I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1286: pseudonym? (Yan Zuoer gives a big reward

   Chapter 1286 Kana? (Yan Zuoer gives a big reward plus one more, three more, thank you for your support~)


  In the second game, it doesn’t matter what the number XX, team XX and captain XX are.

  Because they did not stand on stage for long before they fell down.

  The combat strategy is much better than that of the storm team, and the Qin Yu five have been studied almost. Twenty-two people have also studied a set of attack formations. As a result. . .

  Use the hammer!

Instead, they were all hammered together.

  After spending money to resurrect, a bunch of people thought about it in the lounge.

  Member No. 1: "I think the intelligence is wrong."

Player No. 2: "That Qiuyan is more resistant to attack than the legendary. That Fox Siyu's flying sword flies faster than before, and that Fei Yuan's flying sword can last longer. That Xiao Tingyun has nothing but Aruns Spirit Spear. There is also a very strong ability to escape. Our original strategy was to kill their weakest in the first round and then jointly kill their strongest, but she avoided..."

The    strategy is correct in a certain sense. Qiufang is too resistant to fight. At first, focusing the output on him will only give Qin Yu and others a chance to make a surprise attack. Therefore, it is the most cost-effective to do the weak first and then besiege.

It’s miserable that their strategy was seen through. Even if you saw through it, Xiao Tingyun seemed to have eaten some special treasure, and she had a body speed that had been turned several times. The first wave flashed away and escaped, but their strength Having concentrated, after sending out to escape, Fei Yuan and the Huang mother cooperated directly with a wave of bloodbaths, and Hu Siyu and Qiu Yan had the strongest attack. . .

  Member No. 3: "I think it’s not that the intelligence is wrong, but they are behaving more and more."

  The more performance, the stronger, indicating that they have hidden.

  This is normal. How many of them have completely exposed all their strengths? If it is exposed, it can only show that their preparations are not enough.

Or. . . Growth and potential are not enough.


  The potential and growth of Qiu Lan has always been strong. Qin Yu knew him for the first time. She deeply knew how hard this big man was, and what a determined and courageous heart he had.

  "You are not the same as me. I rely on my cleverness and opportunities to grow, and you are a real growth."

  Qin Yu reached out and patted Qiu's shoulder.

   "The next battles, you can play to your heart's content."

After    two games, there will be no more unexpected factors such as contempt, and the influence of any combat strategy will be gradually reduced.

  PS, this is what others think.

  Qin Yu's strategy changed accordingly.

  1, Xiaolan can play as much as he can, without being stuck with the identity of the beef cow and the target.

  2, strategic advantage is still necessary, after all, this is the time to show your brain power.

  Why a strategy, it is because even if it is gradually shrinking, and Bidou really relies on iron strength, Qin Yu can control this small advantage to exert a big effect.

  How to operate?

  Two keys.

  1, the strength of the five of them has a way to increase, which is beyond the control of the other party.

  2, strategy means cooperation, and cooperation pays attention to timing and anticipation.

  Qin Yu knows that before revealing his strength, the biggest role he has for this team is to control the timing and pre-judgment, and try to assist people in reaping heads.

  She did indeed do it.

   In the most exquisite little corner, quietly exert the brilliance of wisdom. . .

  ——It is wisdom and scheming.

  ——You are also vicious, even taking advantage of that person's hemorrhoids.

  Qin Yu smiled: "If you don't want to praise me seriously, I think your topic is too trivial, and I don't want to continue."

  Ok, then don’t continue.

  Continue to fight.

  The third, fourth, fifth. . . .


The    team has not been determined and has become famous, and has entered the first-class team of this large-scale team battle with an unhurried pace.

  Won eleven games in a row. In thousands of team battles, it can only be regarded as an upper-middle result, but the victory lies in the superior quality, and the victory lies in the weak victory.

In terms of    points, weaker than strong is the most favored by the system's high evaluation.

  On the gambling market, um. . You understand.

At the end of Game 11, some dead teams and organizations in the Chosen camp had spontaneously raised the strength of Qiu Yan to No. 29 on the A list, and Hu Siyu and Feiyuan also entered the top 200 of the A list. Among them, Hu Si Yu was predicted to be 100th.

  Xiao Tingyun is no accident locked in the title of the strongest C-ranked talent.

  The only dispute is Qin Yu.

  It’s certain that this person has the strength of the top 200, but her soft power is higher than her hard power.

  "Strategy, anticipation, tactics, support, and assassination. Her performance is closer to that of the leader. She is not the main MVP. In team combat, she is important, but if you fight alone, I am afraid it will be a little vain."

   "But overall, this mother Huang is very good."

  There are many talented people who are talented, but they have good brains. . . There are also quite a few, but there are very few leaders who have the ability to plan strategies.

  "Every team has a group of think tanks, even the gods, but the top think tanks are worth a group, because the gap in IQ cannot be compared with the superposition of mortals, which is not the same as force."

  On the stand, a man wearing gray and silver metal armor said, and then said to the deputy team next to him: "Go and invite her. We lack such talent."

  The deputy team nodded.

  If someone is on the side, they will definitely recognize this as one of the ten strongest regiments recognized as the fourth transfer station, Brilliant Arena.

  Team name: Silver Armor.

  Captain: Snow is blowing

  But Qin Yu noticed this person, because the other's eyes were too penetrating, and it felt cold in winter across the sky.

   "Who is that person?"

  At the end of Game 11, when he was about to enter the lounge, Qin Yu asked Qiu Lang, who followed her gaze and frowned slightly.

   "Snow is blowing."

  Qin Yu was surprised, "Hey, this pseudonym has achieved a second dimension."

  Xiao Tingyun glanced at her, yes, she is like her, mother Huang, she can't figure it out.

but. . .

   "Not a pseudonym." Qiu Lan said suddenly, and the three women were surprised, but Hu Siyu knew better.

  He also noticed the silver armor group, and even more noticed the man with black hair but with a feeling of ice and snow.

   "Xueyi Fuxuan is his real name. He comes from one of the top ten realms of comprehension, the A-35 small plane Xueyi family."

  Put the plane prefix in front of the clan, indicating that the clan system of this clan in this plane is at least the top ten.

  That is already terrifying, not to mention it is one of the top ten realms of cultivation, with a higher gold content.

  Qin Yu thoughtfully, "His parents?"

  Fox Siyu smiled: "I heard that it is the fit period now."

The   fitting stage is already very scary, it seems that the weaker lower-level cultivation world Nasal Infant stage is already at the limit.

  The most advanced cultivation world has Mahayana masters, and has a complete ascension system, and can be connected to the fairy world. There are countless strong people and healthy ascent channels. This is the most complete system.

   But since it is the top ten cultivation world, then. . .

  虬髯 sullenly said: "There are ascendants in the Xueyi family."

  In other words, there are immortals in the ancestors.

  This is amazing.

  It's no wonder that this snowy mood is so powerful.

  This is so much more that it is in Rome, it is almost outside the gate of heaven since birth.


  (End of this chapter)