I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 1548: The nine co-owners. (Second update! Plea

This sword energy is clear and clear like washing, just like the blue sky in the sky after the rain, it is ethereal and pure, and its power is majestic.

It is full of dignified and bright meaning, and contains unparalleled will and purity. It seems that everything in this world can be cut with a single sword!

But it was the Sword God He Fuqiong who felt that he was wrong just now, but now he is also helping the greedy dynasty!

boom! !

In the earth-shattering loud noise, the sword qi slashed the immortal soldier firmly.

The humming sound of gold and iron clashing was like ripples in a pond, rising layer by layer and emitting far away.

The immortal soldier froze suddenly, and then large and small cracks appeared all over his body. The next moment, it was torn apart like a broken stone sculpture, the sword energy eroded endlessly, and more and more finer cracks were born on each residual body. , Soon, the Immortal Soldier turned into powder and fell rustling.

The Jinjia battle will continue to move forward, dong, dong, dong... the sound of charging is endless.

But the next moment, above the sky, many immortal beasts suddenly appeared. They also slightly bent their limbs, jumped out with momentum, galloped into the void, and rushed towards the golden armored generals!

boom boom boom boom...

The two sides are coming and going, and the war broke out in an instant!

At this moment, Pei Ling's figure and face changed again, and in a blink of an eye, he became the appearance of the ancestor of "Yi Xi".

One of the Supreme Emperors of the greedy dynasty, snorted coldly. Although he knew that the situation was very wrong, he still reached out and pressed the cloud platform of Wushi Mountain Villa.

A huge golden palm, like a vast land, suddenly fell from the sky and slammed into the cloud platform of Wushi Mountain Villa.

Above the cloud platform, all the monks, in front of this giant hand, are like tiny ants, as if they will be completely crushed to death in the next moment.

But at this moment, a deep voice sounded: "Broken!"

The giant hand collapsed immediately, starting from the inside, cracking every inch, just like the immortal soldier just now, it turned into powder and scattered into the wind.

However, before the "Yi Xi" Patriarch of Wushi Villa made a counterattack, Hanan Sword Sect, Yanxicheng, Suzhentian, and Jiuyishan attacked at the same time.

Thirty thousand swords pierce the sky, like a group of dragons flying together, rushing and roaring; millions of swords are born in the void, and their sharp edges are terrifying; huge flower branches fall from the sky, turning into an endless flower forest, hiding thousands of murderous intentions; From the sky, the mountains are winding like belts, thick and simple... They all fall towards Wushi Mountain Villa.

The turbulent wind is turbulent, the void screams, and the space fluctuates layer by layer.

Countless means came to the cloud platform and roared down.

Boom boom boom boom! !

The giant shield of the void was born, blocking the attack, and the spear quickly condensed, as if to counterattack.

For a time, the war turned into a melee, and it started with a bang!

On Yuntai, Pei Ling's face changed again, turning into the appearance of the "Su Ji" Patriarch.

The queen felt extremely embarrassed and angry. She was a dignified and greedy dynasty queen. After only a short time, she was unexpectedly defeated by the Sword God of the Cold Dark Sword Sect, Weiweizi of Wushi Villa, the "Yixi" demon and the "Su Ji" demon. Thin people!

Today, even if he is dead, he must not let the Liuku dynasty suffer this great humiliation!

Thinking of this, the Queen's whole body swelled with mana, reversing the blood and blood. The originally snow-white skin was immediately dyed with a touch of crimson, and the breath continued to rise, seemingly endless.

However, just when she was about to explode all the mana, cultivation, and flesh and blood, she suddenly fell into a trance and instantly forgot what she had just done.

At the same time, the mana in the body, along the reversed route, regressed exactly the same.

Her breath immediately calmed down and returned to normal, as if nothing had happened just now!

"The number of days of reincarnation, the profit and loss of good fortune!" At this time, on the cloud platform of the reincarnation tower, an old man in gray robe said lightly, "Five sects of false Taoism protect the reproduction of living beings, and occupy the world's spiritual power, which is a serious burden on heaven and earth, and it is also the whole The biggest sinner in the world!"

"You and the others are all guilty of crimes, and now you are just a mere queen, how can you qualify to be unrelenting?"

The voice fell, and the entire sky turned **** in an instant.

Countless blood towers of different heights came down.

The surging blood beasts, the dead souls, the ghosts... surging out of the tower, killing the five sects of the right way.

The Reincarnation Tower is on the battlefield!

"All things are born, only human beings are the most precious!"

"Five sects of false Taoism confuse the blood of the human race, it should be killed! Damn it!"

On the cloud platform, the patriarch "Zhu Yi" spoke lightly, and shot with several Du Jie beside him.

Immediately, the heaven and the earth swayed slightly here, and all the colors were dimmed in an instant, but they turned from reality to emptiness, from yang to yin...

Born to teach the next battle!

Above the sky, the patriarch "Fu Qiong" sat in the battle for the dark throne, quietly watching this scene, neither stopping nor helping, but protecting all the people in this sect with the power of majestic laws training materials.

boom boom boom…

Both the positive and the demons took action one after another, and the battle quickly entered the heat!

