I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1385: Killing

Uesugi Nao stood at the top of the mountain and looked at the battle from afar, his eyes a little complicated.

In order to gain strength, she contracted with the Big Demon, and indeed gained a very strong strength in a short time.

For a while, Uesugi Nao even thought that she would become the mainstream and pioneer in the future of humanity.

But it seems that things are not going in the direction she expected, although there are indeed many humans who choose to contract with the guardians and become contractors.

But the guardians did not become the mainstream of human beings. The Holy Spirit will be promoted by casting spirits, Hui Haifeng has made myth liquid, and there are people like emperors and kings who do not know how to promote myths.

Because no one has seen the true face of the emperor and the king of thieves, it is impossible to judge whether they have used means such as casting spirits or mythological liquids, only knowing that they have no contract guardians.

But Zhou Wen in front of him, did not use mythic liquids or the like, because in his body, he had no characteristics of dimensional creatures, nor did he feel the breath outside human beings.

A human being can even reach this level, and even contend with the natural disaster-level powerhouse, which caused a great impact on Uesugi Nao's mind.

"The power of human beings can really be so strong?" Uesugi Nao's faith, which he has always insisted on, has caused a trace of shaking.

Although she is a very opinionated person, she has always been doing according to her own ideas, but Zhou Wen's performance, but let the heart-like iron Uesugi Nao also can not help starting to doubt herself.

Such a powerful natural disaster-level force, even if the four heavenly kings go together, I am afraid that it will not last for a minute, but Zhou Wen has insisted until now, still not completely defeated.

Zhou Wen is not much better now. Although the itch of the bone has little effect on him, it is also a trouble.

Zhou Wen focuses on the unparalleled talent, if it is just a feeling of pain and itching, as long as he does not think about it, there will be basically no impact.

I am afraid that the power of the Scourge is not that simple. If the subsequent catastrophe will directly attack his body, Zhou Wen ’s body cannot withstand the impact of the Scourge, and he will be killed instantly.

"Fighting the Scourge level, you can only summon the truth, or use the killing sword, otherwise there is no chance of winning, even the chance of a battle, unless I can advance to the fear level, maybe there is a chance ..." Zhou Wen thought of killing By.

The killer can only be promoted by making the opponent feel fear, but the person who is being suppressed is him. The opponent is at an absolute advantage. Not to mention letting the opponent feel fear, even hurting the opponent is unlikely.

The three-minute time passed quickly. Zhou Wen still didn't think of a way, and Tiancai changed again. This time Zhou Wen no longer felt itchy, but more terrible things happened to him.

Zhou Wen felt his various perception abilities in an instant and was magnified. I do n’t know how many times it was, and it was even sharper than when using Brahma.

"Ah!" Zhou Wenqing couldn't help but screamed, and all kinds of induction of pain, numbness, acidity, and itching flooded together under the stimulation of thunder and lightning.

Originally, these stimuli were not intolerable for Zhou Wen. He wouldn't even hum a hum.

However, because the perception ability is amplified, now Zhou Wen is not sensitive, and those painful stimuli have also been amplified without knowing how many times.

This kind of stimulation has reached the limit of human tolerance for pain, but Zhou Wenyi, when he concentrates on other things, the feeling of pain in his body will be weakened.

Can't be said to be weakened, it can only be said that it is because of distraction, and the pain is no longer felt.

"How can the killer be promoted to fear level? What should I do?" Although Zhou Wen knew it was difficult, it was the most likely opportunity for him to take his life back.

So all of Zhou Wen's thoughts are thinking, how to promote the killer, the pain feeling is getting weaker and weaker.

Three minutes to say fast or not, slow to speak, and soon, the time for the third Sky Tribulation has passed.

These three minutes, the tyrant Bimeng began to glow and heat again because he swallowed too much vitality crystals, but fortunately, it was not as hot as before, and it should not have reached the limit.

The fourth thunderbolt surged out, this time it was not as simple as physical pain, but directly into the soul, affecting Zhou Wen's emotions.

Generally speaking, the fourth talent will cause hallucinations, let people see the things they fear most, and many people will die at this level.

Because human beings often do not lose to powerful enemies, they easily lose to themselves.

But for Zhou Wen, it was easier to cope with than the previous ones, because his mental strength was too focused, and the thunder and lightning could not affect his brain, causing him to hallucinate.

Zhou Wen has been thinking about how to make the killer promoted. He is unaware of the fourth Sky Tribulation. Time has passed by one minute and one second, and the three minutes of the fourth Sky Tribulation have ended. Zhou Wen still hasn't figured out a way.

But at this moment, Zhou Wen felt that the killer had responded, and the reaction was very strong.

"What's going on? Why did the killers react at this time? Now I, UU reading www.uukanshu.com clearly fell into an absolute disadvantage, it is impossible to cause fear to the enemy ..." Zhou Wen was a little surprised, but the killing The response of the authors will not be false.

Zhou Wen naturally did not know that he survived the fourth Sky Tribulation, how much shocking thing for Shiquan Jianxian.

This time the killer's reaction was stronger than any previous one. Zhou Wen can even feel that the killer's momentum is skyrocketing.

"Why is this? Is it that my enemy feels fear? But he is clearly in an absolute dominant position ... wait ... killing people's hearts ... It's not necessary to be afraid of taking advantage ..." Zhou Wen thought of grandpa when he was a kid Tell him a story.

Said that there was a person in ancient times who was very worried that the sky would fall. Every time it rained, he would desperately run away, fearing that the sky would fall down and smash him to death.

Zhou Wen thought of this story, and then contacted the current situation and the reaction of the killer, and suddenly it seemed to understand something.

Although human beings will be afraid of the known dangers, with the increase of contact, the fear will gradually decrease, but some will not happen, nor have the opportunity to contact, but what may happen, with great fear .

For example, when standing on the edge of the top of a high-rise building, even if you are tied with a rope, you know that you will not fall, but your legs will be soft.

Or maybe many people will be afraid that they are old and have no one to support them. Even if their children are not good, they will obey them and dare not violate them.

"It's murderous ... it turns out that ... I seem to understand ... the killing of the human heart ... is suicide ..." Zhou Wen has a new feeling in his heart. Many of the things I didn't understand before have a kind of sudden and cheerful feeling. .