I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1111: Disappearing guardian

"Where did the guy who killed the demon go?" Zhou Wen looked back, but found no killer.

Slayer is also a cube fighting field that is mounted here. It should be here after admitting defeat.

Before the top ten guardian group battles, I didn't see the killer participate. Now even people are missing. Zhou Wen is wondering if the killer has been poisoned.

Before the demon demon swore allegiance, it is impossible for him to play him, and it is not impossible to kill him by any means.

But now Zhou Wen has no time to find the demon. He listened to the body that had been dragged seriously. He forcibly broke six earrings and entered the natural disaster level. It seems that the hidden danger is very large. Not only did he break the connection with Zhou Wen, even Its emotions seem to have become very unstable, full of violence and malice.

However, it is hurting too much now, even if it is a natural disaster-level strength, there is not much left.

Zhou Wen summoned the plantain immortal, and the plantain immortal was so overcast that he let the listener fall out.

Zhou Wen hurriedly called back the plantain fairy, so as not to kill him.

He heard that six earrings were forcibly lifted by him, otherwise it would not be like this. If it wasn't for he heard, it would not be possible to hold Ditian for so long, and he would not be able to wait for Zhou Wen to use the sword.

The idea of ​​listening was completely out of control, and he got up and dragged his injured body and rushed over again.

The plantain fairy felt Zhou Wen's idea, but she just blew out the wind barrier, so that she could not be heard, but she did not hurt it again.

"How can I make Xun Ting return to the state sealed by the six earrings?" Zhou Wen tried to order Xing Ting, but it had no effect.

In fact, Zhou Wen's own body was also seriously injured. Even with the help of the sigher and Wang Zhi's sigh, and the help of the magic baby, Zhou Wen's body was still very injured, and his body was almost collapsed. Skinny, I can't see the appearance of the former look.

On the surface, it ’s okay. It will always recover in the future, but the killer ’s life is almost drained, and the wheel of destiny is almost collapsed. Although I do n’t know what the king ’s sigh is, I will never relax so much effort .

Zhou Wen's current body is like a wrecked ship that has run out of fuel and wants to set sail again. It is definitely not an easy task.

Try to run the vitality formula, because the vitality is exhausted, and even the magical scriptures cannot operate normally, let alone depict other vitality formulas on the wheel of destiny, which makes Zhou Wen's plan to repair chaos by chaos fail. .

On the other side, I listened, trying to cross the wind barrier again and again, but it was too injured, and was unable to break the wind barrier, just roaring and crashing there.

It just keeps going like this, I'm afraid that listening will soon be impossible.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the cube, startling Zhou Wen.

Only he and the killer entered the fighting field from this cube. The killer came out long ago, and now it is possible to come out of the cube.

If there was another strong man like Emperor Tian, ​​Zhou Wen would be unable to deal with it.

Even with the Sword of Slaying in Hand, Zhou Wen has no ability to use it.

Seeing clearly the person coming out of the cube, Zhou Wen could not help but stunned slightly.

In the previous battle with the Blood Witch, there were eight guardians on the field, but in addition to killing demons and burial immortals, there should be only seven guardians in the top ten. I do n’t know why there is one more.

Later, Zhou Wen used the trick of cutting fairy to kill only seven guardians, and one of them disappeared out of thin air.

At that time, Zhou Wen was a little skeptical, but he didn't come and think about it carefully. Now he saw that the person turned out to be the strange guardian who disappeared and disappeared, and suddenly guessed something.

He can come out from here, indicating that the cube fighting field entered from a cube, then the disappearance of the demon can be guessed.

It must be that this guardian has removed the killer, replaced the killer's position, and then entered the fighting arena from here.

However, Zhou Wen didn't quite understand that if he had the ability to get rid of the demon monster, it means that he was at least a strong fear level. Why did he not explode with him in the previous battle?

The guardian walked step by step, and at the same time rose up with a breath of horror. The intensity of this breath was definitely not weaker than the killing demon.

In the next second, the guardian started directly, but his goal was not Zhou Wen. With a big wave, he heard the uncle in his palm.

The giant cricket automatically shrank as he approached the palm of his hand, and it quickly became the size of a palm. At the same time, the six earrings on his ears reappeared and locked on its six ears.

Zhou Wenkan's mind was stunned, these methods are by no means the ordinary fear level can be used, the origin of this guardian is unimaginable.

The guardian grabbed and listened with one hand, and the other with a slashed palm as a knife, chopped towards Zhou Wen.

After waiting for Zhou Wen to command, the plantain fairy immediately blocked Zhou Wen, raised her red lips, and blew out an infinite amount of wind. Under the blessing of the first wind of the Three Realms, the infinite amount of wind blows almost the entire town.

However, the guardian was still in his horns, and his hand-knife seemed to be sharp, breaking through the infinite wind, bypassing the plantain fairy, and immediately came to Zhou Wen. Zhou Wen had no chance to call the companion pet to resist, the hand-knife had reached his neck .

Zhou Wen secretly exclaimed, his body was so badly injured that he couldn't even avoid it. He could only close his eyes and wait for death.

"I didn't expect that Zhou Wen would die here." Zhou Wen closed his eyes and waited for death, but he didn't wait for the sword to fall.

Feeling wrong in my heart, I opened my eyes and took a look, but found that the guardian was standing in front of him with a smile and smile. The hand knife was not cut off, and his appearance was no longer the guardian, but a man in white. A gentleman with crystal dragon horns on his head.

"Teacher ..." Zhou Wen was shocked and happy ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It felt like returning from **** to heaven in an instant.

"Good job." Wang Mingyuan looked at Zhou Wen with a smile, reached out and pressed his head, a strange force poured into Zhou Wen's body, and immediately made Zhou Wen feel like bathing in the hot spring, and his wounds healed quickly.

"Teacher you are so praised." Zhou Wen blushed slightly.

Who knew that Wang Mingyuan knocked on the top of his head with his knuckles and pouted, "I really thought I was praising you? Now you're in trouble. I didn't tell you, don't come again, why did you come to join the cube And won the first place? Do you really think that the Dimension will give you the Dimension Wheel? Or do you think they will just give up?

Zhou Wen reluctantly said: "I also know that they will not give me the Dimension Wheel, but I can't just watch them kill Zhong Zhongya and do nothing?"

"Who told you that Ziya was dead?" Wang Mingyuan said angrily.

"He didn't sign a gambling agreement with the guardian ... Isn't his contract for gambling not his own first?" Zhou Wen suddenly understood.