"Ding Dong! [Xianlu Fuyuan·Wushi Mountain Villa] The gift was successful..."

"Ding Dong! The system will continue to give you [Xianlu Fuyuan·Suzhentian]..."

The system prompt sounded again, and Pei Ling's face changed again, but he returned to his original identity.

Immediately afterwards, under the control of the system, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, Su Zhentian's headmaster Cen Fangwo was immediately caught out of thin air.

Pei Ling put his left arm around the queen, and his right arm around Su Zhentian to teach Cen Fangwo.

Cen Fangwo was stunned for a moment. After realizing it, not only did he not struggle, but in his heart, countless thoughts of wanting to give birth to the other party on the spot instantly bred...

Pei Ling was in a hurry and lifted the [Eclipse Sun Secret Record], and the patriarch of the five righteous sects would definitely recognize him!

However, just when he was thinking about countermeasures quickly, Cen Fangwo in his arms suddenly took the initiative to hook his neck, raised his head and kissed him fiercely.

Pei Ling was startled, the next moment...

"Ding Dong! 【Xianlu Fuyuan·Suzhentian】successful gift..."

"Ding dong! Detecting [Xianlu Fuyuan], all of them have been successfully presented..."

"Ding dong! The gift of [Xianlu Fuyuan] has been completed. Thanks to the host for using the intelligent cultivation system, one-click hosting, and worry-free ascension! I look forward to your sharing of cultivation evaluation, and please give a five-star praise if you are satisfied..."

The moment the system prompt sounded, the nine-day vision hanging high in the sky changed immediately.

The nine rounds of the Great Sun are arrogant and unbridled, spreading endless heat waves, already as real.

Suddenly, above the ninth day, a huge circle of light quickly condensed.

At the same time, three portals rose above Pei Ling's head.

The first is eerie and majestic, the second is gorgeous, and the third is grotesque and terrifying.

Thousands and thousands of skulls, just like the patterns of supernatural craftsmanship, numerous blood galls... gradually come!

In each of Cui Wei's portals, there are endless cold meanings.

Three portals stand in the void, and Cui Wei enters the cloud.

At this moment, they skyrocketed rapidly, getting taller and more solid.

As if to come from nothingness to the present world.

In the blink of an eye, the portal has crossed the nine suns and touched the huge light wheel at the top.

Just when the portal touched the light wheel, the light wheel moved slightly, sucking all three portals into it!

The portal enters the light, and the light wheel flourishes in an instant!

The extremely cold and extremely cold atmosphere interweaves and fuses, and at the moment of the flick of the finger, the tenth round of the great sun appears!

This round of the great sun is different from the other nine suns. Its color is black, and it is quiet and cold. This is a round of black great sun!

When it was empty, there was an extremely cold and extremely hot breath that diffused out at the same time.

In an instant, Pei Ling's breath jumped to a whole new level again!

He is still the first time to enter the Tribulation Tribulation, but compared with before, he has already undergone a qualitative transformation!

"Fu Qiong" immediately looked at the ten rounds of the sun above the sky, and the expression that had been flat and unwavering also showed a hint of surprise.

But soon, he nodded very satisfied, very good!

The immortal road is difficult, and the floating chess game is extremely dangerous.

As the "introduction" of this fairy road, Pei Ling's strength, the stronger the better!

The patriarchs and monks of the eight sects, who were fighting, also noticed the changes in the vision. They raised their heads and looked at the ten days. Then they followed the giant mulberry that supported the ten days, and saw the bottom of the mulberry tree, who was hugging from the left to the right. Ling.

The three patriarchs of Su Zhentian were stunned for a moment, and then became furious!

Not to mention that the contemporary headmaster of this sect fell into the hands of Pei Ling, and was also bewitched by him, he was frivolous on the spot!

"The devil's thief, you are so brave!" The grand and elegant patriarch's face was full of anger, as if the splendid skirts of the clouds stretched out into the sky, and the waist was twisted and folded, and he stepped out immediately and appeared in the cloud platform where Pei Ling was. superior.

The indigo blooms like a flower, and the glow of the sun shines in the sky. The Su Zhentian Patriarch, who is facing the sky, has beautiful eyes and fluttering sleeves. He also steps on the cloud platform with one step. , the invisible rules and order are immediately affected.

The ring is ding dang, the star eyes are like water, and the third Su Zhentian Patriarch Cuiyi is like a willow, also suddenly appeared on the cloud platform.

The moment the three appeared on the cloud platform, the rules of the entire world suddenly underwent some unknown change!

The three of them haven't really made a move yet, like the crisis, anxiety, and threat of Wan Ren Jingbo... but they have instantly enveloped Pei Ling's heart!

Pei Ling's scalp suddenly felt numb, but under the control of the system, it was impossible to explain.

However, just when he thought the situation was extremely bad, the system prompt sounded again: "Ding dong! Detecting that the host's cultivation base has reached the transcendence stage, the system will start giving you Taoist companions..."

"Ding dong! The test failed last time, and this time it's three times the gift..."

"Ding dong! Three eligible Dao Companions were detected..."

"Ding dong! The system is giving away..."

剖喿! !