I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1437: Rumor

There are not many pedestrians on the streets. In recent years, the earth ’s population has a terrible high mortality rate, but the birth rate is poor. Most human cities now have a small population.

However, the population of this city is obviously abnormally low. In such a big city, only one or two people can pass by in a hurry.

Li Xuan was very disappointed: "Originally thought that the headquarters of the FBI was in Xinde City. It should be a very lively and prosperous city. I didn't expect it to be like this."

"It is indeed a bit abnormal. I have read the news on the Internet before I came. The population of Xindecheng is still three or four million. It is impossible for such a person to know what happened." Zhou Wen was also puzzled.

"If you ask, you will know." Li Xuanjian saw a pedestrian passing by in the street in front of him. He flashed to the man and pulled out a large bill. He shook his hand in front of the man and said, "Why is Xindecheng's So few people, tell me what happened here, this is yours. "

The man was so happy that he would grab the money in Li Xuan's hand.

"Say things first." Li Xuan took his hand back and let the man fall.

"Most people moved to Xinma City, and now the remaining people in Xinde City are not even one tenth of the original." The man stared at the money in Li Xuan's hand and said.

"Why move?" Li Xuan continued to ask.

"It's not rumored yet." The man said something that surprised both Zhou Wen and Li Xuan. This matter is also related to the Pandora's Palace.

In the mythology of the West End, Pandora was a beautiful woman created by God and given to humans as a gift.

At the same time, the gods also gave Pandora a magic box, and each **** left a gift in the magic box.

After Pandora came to the world, he was driven by curiosity and opened the magic box. As a result, the magic box did not have any real gifts. Instead, curses such as disaster, plague, and war flew out.

Pandora was frightened and quickly closed the magic box, but she closed the "hope" that the goddess of wisdom Athena left in the box.

Since then, the world has been flooded with disasters, disasters, plagues, and diseases rampant, wars continue to erupt, and there is no moment of tranquility.

Pandora's Palace, the legend is that Pandora's residence, but so far, no one has seen what Pandora looks like.

But recently, I do n’t know who sent the news, saying that Pandora has appeared and will soon open the magic box, and the nearby area will only become dead.

Therefore, many people in Xindecheng have the ability to move to other human cities, and most of them go to Xinmacheng, which is relatively close, and choose to watch there.

After speaking, the man stretched out his hand and snatched the banknotes, turned and ran, and said while running: "Let's go quickly, it's not a few days since Pandora opened the magic box."

"I want to see what that Pandora looks like. I heard that Pandora in the myth is an extremely beautiful woman." Li Xuan laughed.

Zhou Wen said with a bitter smile: "You don't want to mess up, judging from myths and legends, Pandora is likely to be a natural disaster level, otherwise there will be no legends of various disasters."

Zhou Wen is quite cautious in reality. Even if he has the strength to fight against the Scourge now, but the Scourge has the possibility of killing him, and it is not worth taking the risk.

Originally wanted to take a look at the Pandora's Palace. Since there was such a thing, Zhou Wen gave up his intention to go in. After all, in reality, he went into the dimension field ten times and had to have an accident nine times.

In this case, Zhou Wen was even more afraid to go in.

Now Zhou Wen plans to go outside to see the Pandora's Palace. If he can find a small hand pattern, he can download a copy. If he doesn't, he doesn't plan to go in anyway. Anyway, there are other dimensional creatures with suspected doom attributes. .

Li Xuan said that Zhou Wen didn't go in, and he didn't really want to go in for an adventure.

Zhou Wen took the little hand of Bud and when the three of them came near the magic palace, they saw that a program crew was shooting at the entrance of the magic palace.

"It's Su Yi!" Li Xuan's eyes lit up when he saw the host.

Zhou Wen looked in his eyes, and really saw the hostess often seen on TV and online. Zhou Wen knew her face, but she didn't know her name.

Real people are more beautiful than they look on TV. They have long brown hair, fair skin, three-dimensional facial features, sharp edges, and very amorous looks. It is the style of flaming red lips, which is not in contact with adjectives such as Wenjing A little bit.

Because the program crew is at the gate, Zhou Wen and they haven't passed in the distance. They want to wait for them to go before they pass, so as not to get in trouble.

Like the FBI's self-media, it is very well-informed. Zhou Wen was very popular on the Rubik's Cube leaderboard. If they saw it, they would have to come and take pictures.

"You're inconvenient to go over, I'll go over and see, anyway, I'm not a celebrity." Li Xuan and Zhou Wen greeted, and walked over to the program group.

Zhou Wen looked around and saw that the demon palace was built between the two mountains. Only the gate side was exposed, and the rest was in the valley.

Observed for a while from the distance, and found a small hand pattern among the stone wall reliefs beside the gate.

"Really there is." Zhou Wen was very happy, planning to wait for the show group to go, he would first download the copy, and then figure out the situation of the magic palace from the game, and then decide whether to go in.

Zhou Wen turned his head to see Li Xuan and saw that he was talking hotly with Su Yi, but he didn't know how to talk to him.

After a while, Li Xuan came to him with Su Yi.

"Lao Zhou, let me introduce you, this is the hottest female presenter Su Yi of the Federation ... Su Yi ... this is my buddy ..."

Li Xuan's words haven't been finished yet ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Su Yi said voluntarily: "Now no one in the Federation doesn't know Mr. Zhou? Not to mention those of us who make news. I'm glad to meet you, Mr. Zhou. You are the pride of our humanity. "

"Just call me Zhou Wen." Zhou Wen glanced at Li Xuan. Some of him blamed him for his troubles, so he brought Su Yi over to do what he wanted.

"Lao Zhou, it is like this, listening to Su Yi said that Pandora's going to open the magic box is basically a rumor, they are now doing rumors on the show." Li Xuan said.

"Rumor? Are you sure?" Zhou Wen was a little surprised. If it was just a rumor, he could almost make the people of Xindecheng almost disappear. This rumor is too powerful.

Su Yi said: "Although I can't be 100% sure, and I don't know who spread the rumors, there are obviously traces of push hands and hype behind the scenes. It is not normal news. And until now, we have not found the news. The source. We also had companions entering the magic palace for field records before, and found no abnormal conditions in the magic palace. "

"That's weird. What good is it for the hands behind the scenes to create such a rumor?" Zhou Wen frowned.