I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 734: Want to gallop. (The third one! Please s

The final Kui Jingyi is still teaching: "In addition to [Xuanyin Transcript], there are also several exercises, all of which are based on the rhythm. Those who do not understand music theory, even if they are talented in cultivation, cannot get started."

"One of the exercises is about..."

"In addition, there are several kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures that need to be used as auxiliary objects during cultivation. The details are as follows..."

While she was telling the story, looking at the two people who were lingering in the school, she always felt that something was wrong.

But after thinking about it for a while, Master Wang Gao and Master Ji Changfu seemed to be enjoying it. There seems to be no problem with this kind of thing that you love me.

Thinking that he had to complete the course requested by the chief of the mountain today, finally Kui Jingyi stopped paying attention to the two of them and continued to give lectures: "Zhou Kui’s emphasis on skills, apart from discussing the alchemy ceremony and recruiting alchemists from all over the world, he also hired them with generous treatment. He has won many foundry masters and has lived in the country for a long time."

"Among the founding masters, the most famous is the Chongzhi master."

"He has a unique method of casting..."

"I have listened to him for a few days and learned some unique techniques..."

"It's about a certain special craft, which is similar to the magic door's'Spirit Fusion', but it's not as cruel as the magic door..."

"The key to this technique is..."

Creak, creak...

The tables and chairs made an unbearable noise.

Yan Minghua panted violently, and murmured softly.


In the empty and cold school hall, Sui Kwai Jingyi in gorgeous dress was standing on the podium, giving a lecture with a serious and serious attitude.

The clothes of the two people in the audience were disheveled, their hairpins were in chaos, and no one else was fiercely lingering.

The movement is getting bigger and bigger...


In the Xiwu School, the rain was falling.

Wash the flowers and grass terraces to reveal a bright color.

Occasionally a thunderstorm passed by, and when it exploded, it shone through the entire courtyard.

Outside the C school, the students who were punished for standing looked dull and looked at the rain curtain outside the corridor with empty eyes.


Yi Zi School.

"...This is the method of divination in the technique of double cultivation." In the dark and dimly lit room, Ji Changfu finished the two methods of cultivation and the technique of divination that he had just captured, and immediately announced, "Today's course has been completed. Finished."

"You wait for a good student to review."

The students suddenly became silent, and everyone looked at Ji Changfu directly.

After a while, realizing that Ji Changfu did not intend to continue teaching, the students' malicious faces gradually distorted...

This Master Ji Changfu's explanation on the technique of double cultivation and the method of divination, although it is true that all have been taught to them, but! What the leader of the mountain asks, unreservedly give it to each other?

What about his other exercises, supernatural powers, skills, and experience? ?

"Master." At the moment a student stood up and said loudly, "I wait for my humble aptitude, what the Master said, I can't comprehend it, but I also ask the Master to demonstrate it so that I can gain something."

Ji Changfu frowned. After he finished the course, he had completely forgotten what he was talking about today. How would he demonstrate this?

Seeing his silence, the students were more malicious in their eyes, and immediately said: "Since the Master is unwilling to wait for me to demonstrate, then I will wait for the Master to demonstrate, please correct me!"



"Please enlighten me from the Master!"

"Teacher Master, of course..."

Seeing the students below undressed and undressed, Ji Changfu frowned, these students angered God, and he had to make another excuse to kill a few more!

Thinking of this, Ji Changfu said in a deep voice: "Now, I have to ask questions about the lesson I just took. Those who can't answer will be punished!"


A character school.

In the gloomy house, snakes, insects, rats and ants rustled.

The students sat in their seats, waiting for Master Wang Gao to give a demonstration, but the Master walked out of the school directly!

After looking at each other for a moment, the expressions of the students gradually became savage...

"Unreasonable! Unreasonable! This princely master, he clearly promised to wait for me to give him a lesson, but he pretended to show that once he left, he did not take the student's work in his heart at all, and he was not worthy to be a master!" The student, angrily swept down all the stationery on the table, and roared.

"Classes! Classes! Classes again!!!" Not far away, a blank-eyed student also gritted his teeth and screamed at the table. , These masters, they are very old, so they don’t want me to wait for my youth and youth, it’s just ridiculous!"

"As a master, preaching and teaching karma to solve puzzles are part of the business. Master Wang Gao is in vain as a teacher, **** it! He **** it!!"

"Who makes me wait for class, who is the enemy I am waiting for! Wang Gao, damn, **** him!"

"As the saying goes, the young and strong don’t work hard, and the boss is sad. I’m waiting right now when I’m studying. Master Wang Gao teased me like this. Not only was he playing with my eagerness to learn, but it also delayed my absorbing knowledge. Chance... he should be broken into pieces!"

"All the masters in the world deserve to die!! If the masters are all dead, why would I be locked up here for school? Wang Gao, he should be cramped, convulsed, and tortured for three thousand years!"

In the constant complaints and curses, the students took out white paper and scissors, quickly cut out the villain, wrote the word "Wang Gao", and began to madly pierce the villain...


C-word school.

It was cold and dim.

Finally, Kui Jingyi stood on the podium and continued to tell: "In addition to alchemy and casting, there are talisman making."

"Finally, the Kui clan has a unique way of making talisman. It doesn't need to be like the magic door, to take life, especially the long of all spirits, and the skin of the human race, to achieve similar effects and powers."

"Although this is extremely costly and costly, it is a good thing to avoid harming nature and reason."

"The formula for this rune paper is..."

"One of the rarest and most difficult to obtain is..."

"When seeking this kind of material, there are five things you must pay attention to..."

Below the desks and chairs, the unbearable noise of the desks continued.

As each piece of stationery landed, Yan Minghua propped his arms on the tabletop, breathing continuously.

The struggle and loss in the eyes of the original eyes have long since disappeared, but they are replaced by confusion, joy, sinking... and a trace of imperceptible clarity.

She remembered her identity!

She is Su Zhentian contemporary Tianji, Yan Minghua!

The "weird" in this school, even she can be recruited, there must be some change that Jiuyishan didn't notice!


At this moment, a violent impact came, and she subconsciously let out a coquettish low groan, and suddenly looked back at the man behind her. The other party was wearing a mask in the style of a monster wolf, and she was unscrupulously deciding on her!

This man is so bold!

Not only did she insult her like this, but also under the sideliness of the Four Royal Highness Final Kui Jingyi of the Lucky Dynasty!

Even now, she doesn't even know who this person is!

At the moment, she can't use spells, but as long as she aims at this person's vitals and slaps them with all her strength, she will definitely be able to kill him on the spot!

Although he can't clearly see the opposite party's content, but with such a domineering method of divination, this person must be a demon's child.

She will not kill the wrong person!

She must kill each other!

While thinking about this, Yan Minghua let out seductive breaths, and the shouts became louder and louder.

Intense joy, physical stimulation, and many taboo-like feelings of consolation in the spirit constantly impacted Yan Mingwei's mind.

In the end, she hooked Pe Ling's neck with her backhand, and let the other party run wild on her...