I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 137: 3 Eye King Kong

"Lao Zhou, there are too many King Kong force fighters, can't hold back, let's retreat." Li Xuanbian shouted to dodge King Kong force siege.

"Hold on, give me three minutes." Zhou Wen said.

"Three minutes? Thirty minutes is hard. The three-eyed King Kong is too hard. It won't be able to kill for a while and a half. Let's go back and call for more people. First clean up the group of King Kong who are in the way. It's not too late to kill it, and I really can't support it for three minutes. "Li Xuan shouted while fighting.

"Two minutes," Zhou Wen said again.

"Your sister, if you can't kill me, I'll be buried here by your life." Li Xuan gritted his teeth, summoned an accompanying armor, protected the body, and rushed into the Diamond Warrior Mengzhi In the middle, he stumbled a few steps back when a King Kong hit.

"Tigers don't show their might, you really think I'm HELLOKITTY." For a while, Li Xuan was as fierce as the God of War, physically colliding, his fists violently hit, and he rushed out of the way in the King Kong group.

Zhou Wen had no time or mood to admire Li Xuan's fierce appearance. Others, like goshawks, hovered above the three-eyed King Kong ’s head, avoiding the three-eyed King Kong ’s one note of vigorous King Kong ’s palm, and patted it with one palm at a time. Three eyes King Kong.

Even under the blessing of the lotus armguard, Zhou Wen's palm force is difficult to hurt the three-eyed King Kong. Every impact is like a gold-iron collision, sparks scattered.

It seems that although passionate, Zhou Wen's palm power can't hurt the three-eyed King Kong. At most, that makes the three-eyed King Kong feel a little uncomfortable.

The three-eyed King Kong Lux was also uncomfortable. He waved time and time again, but none of them could meet Zhou Wen in a cloak. Zhou Wen was flying like a big fly on his head.

"Roar!" The Buddha also had fire, not to mention a fierce fighter who was soared by Zhou Wen's anger. The palms of the three-eyed King Kong fighters were dazzling with gold, and they shot Zhou Wen into the air with all their strength.

"It's now." Zhou Wen's gaze fixed, and he no longer relied on body and silver wings to dodge in the air, his left hand turned into a palm shape, and he drew and drew against the violent golden palm of King Kong's three eyes.

Zhou Wen's palm was red, and there seemed to be an invisible force that led the palms of King Kong's three eyes to shift.

Hearing only a sigh, the three-eyed King Kong Luxi's full-bodied powerful King Kong palm was shot on his own forehead, and the vertical eyebrow was smashed directly, and the golden eyes were broken open.

Three-eyed King Kong's body fell to the ground, and inside his skull that was smashed by himself, there was a strange bright golden light flashing.

Zhou Wen fell in front of the three-eyed King Kong's corpse, reached out his hand and touched it inside his skull, and found out a goose egg-sized golden crystal bead. Inside, there were three eyes of King Kong's light flashing, which is a companion egg. .

"The recent associated egg luck seems to be very good." Zhou Wen was glad.

"Lao Zhou, don't worry. I can't stand it anymore. Come and help me." Li Xuan shouted.

Zhou Wen turned his head and saw that he was surrounded by a group of King Kong fighters, with King Kong palms in all directions, and Li Xuan bewildered and turned, and the cracks on the armor were all around, and he was about to be beaten.

However, Li Xuan's immortal Ares and innate undefeated magical powers were really carried, and I was bombarded. I didn't know how many palms, and I was about to be beaten into a pig's head, but it didn't faint, but the situation looked very bad.

Zhou Wen threw the associated eggs into the backpack, and the silver wings on the back vibrated, and instantly turned into a silver light passing over Li Xuan, reaching out to lift Li Xuan into the air, and fell to the Buddha statue on the mountain wall.

"Don't touch those Buddha statues!" Li Xuan yelled at the sight, her face full of horror.

But it was too late for him to shout. Zhou Wen held his hands up, one foot was already stepping on the shoulder of a squatting Buddha statue, and once again he vacated with his strength.

"It's over ... It's over ... I said Lao Zhou ... you are sincerely asking for my life ... in the future, you will still play the game at home honestly, come out with you, I have ten lives and not enough to play. "Li Xuan almost cried.

There are countless Buddha statues in Wanfo Cave. Before it became a different dimension, there were more than 10,000 statues. After the difference became a different dimension, it was difficult to calculate the number.

Everything can be touched in the Wanfo Cave, that is, the Buddha statues cannot be touched. The Buddha statue will recover when touched, although it will not really stand up, but with the recovery of the Buddha statue, the entire dimension of Wanfo Cave will As if being violent, the strength has been greatly improved. Not only will the strength become greater, but the body will become harder. Even the speed that was originally a weakness will become extremely fast.

Think of a group of Vajra fighters who have been speeding up. How horrible it is, it is simply impossible for them to rush out of the Wanfo Cave alive with their two legendary legends.

Zhou Wen ignored Li Xuan, and after rising into the air, he landed on a leg of a Buddha sitting on a higher level.

"Lao Zhou, you still step on it, you think it's not enough for us to die." Li Xuan feels that his name has been written on the book of Lord Yama ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Come, don't dare to touch the Buddha statue, and Zhou Wen and Li Xuan stood on it for a while, but they didn't see any movement in the statue.

Li Xuan looked at the statue in doubt and said, "Did these Buddha statues not wake up today?"

"Maybe." Zhou Wen casually said, but looked around inside Wanfo Cave.

He had entered the million Buddha caves in the game and naturally knew that these Buddha statues could not be touched, but that was before he did not use the small Prajna Sutra.

As long as Zhou Wen switches his strength to a small Prajna, even if he touches these Buddha statues, he won't offend them.

After all, the Buddha image is just an image, not a real Buddha. Even the real Buddha mistakenly recognizes Zhou Wen as the Buddha, and the Buddha image is naturally more indistinguishable.

This is because Zhou Wen ’s small Prajna Sutra level is too low. If he reaches a very high level, ordinary creatures in the Buddhist department will stand and salute when he sees it, and he will not dare to fight him.

After all, King Kong is just a low-level creature with little wisdom, and has no ability to perceive such a weak little Prajna.

"I said Lao Zhou, don't hold me, let me down first." Li Xuan was too nervous just now, only to relax now that Zhou Wen still hugged him with the hands of a princess and did not put him Come down.

"Hold it up." Zhou Wen didn't know if his little Prajna Sutra could cover Li Xuan. He stepped on it all right, and if Li Xuan stepped on it, he didn't know.

"I know I'm handsome, but you can't have impure thoughts on your brother because of his handsomeness." Li Xuan jumped out of Zhou Wen's arms and stood on the knee of the Buddha on.


As soon as Li Xuan stood still, he suddenly felt that the Buddha image was shaking violently, and he almost fell down, and the eyes of the Buddha image appeared golden light.