I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 113: Demo

Wang Lu really had some doubts about whether Zhou Wen could help her break the record. Although Zhou Wen has a pair of legendary wings and her posture is very powerful, but if her posture and speed are against the wind and the wild geese, they cannot escape the wind and the wild geese.

The speed of the knife brought by the fast knife Tianwangge makes Feng Qiuyan's knife speed much faster than those of the same level, not to mention Zhou Wen has not yet promoted the legend, a level lower than Feng Qiuyan.

Faster than those who have the fate of the fast knife king, even Wang Lu himself is not sure.

"How can you help me? Although this task is allowed to be completed by a team of four, but I don't plan to join forces with other people. In that case, it won't make any sense to win Feng Qiuyan." Wang Lu said to Zhou Wen as he walked.

"When I meet the flying monkey, let me demonstrate it first. You just have to remember my steps. With your strength, you should be able to kill the flying monkey within 20 seconds. No problem." Zhou Wen was in charge of shooting Wang Lu last time. The battle already has a certain understanding of Wang Lu's strength, so I dare say that he can sponsor Wang Lu to break the record.

"You want to demonstrate?" Wang Lu said, looking at Zhou Wen.

"No measures, you have only one chance left, and rely on words to speak, I'm afraid you can't control the essentials." Zhou Wen said the truth.

His method of beheading the flying monkey was through the experience of not knowing how many times to kill the flying monkey. Every step was considered to be extreme, and there was nothing wrong with it, so that he could shorten the time to the shortest.

If Zhou Wen took the shot himself, it would be fine to calculate something wrong, but Wang Lu did n’t have so much experience in fighting with flying monkeys. Even if he watched the materials and videos of the academy, it was just talking on paper.

In fact, even the materials of the college are not fair and practical as designed by Zhou Wen. After all, the number of flying monkeys is too small. No one has the opportunity to kill so many flying monkeys. Naturally, it is impossible to understand them too deeply.

After walking through several grottoes, they finally found another flying monkey. Zhou Wen was trying to rush forward, but Wang Lu suddenly thought of something and said hurriedly: "Yes, after the Lotus Cave was closed by the college, it was not allowed. Under the circumstances, the students of the academy cannot hunt the flying monkeys. Our class has assigned the task, and each of them can only kill two. You are not a student of our class. You cannot kill the flying monkey without receiving this task. "

"I know, so I didn't plan to kill it." Zhou Wen kept stature, people have rushed towards the flying monkey.

This time she became Wang Lu as a cameraman. She pointed at the camera with Zhou Wen, and wanted to see how Zhou Wen could kill the flying monkey faster than Feng Qiuyan.

Wang Lu also has some concerns. Zhou Wen's vitality skills cannot be as complete as hers. If Zhou Wen applied some special vitality skills but she did not have similar vitality skills, then even if Zhou Wen's method is really better than Feng Qiuyan is faster, and it is difficult for her to apply Zhou Wen's method.

But Wang Lu created it soon, and her anxiety was overwhelming. Because Zhou Wen didn't use the vitality technique or the companion pet at all, she rushed to the flying monkey purely with her flesh.

If replaced by someone else, Wang Lu must think that he is looking for death, but Zhou Wen's strength and humanity, Wang Lu still knows well, and can't do such a clumsy thing.

Adjusted the lens to ensure that Zhou Wen's every move can be recorded, and Wang Lu's eyesight has not left Zhou Wen.

The flying monkey rushed down with its teeth grinning, and a pair of wings made its body move abnormally, as if the raptor flew from the sky, and its claws grabbed Zhou Wen's head with a sharp claw.

The speed of the flying monkey is much faster than Zhou Wen, but Zhou Wen seems to have a hunch. He slightly sideways avoids the claws, and bullies himself close to the left side of the flying monkey.

The flying monkey's wings fluttered, its figure twisted in the air, and its claws once again stabbed at Zhou Wen's heart with a sharp claw.

This time the flying monkey is closer to Zhou Wen, the faster and sharper the claws are, but Zhou Wen's body is shifted slightly, it seems that between the impossible, he can't escape the attack of the flying monkey.

Wang Lu watched clearly, Zhou Wen did not apply any vitality skills, even the vitality skills of body type were useless. At his speed of being at the disadvantaged position, he seemed to walk in the idle court, avoiding all the fierceness of the flying monkey. offensive.

Zhou Wen felt very strange to Wang Lu, as if he was the strong one, not the legendary flying monkey.

Every move of Zhou Wen was so calm and unhurried, but there was a kind of unpredictable prophet who felt the oppression of flying monkeys between the palms of his hands.

It's very slow to speak, but it's actually fast. Just ten seconds or so ago, Zhou Wen's figure moved subtly behind the flying monkey, and a hand knife easily chopped a little bit under the flying monkey's back skull.


It didn't seem to use too much strength, but the flying monkey seemed to be shocked, fell off the air, fell to the ground, twitched, and couldn't get up immediately.

Wang Lu's eyes were a little straight. A guy of all fetuses, only relying on his own strength and speed, without the sponsorship of vitality skills and accompanying pets, stunned a legendary flying monkey.

The main point is that the time has just passed a little more than 10 seconds and less than eleven seconds. Wang Lu is afraid that no classmate will trust her when she says she has gone out.

"How did you do that?" Wang Lu stared at him as Zhou Wen walked back.

"See more and study more, you can do the same." Zhou Wen pointed to the flying monkey who was still faint on the ground and said, "It just hit me a little bit dizzy for a while and will soon wake up. We leave here first. Besides. You first find a place, watch my demo video a few times more, remember my position and get out of the mobile phone, it should not be difficult to increase the time to within 20 seconds. Also, the part I just attacked, you In the last blow, you should also hit there correctly, and you will be killed in one blow, otherwise time will be lost. "

Wang Lu and Zhou Wen came to an empty grotto and carefully took a video of Zhou Wen.

"How did you develop this weakness and weakness of the flying monkey?" Wang Lu felt more and more incredible as he looked at it. Even the academy's strategy was not as simple and effective as Zhou Wen's method.

"The video I recorded for you that day ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I watched it carefully many times and researched it for a long time before I have the current results. Is it not expensive to sell you only 150,000?" Zhou Wen said.

"Not expensive." Wang Lu nodded with certainty.

Experience like this is not measurable by money. If it is on the real battlefield, such experience can be life-saving.

Wang Lu practiced for more than half an hour in accordance with Zhou Wen's position, and he has skillfully controlled the key points. His martial arts endowment is high and he is worthy of the name of special enrollment.

Then Wang Lu found the flying monkey and chopped it off according to Zhou Wen's method. The process was quite easy. Although he was a bit jerky, he also had a good score of 17 seconds, which should be faster than Feng Qiuyan.

The record was broken, but Wang Lu couldn't get excited. Others didn't know it, but she was very clear. Zhou Wen had a more abnormal score, but this score would not appear on the school record.

I only want to play the latest chapter of the game quietly chapter 113 demo (a more) URL: https: //