I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1079: perfect

Watching Dong Shi admit defeat and withdraw from the cube fighting field, Zhou Wen also stood up.

"Are you going?" Luna puppet asked Zhou Wen looking at it.

"Always want to go back." Zhou Wen was also a little nervous.

The shimmering promotion of perfect body should be perfect, but Zhou Wen didn't know whether shimmering promotion of perfect body could make him promote myth.

"Don't you give me your companion pet to hatch first?" Luna puppet asked again.

"Come on, I don't have the mood to do those now." Zhou Wen sorted things out, making sure there were no omissions, and temporarily collected the Yutu and the Ice Lady into the chaotic beads, before waving goodbye to Luna.

Took a deep breath, Zhou Wen switched to stealing the sky and changing the sun, and then used the low-light life and soul, and chose Earth as the teleportation target in the small universe.

His body passed through the void at once, and it was only a blink of an eye. Zhou Wen found himself back on the earth, and he was standing in a desert.

Almost at the same time, the shimmering light of the soul erupted with huge energy and quickly transformed, and the small universe in the body acted as if it had been activated.

In the desert that originally seemed empty, a lot of energy appeared inexplicably. Those energy rushed from the sky to the earth like countless meteors.

Zhou Wen was taken aback because those meteors looked so horrible. Even if there are 1.1 million earths, I am afraid they will be destroyed instantly.

But in fact, they did not. Those meteors hit the earth, but passed through the earth. They did not collide with the earth. It is weird to believe.

The meteor that struck Zhou Wen was integrated into his body and into the small universe, making the small universe in his body stronger and stronger.

Finally, the shimmering soul has completed its final evolution and become a perfect body.

But Zhou Wen didn't come to observe what Weiguang Mingshun evolved into, and the magic scriptures in his body have already automatically operated.

Zhou Wen was a bit surprised. Although the fanxianjing would run automatically, it was the first time that the fanxianjing automatically switched back when he simulated other vitality formulas.

"Don't you say ... are you going to be promoted to myth?" Zhou Wen's heart was expecting and embarrassing.

The killer's life and soul are also automatically activated, holding Zhou Wen's body as if he has been integrated with him, and infinite vitality is surging madly.

I was looking forward to Zhou Wen's promotion of the myth, and suddenly found that in my body, another vitality tactic began to operate.

"The ancient emperor's scripture ... how can this be ... The fairy immortal scripture is still in operation and has not been switched. How can the ancient emperor scription be operated at the same time so that there will be no conflict?" Zhou Wen was surprised, but found that he could not stop the body The vitality inside works.

He doesn't know what is happening now, nor is it a blessing or a curse.

Theoretically, it is very dangerous for two different vitality tactics to operate in one body. Now the Fanxian Jing and the ancient emperor's script are running crazy at the same time. Once there is a conflict, Zhou Wen ’s body must not be able to withstand the kind of vitality collision. The chance of dying from a body explosion is as high as 99.99%.

At the time when Zhou Wenxian was uneasy, Xiao Prajna Sutra turned up.

I was not just a small princess, but the various vitality tactics that Zhou Wenxiu practiced all started to operate at this time.

Different from the usual switching of vitality tactics, the current vitality tactics operate at the same time. The ancient imperial scriptures, small Prajna, tactics, changing the sky, chaos first order, training qi tactics, demon gods, demon blood veins catalogue, various vitality tactics Zhou Wen's body works together.

Zhou Wen is now shocked and afraid. Others are practicing two kinds of vitality skills at the same time, and in all likelihood they will die from death.

Come together with these nine vitality tactics, it is tantamount to registering with Lord Yan, if you can say that you can't die, even Zhou Wen can't believe it.

Xun, but the nine vitality tactics in Zhou Wen's body each operate independently, and there is no conflict.

This feeling is very wonderful. There are many conflicts in the way of the nine kinds of vitality tactics, but I do n’t know why, except for the eight kinds of vitality tactics except the fairy tale, there is a feeling of running in nothingness.

The eight kinds of vitality tactics seem to work in Zhou Wen's body, but it is not in his body. It has a close connection with Zhou Wen's body, but it is not completely attached to his body.

It is a wonderful experience. The eight vitality tactics are all supported by Zhou Wenshen's vitality. If it weren't for the magical scriptures to provide unlimited vitality, it would be impossible to support the eight vitality tactics to run at the same time.

As the eight vitality tactics run, a variety of different types of life and soul are automatically activated.

What's even more weird is that Mingge and Minghun were separated from Zhou Wen's body to form independent individuals. Eight souls mingling with Mingge appeared in eight directions outside Zhou Wen's body.

The ancient emperor is the light and shadow of an emperor; Taishang Kaitian is a book; Zun Wangzun is the appearance of Zhou Wenshen; the new era is a ring with a clown pattern; the chaotic egg is an egg; the sword pill is still a pill. It has not changed into a sword; the blood map of the demon **** is a blood shadow, and the outline of the blood shadow looks like Zhou Wen.

In the end, it is a constantly changing point ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It looks like a point, but it seems that there are countless stars flowing in it, constantly changing.

Zhou Wen knew that it should be the perfect body soul evolved by the low light, and he didn't even have the name to see.

Originally, these life and souls were condensed by Zhou Wen. Although they used simulation methods, they still had a sense of blood connection with Zhou Wen when they were used.

现在 But now, the eight souls are strange and scary, and Zhou Wen can no longer feel the proper connection from them, as if they weren't the souls and lives of Zhou Wen himself.

They obviously enjoy the energy of Zhou Wen, but they do not belong to Zhou Wen. This feeling makes people feel depressed and almost vomits blood.

The only soul that is connected with Zhou Wen's blood is the killer, while the killer is emitting horrific killings, even Zhou Wen's mind is affected to some extent.

If not Zhou Wen's willpower is far beyond ordinary people, at this time I am afraid that he has been controlled by the killing intention and has become a lunatic who only knows the killing.


在 At this time, eight souls also exploded with horrible powers at the same time. Those powers Zhou Wen couldn't be more familiar with, and most of them had been used countless times.

I only this time, those forces did not help Zhou Wen, but became his enemies.

Wu Jian Yin is like a song, and the three thousand swords are blended into one pill. With the will of Supreme Kendo, Jianmaru is beheaded towards Zhou Wen.

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