I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1092: Devil Station

Killing the demon knew that it was time for him to choose the team, but he didn't have much entanglement, so he chose to stand on the side of Zhou Wen directly.

The guardian of the puppet was not really a pure alien dimension creature, but a tool made by the alien dimension creature. He had no feelings for the alien dimension.

Of course, this is not the reason why he chose Zhou Wen, mainly because the magic baby is Zhou Wen's companion pet. The magic baby must be on the side of Zhou Wen, so there is nothing to kill the devil. Where does the magic baby stand, he also Which side to stand on.

It is not difficult to choose a team, what is difficult is how to stand.

Killing the monster knows that Zhou Wen doesn't trust him, and the magic baby listens to Zhou Wen at all, so the killing monster thinks this is a very good opportunity. If he does well and can get some trust from Zhou Wen, he can get rid of the "reserve The embarrassing positioning of "rations" may also be uncertain.

I bit my teeth, and I had a decision in my heart to kill Demon, and looked at Zhou Wen and walked over.

Everyone is looking forward to the start of a war, and their eyes are focused on killing the demons. Now they just hope that the demons and people will not disappear again.

The demon did not disappear, and slowly walked to Zhou Wen, and then in the eyes of everyone's unbelievable suspicion, like a knight, fell on one knee, pressed his right hand to the position of his heart, and said to Zhou Wen: "I use the name of demon , Is willing to sign a master-servant contract with you, follow allegiance forever and ever, until immortal ... "

死 The world is so deadly silent that people can't believe their eyes and ears.

Guardian, but the guardian, what a noble and powerful existence, those human beings who have the guardian, without exception, have made great efforts to allow themselves to be recognized by the guardian, and then have the opportunity to sign with them.

Many people even pay the price of their lives in order to be able to contract with the Guardian.

I can say rudely that although the guardian contract is an equal contract, in fact human beings are the weaker party in the contract, and are the selected party.

And those guardians, compared with the power of killing demons, is simply incomparable, too weak too much.

It is unheard of for such a powerful killer to take the initiative to request a contract with the person in front of him, and also to sign a master-servant contract.

"Can the guardian sign a master-slave contract?"

等等 "Wait, Killer wants to sign a contract with that person, that is, that person must not have contracted with the Guardian."

"Can a human being with the Guardian be contracted with the Guardian? If not, will this person be a pure human?"

不可能 "It's impossible, pure humans can't promote myths at all, and it's impossible to activate the cube to reach the leaderboard battle."

"Who the **** is this guy? He just wears a mask. Can anyone recognize him?"

I am not just ordinary people, even the old strong among the six major families, are shocked, they have never seen such a thing.

"Lao Qiu, can you tell who this person is?" Xia Liuchuan asked.

"I can't see that there is some power in his body that changes his body shape, and now his body shape should not be the body." Zhang Chunqiu replied.

Overseas also kept sending messages and wanted to investigate the true identity of the person on the stage.

Zhou Wen looked strangely at Killing Demon, and he could probably guess the killing mind.

Seeing Zhou Wen not talking, he had to keep the swearing posture of the knight unchanged, and kept comforting himself in the heart: "doing a full set of dramas, for the devil, I forbear."

Zhou Wen waved his hand and motioned to kill the demon hurriedly. He didn't care about acting here. Now he just wants to kill those guardians.

Seeing this, he quickly got up and immediately got up and conceded to withdraw from the cube fighting platform.

我 "I'm going, the guardians who come here for nothing?"

"But that's the devil, the top guardian, just refused it?"

"Boss, don't give it to me, I want it."

"This world must be crazy, so the strong guardian actively requested the master-servant contract, and he even refused."

"Is it really stupid to kill the demon? People don't give him face like this, he didn't even do it, and he gave up obediently. Isn't that too ridiculous?"

"I think it's because killing demons knows people's strength, so they will actively request the master-servant contract, and they dare not turn their faces."

"People are more mad than people!"

He is not only the earth, but also the alien dimension creatures who are watching this war are dumbfounded.

There are many alien creatures who have experienced the war of the earth in ancient times. They are also one of the top guardians of the time.

These behaviors of killing the demon are really strange to them, and they even make them doubt that the demon is fake.

Soon, the different dimensional races issued orders to their guardians on the earth, asking them to test the weakness of the "human" and to find out what the "human" was.

Because of the rules of the earth world, no matter how powerful the different-dimensional race is, if you come in person, you will be punished by the rules. At the most, you will maintain the level of fear. It may even fall directly to myth.

They also could n’t come to investigate Zhou Wen in person. They could only observe Zhou Wen through a cube, and the information they could get was very limited.

Zhou Wen had been thinking very clearly before he came to power ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Before he came to power, he had already painted too much heavenly scripture on the wheel of his destiny, and constantly described too much heavenly scripture, even if one The Shangkai Tianjing has disappeared, and the Taihang Kaijing can be supplemented by the later depiction, and the Taikai Kaijing can be kept open all the time.

别人 For others, this will consume a lot of mental energy and vitality, but for Zhou Wen, this consumption is not much.

Now he just wants to know whether the sacred rule that can break the taboo rules in various dimensions can resist the rules of the cube.

If you ca n’t resist it, a different dimension creature can kick him away like Ya, then there is no chance. As long as you ca n’t kick, he will not let any guardian win first.

However, Zhou Wen also knows that heterodimensional creatures will definitely not use the cube rule to kick him away.

Judging from the previous actions of heterodimensional creatures, and the information he asked from the ice girl, there are many races of different dimensions, which restrict each other and even often initiate racial wars.

Cube is not controlled by a certain race alone. After all, the winner of the cube will allow a race to gain control of the earth. It is impossible for a different race to completely control a cube.

It is not easy to get the consent of all those in power and kick him out with rules. Even if all the big brothers can reach consensus, it will definitely take a certain amount of time, otherwise those guys of different dimensions will not use so much trouble when dealing with Ya.