battle...

The next moment, the monk of Wushi Mountain Villa completely disappeared, leaving no trace.

In the narrow coffin, only Pei Ling was left.

Pei Ling restrained all his breath and felt the surging mana in his body. Having completely captured the fate of Gu Chuzi of Wushi Mountain Villa, his cultivation has improved a lot again.

Looking at the place where Gu Chuzi disappeared, Pei Ling looked slightly puzzled. What is going on with the exercises practiced in Wushi Mountain Villa?

At the last moment just now, he just planned to buy time, and then interrupt the other party's self-destruction.

As a result, the other party gave up the resistance directly...

The other party not only really regards this world as a fantasy, but also implements this concept from beginning to end...

Just thinking about it, Pei Ling suddenly noticed something and closed his eyes immediately.

"Dong dong dong."

The knock on the coffin sounded.

Then, a familiar voice came from outside: "Su Lijing, it's me."

It's Su Xirou's voice!

Pei Ling's heart suddenly moved, Su Xirou had been transformed into a furnace by him, and now she came here to find her to practice?