I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1040: Wheel battle

When Zhou Wen rushed to the cube, he saw that Ya was fighting a guardian named Beast God.

The beast **** held a big stone hammer, and its strength was unmatched, and he repeatedly opened the ancient fairy sword in Ya's hand again and again.

Taiko Sword Fairy was a Taiko Sword when it was in Ya's hands. Its power was stronger than that of Taiko Sword, but it was not able to kill the beast god.

"Is the beast **** so strong?" Zhou Wen was a little surprised. He came late for hours, and the battle continued.

"That's not the case." Feng Qiuyan said with excitement: "That Ya is too powerful. He has defeated three guardians in a row and the beast **** is already the fourth."

"Fourth?" Zhou Wen heard a frown.

"Yeah, that ya is so crazy that he doesn't rest at all. Someone challenged him to fight. Up to now, four guardians who challenged him have been seriously wounded and one was killed. Live. "Li Xuan envy and envy.

"That being said, they know they aren't the enemy, and they still want to challenge Ya?" Zhou Wen frowned even deeper.

"Isn't this normal? Ya is the first, don't the guardians have to compete for the first? What's wrong with this?" Wang Kun asked puzzledly.

Zhou Wen shook his head, saying nothing, just looking at Ya in the battle.

Ya's ability is really strong, not just strength. His sword skill is almost impeccable. Even Zhou Wen, who created his own anti-heart sword, has to admit that Ya will definitely not be inferior to him in sword skill.

And Ya, like Zhou Wen, is not a person who simply relies on swordsmanship. His various techniques make Zhou Wen can't help but think of the Yadi puppet avatar in Huguan Pass.

"Can it be said that Yadi is actually a guardian? Zhongziya's guardian is Yadi?" Zhou Wen was very skeptical of this possibility.

Zhou Wen brushed through Tiger Prison so many times, but only seen Yadi ’s avatar puppet, never seen Yadi ’s deity. He still knows nothing about Yadi ’s existence, maybe he may be a guardian. By.

The beast **** smashed Ya's body with a hammer, but it was just a puppet avatar. The real ya had appeared behind the beast god, and the ancient fairy sword pierced the back of the beast god.

The beast **** decided immediately and was hurt. He turned around and used the cost of one arm to block the attack of the ancient fairy sword. Then he conceded and withdrew from the cube's fighting field. He did not fight to the end.

People and the media are boiling everywhere in the Federation. Ya has already won four games in a row. Such a record is absolutely unprecedented. After all, everyone has never seen the continuous battle between the guardians before. Ya is also the first person.

There was no time for Ya to rest, and another guardian challenged Ya, causing everyone to cheer again.

"Ya ... Ya ... Ya ..." Many people excitedly waved their fists, shouting Ya's name, and wanted Ya to continue to accept the challenge.

However, Zhou Wen felt very wrong. Although the guardians all fought to win the first place, in fact, some guardians who did not have the ability to win the championship did not have to take risks to participate in the battle and could wait for the next opportunity.

After all, the current battle of the leaderboards takes place once a year. There is no need to hit the stones with eggs, and you can wait for the next opportunity.

But those guardians still challenge Ya continuously, this is not like trying to win the first place, but more like killing Ya's power.

"Is this the other guardians to unite against Ya?" Zhou Wen suddenly moved in his heart, he seemed to think of something.

"No, Ya is different from other guardians. All other guardians are only contracted with humans. But Ya has absorbed the guardians. If this is the case, then can he represent the race of that guardian? If not, then Ya won, wouldn't it be that no other race could take over the earth? "

The more Zhou Wen thought about it, the more he felt right: "That's right, all races of different dimensions can't accept this situation, so any guardian can win the championship, but only ya can't ... This is his continuous challenge s reason……"

Now Zhou Wen is a little worried, I don't know if Ya can live.

Even if they can survive, those guardians who really hope to win the first are still secretly peeping, ready to launch a fatal blow at any time.

Zhou Wen saw the Overnight Emperor, who was already promoted to fear, and if he joined the battle, Ya would be even more dangerous.

Ya did not refuse to accept the challenge, and even without delay, accepted the challenge of a guardian directly.

war! Non-stop fighting!

In front of cubes around the world, humans and even dimensional creatures are surrounded.

Those big devil overseas are also paying attention to Ya's battle and want to find Ya's weakness.

But Yayilian was challenged by the five guardians, but still no one could see through his weakness, because these five guardians were defeated by Ya in the same way.

Elegant swordsmanship combined with the ancient fairy sword, has a powerful and unmatched destructive power, even the guardian can hardly compete with the body.

But this is not the main reason for their defeat. The main reason is that they can't distinguish whether it is Ya himself or his clone who fought against himself.

Every time they fight with all their strength, they will find that they are fighting with only a puppet avatar ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, and the real Ya suddenly appeared to take their lives.

Even sometimes, they can't distinguish whether it hurts them ya or avatar.

It seems that until now, no one has been able to choose the right one, so no one can defeat Ya.

But the challenge continues, and there are still guardians to challenge Ya.

They are determined to use the wheel battle to beat Ya, as Zhou Wen guessed, anyone can be the number one, only Ya can not.

Zhou Wen didn't know what Ya was thinking about. He was still accepting challenges, and didn't even take a break. After defeating a guardian, he didn't give himself rest at all. As long as someone challenged him, he would always fight.

"Not right!" Zhou Wen looked at Ya in the battle and felt something strange.

Ya is crazy, but now, he doesn't feel like Zhou Ziya's style.

Zhong Ziya is crazy and evil, but he is definitely not a fool who is enthusiastic about blood.

Even Zhou Wen can see that his physical strength and vitality have fallen badly, but he is still accepting the challenge. If Ya is really Zhong Ziya, he will definitely choose to take a good rest and accept the challenge until the last moment. Let yourself be at your best when fighting.

"What the **** happened?" Zhou Wen wanted to rush into the fighting platform himself, and asked if Ya was Zhong Ziya, and what happened to him.

It is a pity that Zhou Wen is not a myth. He is not qualified to take the stage at all.

"Wait a minute, although I can't come on stage, but my companion pet can come on stage, but I just want to ask Ya, and I don't need to compete for the first place, I don't have to win." Zhou Wen's heart suddenly moved.

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