I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 1266: Tired of evil deeds. (Second update! Ple

Greedy capital.

In the north of the city, there is a vast area with sparse flowers and trees, hiding many pavilions and pavilions.

The tall and majestic main entrance has a plaque hanging high: "Yulin Academy."

This is the top academy of the dynasty!

Right now, the entire academy and all the schools are filled with students in uniform.

In front of the school, a huge water mirror occupied the entire wall, and it reflected the silhouettes of Emperor Liu Greed and Pei Ling.

In front of each water mirror, there is a powerful high-level monk standing, looking at the scene in the water mirror, while telling the students about Pei Ling's various evil deeds: "This person is one of the four demon sects, The contemporary son of Chongmingzong, Pei Ling."

"His ancestor was an outer disciple of the Chongming Sect, with an unhealthy family style and a cruel and tyrannical temperament."

"As early as during the Qi training period, when I first entered the Chongming Sect, I slaughtered my fellow students that night, and then when they were on a mission together, they tortured and killed senior brothers and senior sisters..."

"When the foundation was built, it was even more blood sacrifice to the whole city, refining it into the heritage of one's own body..."

"He also likes female corpses..."

"During the period of forming pills, the wife of the sect master of this sect will be gathered in public..."

"It slaughtered the city and exterminated the family, and was ruthless, and never left a living..."

After all the teachers carefully introduced the many heinous acts of the Holy Son of Demon Gate, they all instructed the students: "I am a greedy dynasty, and today I will kill the people!"

"Students must remember that evil demons are heretics, and everyone gets them and kills them!"

"Evil has never been right since ancient times!"

"There is no way to the devil, it will grow soon!"

"I'm waiting to cultivate into the Dao and strengthen my body, in order to better support justice, help the weak, and protect those creatures who can't cultivate, or who can't cultivate to a high realm!"

"Instead of acting recklessly and harming innocents like a demon cultivator!"

Listening to Pei Ling's all kinds of brutal and unimaginable evil deeds, the students of the academy were already filled with righteous indignation, and they nodded solemnly: "Yes! We will keep the teacher's teachings in mind, and we will live up to the expectations of the teachers!"

"When the disciples have learned something, they will raise the three-footed Qingfeng, remove the demons and guard the way, and restore the world to a bright world!"

"Me too!"

"And I!"


Greedy Beijing, mean alley.

Walking along the road filled with swill, it is an unremarkable family. There are two elderly women sitting at the door doing needlework, but they don't see anyone who occasionally comes in and out.

In the room, the layers of formations were all opened, and countless runes flashed on and off.

A middle-aged man who looked honest, honest and mediocre, knelt on the ground, held a small bone knife, cut his wrist bit by bit, and quickly drew a complicated formation.

With the loss of blood, his complexion gradually paled.

Fortunately, the formation has been completed, and after a flash of blood, the man quickly said: "Slave to the Holy Religion: Pei Ling, the son of Chongmingzong, went to the puppet dynasty, and challenged the puppet emperor in public. The puppet emperor failed to recruit, and he was ready to fight!"

"At present, it has not been found that the Chongming Sect is accompanied by a Taoist guardian!"

For a moment, the formation burst out with a **** light, all of which were covered up by the formation in the room. When the **** light was completely extinguished, the blood stains on the ground had completely disappeared without any trace.

The middle-aged man calmly raised a bundle of bamboo strips from the corner, sat down and began to weave the basket patiently.

A similar scene appeared in various places in Qijing:

"Subordinate to the master family: the holy son suddenly appeared greedy and challenged the false emperor. The false emperor failed to recruit, and he became angry and was ready to take action on the holy son..."

"Instructor: The Holy Son appeared in the greedy capital to challenge the false emperor. There are all five sects of false Taoism, which may be detrimental to the Holy Son..."

"Urgent! Holy Son and Miss Hange and other direct-line masters are all greedy in Beijing, and they have been surrounded. Please show me quickly..."

"My fellow immortals, Immortal Emperor Pei appeared in the greedy capital and gave pointers to the false emperors. If you have time, you can come and have a look..."


Greedy Beijing, casino.

"Come on, come and bet!"

"Buy your majesty's winning bet here, buy the Demon Sect's holy son's side, buy the middle of a draw... hurry up, hurry up, the top has already started, and it will be closed later, hurry up if you want to bet!"

"I'll buy your majesty!"

"I'll buy your majesty too!"

"Your Majesty! Of course Your Majesty!"

"A fool won't buy your majesty!"

"Get out of the way! I want to bet Your Majesty!"

Many gamblers swarmed up, and for a moment, the emperor's position was filled with various spiritual stones, while Pei Ling's side was empty, and there was not a single spiritual stone.

"The time has come, the plate is sealed!" The Zhuang family shouted and ordered someone to go forward and put away all the spirit stones, then turned and walked back.

However, he was stopped before he took two steps: "Stop! Where are you going?"

"That's right, you can't let him go, so many people are betting against His Majesty, carefully he escaped!"

"Sit down obediently for Lao Tzu, wait for your majesty to finish the ten moves, and honestly pay for the spirit stone!"

"Hahaha! The Holy Son of Demon Sect doesn't know what's wrong, I'm going to make a fortune..."


Greedy Beijing, Long Street.

The back wall of a restaurant known for its huge and clear water mirrors is full of monks rubbing against the water mirrors.

Suddenly, someone felt that he was being patted on the shoulder. He turned his head suddenly, but saw a roe-headed and rat-eyed loose cultivator lying on his side, and said, "Daoist friend, do you want a jade slip?"

"Pei Shengzi took a photo of Si Hongqing, the current suzerain of Chongmingzong."

"After this battle, the Holy Son will surely fall. This photo is out of print, only five thousand spirit stones!"

The man was stunned for a while, and without saying a word, he directly took out the spirit stone from the storage bag: "Give it to me!"

After getting the jade slip, he immediately put it between his eyebrows with an excited look and checked the contents.

But soon, the cultivator frowned. This is indeed a photo of Cai Xiabu, but the appearance of the female cultivator inside can only be said to be above average, not at all the ruthless, charming and graceful Si Hongqing at the center of the rumors! Also, that male cultivator, regardless of appearance or cultivation, has absolutely nothing to do with Pei Ling reflected in the water mirror!

Apart from that, the dress, the screen, the elixir, the Guangdian... are all illusions, and they are all fake and shoddy, without the slightest splendor that should be in the residence of the great sect master. Several times, the two monks His arms went straight through the armrests of the throne...

In the whole photo, except for the lines of the female cultivator, which are the same as the rumored lines of Pei Shengzi when he picked up Bu Sihong, everything else was fake!

This should be a pair of Taoist companions. According to hearsay, the self-made double cultivation took a photo!

The cultivator raised his head angrily, but saw that the loose cultivator who sold his jade slip just now had disappeared.

He was instantly furious, but at this moment, another well-dressed monk climbed up the wall and looked towards the water mirror in the restaurant.

The cultivator's heart was moved, he immediately took out the jade slip he just bought, and leaned over: "This fellow Taoist, here is a picture of the Sect Master Si Hongqing of Pei Shengzi Caifubu Mozong, only 10,000 spirit stones... …”