I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1167: Difficult to distinguish between true an

Vientiane Valley looks like a valley on the outside, but after walking in, you find a sea of ​​clouds in front of you, only the continuous peaks protruding above the sea of ​​clouds, a fantasy scene.

The place where Zhou Wen and others stood was a mountain top. As far as I can see, the palaces in the sea of ​​clouds are looming, as if they were real, and like mirages.

Three days in the sky, Tonghui, July in the sky, and even in the sky, there are mountain peaks growing in reverse, as if to be inserted into the sea of ​​clouds from top to bottom, forming a strange world.

Zhou Wen turned and looked around, and found that the valley entrance was gone when he arrived.

The old mansion of the Dugu family is extremely mysterious and unknown to outsiders. Zhou Wen didn't know much about Vientiane Valley. Now he can't help wondering when he sees such wonders.

However, Zhou Wen did not see the scene of the war, nor did he find any traces of fighting. This is not the same as saying that Du Kou did not kill.

"The facts are clear at a glance, now you should know who is lying, right?" The man in black said to Zhou Wen with a smile.

Dugou did not kill quickly and justified: "Zhou Wen, don't believe him, there are taboos in Vientiane Valley. Everything here is constantly changing. Everything is between reality and reality, whether it is a mountain or a palace. Will continue to change between virtual and real. Second Lord, they are trapped in the old house, the old house is on Wudi Mountain. At this time, it should still be in a virtual state and cannot enter it. Location, you can also see the blurred Wudi Mountain and those people. "

"Since you say so, then I will take Zhou Wen to Wudi Mountain to see, I see how long you can quibble." The man in black said as he turned and flew in one direction.

Zhou Wengang wanted to summon the flying mount, but saw the bird's wings flutter, and immediately flew up, getting bigger and bigger in the air, soon like a golden cloud.

The bird screamed at Zhou Wen a little, as if to let Zhou Wen sit on its back.

Seeing that the bird had such a change ability, Zhou Wen felt a little happy, and took Buer on the bird's back, and Yuedu and Antelope also followed.

When Dugu did not kill and wanted to come up, the bird gave him a severe glance.

Tokgo doesn't have any mood to care about these, he summoned a bird companion pet, and followed it one step ahead.

After flying for a while, Dugu not kill suddenly called out: "No, he is not going in the direction of Wudi Mountain, it is ..."

The man in black in front stopped and stared at Dugu without sneer: "So, you want to use Zhou Wen's power to rush into the temple hall, it's a good plan."

"You talk nonsense. The direction you go is Sen Luo Dian. Zhou Wen, this is the way to Wudi Mountain. You have to believe me." Dugu didn't kill anxious road.

Zhou Wen watched the two people hold their own words, and for a time they could not tell who was the truth and who was the false.

However, Zhou Wen is more willing to believe that Dugu will not kill some, because so far, they have not met the second Dugu family. If the man in black is telling the truth, why do n’t the Dugu people come out to help him explain How about it?

As long as other people in the Dugu family come out, Zhou Wen can naturally be persuaded. Although Zhou Wen has little knowledge, he still knows a few important people in the Dugu family.

"You are saying that Dugu's family is all right, then you call the others in Dugu's family." Obviously, Dugu also thought of this.

The man in black frowned: "Wushan is now blurred, and no one can come out."

"You don't want to tell Zhou Wen, the entire Vientiane Valley today, you just guard it alone?" Dugu did not kill coldly.

The man in black hesitated before explaining to Zhou Wen: "Today is the day of our solitary family festival. Except for me who is responsible for keeping the customs, everyone is in Wudi Mountain. If you do n’t believe it, you can see it at a glance . "

"Did you not say that Erye was away? Now you say that you are all in Wudishan?" Dugu not kills the loophole in the words of the man in black.

"Erye didn't come back at all, so it is impossible to participate in the big festival." The man in black said.

Zhou Wen saw the two of you saying one word to me. Although it is very reasonable to say that you are alone, you ca n’t completely believe it.

"Where is Sen Luo Dian?" Zhou Wen didn't decide who to listen to for a while and thought about it.

"The Sen Luodian is the most mysterious place in the Vientiane Valley. It suppresses very scary dimensional creatures. It is the forbidden area of ​​my solitary house. No one can enter it. People who previously had my solitary house entered it by mistake. No corpse. He seduced us in the hope of killing us with the power of the Temple Hall. "Dugu not kill.

Zhou Wen looked at the man in black, and the man in black said: "The Sen Luo Dian is indeed a forbidden place for our lonely family. Outsiders are not allowed to enter, and the inside is extremely dangerous."

"That's the case ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Why do you say that Dugu doesn't kill and wants to rush into the Sun Luo Temple?" Zhou Wen asked.

The man in black replied: "Others will die if they go in, but it will be different if Dugu doesn't kill him. If he enters, he will not only die, but will also get very terrible power. He will never be allowed to enter. "

"Others die when they go in, and I get terrible power when I go in. Isn't that ridiculous?" Dugu not kill.

"Things are complicated. It is difficult to explain clearly for a while. In simple terms, it is related to the life style of solitary solitude. If he is allowed to enter and gain the power in the temple, it is not only our solitary family that is damaged, but the entire Federation is also afraid It will be greatly affected, so he must not be allowed to succeed. "The man in black said.

Zhou Wen really couldn't tell who the truth was.

"Zhou Wen, he is delaying time. Erye, they are trapped in Wushan Mountain, and they are too late, for fear they will not be saved." Dugu said anxiously without killing.

"Zhou Wen, I know that you have a good relationship with Er Ye. If you are confused by him and forcibly break into the Temple Hall, then my lonely family will be badly hit. How do you let Er Ye be at home?" Said the man in black.

"What exactly is suppressing in the Temple Hall? Dimensional creatures? Guardians? Or something else?" Zhou Wen had to continue to ask.

"I don't know. This is the secret of my solitary home. Only the patriarchs of all ages knew the truth." The man in black said.

"You are full of loopholes. Since only the patriarch knows the truth, how do you know if I enter it, I will get a huge benefit? It is clearly a delay, Zhou Wen, go and save the second grandpa, it will be too late It's too late. "Dugu didn't kill his face with anxiety.

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