I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1390: Fear-level combat power

"Heaven and earth, swords within ten squares may belong to you, but you can't control my sword." Zhou Wen said, killing the fairy sword in his hand again.

Sword madness!

Zhou Wen only feels that the killers are constantly flowing out of vitality. After receiving the endless vitality for the immortal sword with extremely high demand for the vitality, the sword body is shaking and moaning.

That is the dry earth's desire for rain, and it is the satisfaction of the hungry wolf eating meat.

It ’s been too long for thirst to kill the fairy sword. Zhou Wen ’s previous vitality was not enough to drive it. In the past, Zhou Wen used to kill the fairy sword once, just like a drop of water for a person who is dying of thirst. Quenching thirst will make people more eager.


Under Zhou Wen's waving, the Xianxianjian hummed with a buzzing sword sigh, cutting out a sword spirit.

Shiquan Jianxian condensed Jianguang to fight Zhou Wen, but he was shocked to find that his sword light was actually restrained by Zhou Wen's sword qi, just like a soldier who encountered a sharp weapon like iron and mud. Once touched, he would be cut. Break.

Retreat! Retreat again!

Shiquan Jianxian was horrified to find that under Zhou Wen's sword, he, the sword fairy, could only retreat again and again.

He wanted to fight back with a sword, but I don't know why, Zhou Wen's sword technique made him very uncomfortable. It turned out that it was like the sword gas restraining his sword light, making him very uncomfortable and unable to exert all his fighting power.

Shiquan Jianxian suddenly had a feeling, it was a subconscious feeling, even seemed to be afraid of Zhou Wen, this fear was in his bones, like nature.

"This ... what the **** is this ... a level of fear ... a level of humanity ... how could ... how could ..." Shiquan Jianxian's eyes shook, and there was a crack in his heart defense. The ground spread in his heart.

The blood witches and Nasugi Uesugi watched from a distance.

"Zhou Wen is the emperor!" Nasu Uesugi watched Zhou Wenyi's sword pressing Shiquan Jianxian back, and it was so desperate that Shiquan Jianxian was suppressed by death. It seemed that he had no chance to fight back.

"He ... is the fear level?" The blood witch said strangely.

No one can answer him, only the earth-shaking sword qi and the sound of Jian Yin echoed between heaven and earth.

Zhou Wen now feels as if he is in an invincible state, not only because of the powerful fighting power of the killing fairy sword, but also because of the power brought to him by the killer and the promotion of fear level.

Previously Zhou Wen needed various observations and calculations to make it possible to calculate the enemy's weaknesses, but now it seems natural that he can attack the opponent's weaknesses without much observation, as if it has become an instinct.

This instinct is not an instinct, but a judgment based on certain rules.

Seems to have learned the mathematical formula, no matter how varied the topic is, as long as you master the formula, you do n’t need to read all the questions to get the answer.

This is what Zhou Wen is now. He doesn't need to see the weaknesses of all creatures, but he can judge the other party's weaknesses.

This kind of feeling is almost addictive, the kind of pleasure that seems to see through everything at first glance, has a kind of God's feeling.

Plus the power exploded by the killing fairy sword, and the restraint effect on the fairy, as well as Zhou Wen's counter-heart sword technique, he could hardly suppress the Shiquan sword fairy to fight back.

If the body is Jiang Yan, I am afraid that Shiquan Jianxian has been killed by the killing fairy sword.

It seems that Shiquan Jianxian has also seen through this, and no longer defends, but turns into sword light and escapes, and wants to escape away.

Although Zhou Wen's speed is not as good as Shiquan Jianxian, but there is space teleportation assistance, after the killer is promoted to fear level, Zhou Wen itself has undergone earth-shaking changes.

This change brought him not only a slight improvement in physical fitness, but also a greater impact on other fear-making abilities.

For example, in a state of real fear of oneself, then use the teleportation ability of Demon God, it is almost instantaneously launched, unlike the previous, there is an obvious pause time.

Another example is the use of singular point cosmic teleportation ability, and the accuracy is also greatly improved.

Various other fear-making abilities, under Zhou Wen's fearful state, seem to be blessed with auras, which have been greatly strengthened.

Zhou Wen is almost infinitely teleporting. He keeps up with the natural disaster level Shiquan Jianxian, and the killing fairy sword in his hand is constantly chopped out. The chopped Shiquan Jianxian can only hide in embarrassment.

Shiquan Jianxian also tried to kill the killing fairy sword on Jiang Yan's body, but then was shocked to find that after killing Jiang Yan's body, the killing fairy sword brought a strange power that directly damaged his fairy The body, but will not hurt Jiang Yan's flesh, it seems that the power is specially designed to deal with the fairy clan.

Shiquan Jianxian was shocked and angry, and he could not have imagined that he would be so embarrassed when he came to earth this time.

"Zhou Wen, Jiang Yan, I remember you." Shiquan Jianxian wanted to leave Jiang Yan's body and go directly back to the different dimension.

But he was even more shocked to find that he couldn't get away from Jiang Yan's body. The flower-immortal burial immortals seemed to have some kind of mysterious power, imprisoning his soul that came to Jiang Yan's body ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ How can this happen! "It is regretful in the heart of Shiquan Jianxian. He never imagined that a random decision might actually kill him."

Wanted to destroy the burial immortals on his body, but found that it was already impossible.

Because the celestial armor has been integrated with the celestial armor, and the celestial armor is the natural disaster level that Shiquan Jianxian helped him promote, plus the battle with Zhou Wen just now, a lot of celestial sword qi was introduced into the celestial armor The current Celestial Armor is already a natural disaster level.

Plus the fusion with the Burial Immortal, it has the power to restrain the vitality of the Shiquan Jianxian, making it impossible for Shiquan Jianxian to destroy Jiang Yan's body by suicide.

"I want to go now, don't you feel late?" Jiang Yan finally regained some control and said.

Shiquan Jianxian suddenly felt bad, but it was too late. Jiang Yan once again exploded the power of burial, and briefly regained control of the body.

This time Zhou Wen didn't miss it again. The killing fairy sword came out and turned into a sword rainbow. It instantly pierced Shiquan sword fairy's body and nailed him to the mountain wall.

The power of the killing immortal sword instantly spread to the body of Shiquan sword immortal. That kind of power is extremely harmful to Shiquan sword immortal, but it doesn't do much harm to Jiang Yan's flesh. .

In the battle just now, Zhou Wen has discovered this. Although the killing fairy sword can also kill other creatures, the destructive power is also powerful, but it has a special lethality to the Shiquan sword fairy.

Injuries to ordinary creatures, the wound will not continue to extend, but it is different for Shiquan Jianxian. After hurting him, he will continue to damage his fairy body.