I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1209: Rubik's Cube

"How did the Rubik's Cube open at this time?" Ouyang Lan and Zhou Wen both felt strange.

Since the Emperor cut Emperor's Heaven, the battle of Rubik's Cube has not been started for a long time. Because of the jealousy of the presence of the Emperor, the different dimensions did not dare to open the Rubik's Cube at will.

Turning on the mobile live broadcast, I saw that all parts of the Federation were reporting that the Rubik's Cube was turned on again.

But this time the Rubik's Cube is turned on, which is a little different from the previous Rubik's Cube. There is no leaderboard. All the Rubik's Cubes are on the same screen.

It was a red planet, most of which were hard rocky mountains. There were hot magma bubbling in some places on the surface of the planet. The heat made the space seem distorted and looked very strange.

"This is ... Venus?" Ouyang Lan looked for a moment, recognized the planet in the painting, and looked at Ansheng with some doubt.

An Sheng quickly said: "Yes, Madam, many astronomy experts have determined that the planet on the Rubik's cube is Venus, no doubt, but it is unclear why the Rubik's cube will show the picture of Venus."

After a pause, Anson pointed to the corner of the Rubik's Cube screen and said, "Here is a countdown of 72 hours. I don't know what effect it is, all parties are guessing."

"Let's go to the Rubik's Cube and see that there are too few things you can see on the mobile broadcast." Ouyang Lan said to Zhou Wen as he walked. "From the earth's perspective, the brightness of Venus is second only to the moon. In ancient times, Venus was also known as Chang Gung, The titles of Taibai, Qiming, Taibaijinxing, etc., also have the title of Venus in the Western District. Now it suddenly appears in the Rubik's Cube, and it is not known whether it is a blessing or a curse. "

"Since the Rubik's Cube has appeared, hasn't it been a good thing?" Zhou Wen said helplessly.

Ouyang Lan asked An Sheng again: "Is anyone trying to use Rubik's Cube to enter the leaderboard?"

"Someone tried it, but couldn't make it into the leaderboard," Anson replied.

"Can't enter the rankings? What kind of ghosts do those guys of different dimensions want?" Ouyang Lan frowned even more.

When Zhou Wen arrived at the Rubik's Cube, An Tianzuo and Quiet were already there. Seeing Zhou Wen followed Ouyang Lan, An Tianzuo's eyes met Zhou Wen for less than a second, immediately turned to one side and stopped looking at him.

"Xiao Zhou, met again." Qin Wufu was also there, smiling and greeting Zhou Wen.

"Qin Governor, what is the situation now?" Zhou Wen was unwilling to ask An Tianzuo, and just asked Qin Wufu.

Qin Wufu introduced: "It's been almost half an hour since the Rubik's Cube started to light up, and all parties in the Federation are actively testing it, but there is no movement on the Rubik's Cube, that is, it can't enter the rankings and there is no fighting table. Only Picture and countdown of Venus. "

"Aren't they trying to use Venus as a fighting field?" Zhou Wen asked.

Qin Wufu said: "Many people think so, Venus has a large amount of basalt on the surface, and the surface temperature is extremely high. The content of carbon dioxide in the air exceeds 97%, and sulfuric acid rain often appears ..."

Zhou Wen listened carefully to Qin Wufu's introduction. He didn't know much about Venus. He heard that the temperature of Venus' surface can reach more than five hundred degrees. Even if it is a myth, it is very difficult to stay for a long time.

And with the current space technology, it is not easy to reach Venus. To the ability of some transmission classes, it can quickly perform interstellar transmission.

It's just that people with interstellar teleport capabilities are rare, and are considered rare breeds throughout the Federation.

Zhou Wen carefully looked at Venus through the Rubik's cube, while using the power of Brahma to strengthen his eyesight and wanted to see something.

After looking at it for a while, Zhou Wen's expression gradually became a little dignified.

"Xiaowen, have you noticed anything?" Ouyang Lan noticed that Zhou Wen's face was a bit wrong, so he asked.

The eyes of everyone looked at Zhou Wen. Zhou Wen groaned for a moment and said, "In the magma, it seems that a shadow is slowly emerging, but I can only see a shadow, and I can't see what it is."

After hearing what Zhou Wen said, An Tianzuo and others looked at the picture of Venus in the Rubik's cube, but the result was nothing.

An Sheng moved in his heart and looked at Zhou Wen and asked, "Master Wen, look at the countdown. Is it the time for the magma to emerge from the shadows?"

"It's very possible, but it can't be determined. From the Rubik's cube screen, the distance is too far, and the magma has blocked my vision, too little can be seen." Zhou Wen said.

Everyone's mood was a bit heavy, and another dimension reopened the Rubik's Cube, and then suddenly brought Venus up, and there was absolutely no good intention.

Because they can't guess anything now, everyone can only wait for time to pass, waiting for the shadow that Zhou Wen said to emerge.

Luoyang City has entered a state of first-level alert, and people who can transfer to the dimensional realm have begun to move into the dimensional realm. In case there is really a scary creature on Venus, from the distance of Venus from the earth, you want to reach the earth. It's not that difficult.

When Zhou Wenzheng was about to leave, he suddenly heard someone shouting, "Someone ... someone on Venus ..."

The chatting Zhou Wen and others quickly looked at the Rubik's Cube screen, and the screen was still the image of Venus, but in the screen, a humanoid creature appeared floating on Venus, staring at the magma, and seemed to be watching something.

After a closer look, Zhou Wen determined that it was by no means a human. Although the figure looked like a human figure, the whole body looked like gold, not in the state of wearing armor, but his figure was like a gold sculpture. .

It's a pity that through the Rubik's Cube ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I can't feel his breath, and I don't know what kind of creature he is.

When Zhou Wen was watching, the unknown creature suddenly plunged into the magma and disappeared quickly.

Others only knew that the creature had penetrated into the magma, but Zhou Wen could probably see that he was heading in the direction of the shadow.

After the golden man entered the magma, he never came out again. After waiting for almost an hour, there was still no movement.

After a while, another dragon from Western legends flew across and reached the magma. Like the golden man, it rushed into the magma quickly.

Zhou Wen suddenly felt that the shadow might not be a creature, but it might be some kind of treasure. The two guys who just appeared, although not fearful, could easily enter the magma so that they are all fearful.

No matter how low the IQ is, it is impossible for a fear-level creature to kill itself?

"Would you like to see it?" Zhou Wen was a little emotional, the singularity universe has the ability of interstellar transmission, and it is easy to reach Venus.