I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 646: The head of the Jin family. (Second! See

Pei Ling himself did not earn many merit points, but the wife of the suzerain put a lot of deeds of massacre and extermination on his head. Although he was wanted by the right way now, she also got a lot of merit points.

It happened to pay off the debt of Senior Sister Ouyang.

However, merit points cannot be exchanged directly, so now he can only exchange what Senior Sister Ouyang wants.

Hearing this, Ouyang Xianxing hesitated. She originally wanted to say that with the short knife opportunity, the previous merit points would be ignored.

But after thinking about it, Brother Pei is now the true biography, with a lot of resources in his hands and extremely rich. Nowadays, if he refuses, he will appear hypocritical.

The most important thing is that this senior came from behind, and now his cultivation is already in the late stage of the formation of alchemy, but he is still building the foundation.

In the long run, I am afraid that nothing will help the other party...

Therefore, Ouyang Xianxing said: "I will be able to break through the late stage of foundation building immediately and want to start preparing the materials for the formation of alchemy. If it is convenient for the brother, please exchange it for me. Of course, the merit points that the brother owed me before should not be enough to change. What is missing, what will I do in the future?"

Pei Ling smiled slightly and said, "I have some ready-made alchemy materials in my hand now."

"As for the extra merit points...it's just interest, and there is no need for the senior sister to pay it back."

With that said, he took out a storage bag and handed it directly to Ouyang Xianxing.

"Thank you brother!" Ouyang Xianxing took it with both hands, and solemnly thanked him, "I will cultivate with my heart and live up to the brother's trust."

Seeing that Peiling had no other orders, after she put away her things, she got up and left.

Watching Ouyang Xianxing leave, Pei Ling also stood up and went to the training room to practice.


The next day, Pei Ling was cultivating, and suddenly noticed that Xiaoci was hovering at the door. After he received his work, he summoned him for questioning.

The little word respectfully said: "Master, the Jin family has come to visit and has been waiting in the main hall for a long time."

Kim's house?

Pei Ling groaned a little, nodded and said: "I'll be over."

After a while, he walked into the main hall and saw a group of people sitting under their heads with serious expressions.

The beautiful woman sitting next, in the palace dress with flower hairpin and Ding Dong, is the mother of Jin Sumian, Cao Cuiluo that I have seen before. This time, Cao Cuiluo didn't bring Jin Sutai with him, but from time to time he looked at the top man.

At the top of her, is a middle-aged man in beautiful clothes.

This man's cultivation base is the formation of alchemy, the tiger-eyed Yanhan, and the grace.

Seeing Pei Ling coming, everyone in the Jin family got up immediately.

The middle-aged man in Chinese clothes took a step forward and bowed his hands in salute: "I have seen the biography of Pei Zhen, in the next Jin Hyuk, Ni is the head of the Jin family, and I can't help but please when I hear the true biography. It is a special gift."

As he said, with a wave of his hand, many Jin clan members took out the generous gifts that had been prepared, and for a time the brilliance was overflowing and enlightened.

Pei Ling only glanced, then sat down on the main seat with a calm expression, and asked, "What is the matter of the Jin family, please state clearly."

Jin Sumian is still doing alchemy for him, this time the Jin family came here, as long as he didn't want to take people away, he could agree to anything ordinary.

Just listen to Jin He said sternly: "Niece Sumian worked under Pei Zhen's hand, it is actually a good luck, my Jin family, and you are proud."

"It's just that Su Miansu and the little girl Sutai entered and exited at the same time. Now that the two sisters are separated, Sutai has been stunned for several days."

"I don't know whether Pei Zhen Chuan can be accommodating one or two, so that Sutai can also be effective under Zhen Chuan's subordinates?"

Speaking of this, he observed Pei Ling’s expression and saw that it did not seem to be furious, so he said euphemistically, “I heard that there are several mineral veins allocated by the Li family under the name of Zhen Chuan. Among them, the rock concentrate... Is there an arrangement?"

Hearing this, Peiling suddenly understood that the Jin family had taken a fancy to the rock concentrate in order to open the way with Jin Sumian and Jin Sutai.

After turning his mind around, he said slowly: "If Jin Sutai is willing to work for me, and there are rules in his actions, this rock concentrate can be handed over to the Jin family to take care of it, but it doesn't matter."

The Patriarch of the Jin family immediately lifted his spirits, and immediately Transmit asked: "The mineral veins are produced, and 70% of them are handed in. I wonder if it is possible?"

Peiling nodded.

This rock concentrate is a resource that is needed during the pill formation period, especially the fire system, which is in great demand.

But not to mention that he is already preparing to coagulate the infant, even if it is still in the Dan stage, there are better and more expensive materials provided by Li's, which are not available at all.

On the contrary, Jin Sutai, this is the master of Shi Jing's line, not to mention the cultivation base, in terms of ability and experience, he is more agile than Ouyang Xianxing, and he can be alone.

Dividing out 30% of a resource point that he didn't care about very much, in exchange for Jin Sutai, or in other words, the entire Jin family's refuge, but it was not a loss.

The two parties were talking, and the small words came to report again: "Master, the head of the Dai family, please see me."

Dai family?

It should be Dai Baishi's family, Pei Ling said: "Invite him in."

...In the next few days, people kept coming to visit Cui Lei Mountain.

The situation was similar after Pei Ling won the championship.

But those who came to visit at that time were all disciples.

But this time, those who came were all with the identity of the Vessel Master and Patriarch.

The gift I gave was far more grand than the previous one.

Especially Gu Hong, the pulse master of Shuxia's channel, gave him a generous gift that made Ouyang Xianxing smack her tongue: "Gu Mai master has no contact with my Jian Sang Yi pulse. I don't know why this time I gave it like this. It’s a great gift, and there hasn’t been any request yet."

"Gu Hong?" When Pei Ling heard the words, he thought a little, but remembered that at the time of the outer gate competition, it was the Huaiyin Peak preliminary match. Gu Hong once ordered him to fight the counterfeit match. For this reason, he also drew an opinion on the ordinary Huaiyin. For the Yinfeng disciple, it is not a low price.

However, he rejected it all at once.

At that time, the person who spread the word was quite threatening, but later on, I didn’t know why, so I didn’t stop it.

Pei Ling had already thrown this thing behind her head, and now she remembered seeing the other party giving a gift, she couldn't help but shook her head slightly, "Forget it, since he has sent it, accept it."

Otherwise, according to the style of the underworld sect, Gu Hong would be uneasy.

It took a few days for Peiling to finish a series of chores.

If all of the resource points in his hand were handed over to Li's help, most of them would be more profitable and more worry-free.

But he is now preparing to attack Yuan Ying, and there is no shortage of resources. It is better to take advantage of the situation to integrate and plump his wings.

In the future, when in doubt, it will be useful.

While thinking about it, Xiao Ci came to report again: "Master, come from the Jiu Ali family."

Peiling immediately got up: "I will meet him personally."

Before long, he personally met Li Wuding and took a seat.

After a few greetings, Peiling asked: "I don't know if the seniors are here, what's the order?"

Li Wuding looked at the younger generation who was getting stronger and stronger in front of him, smiled with satisfaction, and immediately took out a storage bag: "The clan has prepared a baby-solidifying thing for the truth, so the old man sent it to you."