I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1457: I can not make it

Under the siege of strange monsters such as Crow Tengu, Qiao Ji, and Sea Head, the stone beast still does not move like a mountain. Various forces hit it, just like a water spray gun hit a steel plate.

"Great defense ability!" Zhou Wen began to worry about whether the killing fairy sword could kill this stone beast.

Moon reading can kill the hell-level monster, indicating that even if she does not reach the **** level, she must be the top-level powerhouse of the human level.

Within her realm, all the ghosts have the power of natural disasters.

However, the power of the natural disaster level can't even hurt the stone beast. For such a defense force, Zhou Wen is not sure if he can use the killing fairy sword to cut it.

Xianxianjian is very strong, but the user must be strong enough to be able to exert its true power.

Zhou Wen is only able to pull it out and use it to fight. Not to mention its real power, even the power to stimulate it can't be done. It is really difficult to say that it can kill a natural disaster stone beast with such a strong defense.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Wen saw that the attack power of a hundred ghosts could not help the stone beast, and could not help looking at Yueyue asked.

The field strength of the stone beast is working. The surrounding space is getting smaller and smaller. When the whole space is filled with stones, their actions will be greatly restricted.

Even if those stones can't squeeze them to death, if you want to break through the stone, it will obviously make the speed very slow, and even skills like teleport do not have to think about it.

There are stones everywhere, and the body will get stuck in the stones in an instant.

No, it should not be said to be a card. It is precisely that there is me in the stone, and that there is stone in me, the situation is more difficult.

"I just need to control it, I don't need to kill it, strong defense is useless." Yue reading said calmly.

When Zhou Wenzheng wanted to ask Yuedu what method to use to control the stone beast, he saw a ghost in his field suddenly flew over the stone beast.

The stone beast has been fighting with the ghosts and killed many ghosts, but in the field of moon reading, those ghosts are all undead bodies. It kills the ghosts again and again, and the ghosts are still reborn continuously. Haunted the stone beast, so that it has no chance to attack the real opponent Yue reading.

The ghost that flew over the stone beast was a witch with a fold on her face, but she stretched out her hands like a bird's claws and stretched out.

Zhou Wen suddenly found that there were thin hair-like threads on the stone beast. The thin threads were innumerable, and they were quickly intertwined. They were quickly woven into hair ropes and tied to the stone beast. Body.

The hair rope formed a net again, and even the stone beast was trapped. The stone beast wanted to tear the hair net, but like a fish, the tighter the net was, the tighter it was. The hair rope caught its limbs. Make its actions extremely difficult.

Hundred ghosts are divided into four teams, each holding one end of the hair net, no matter which direction the stone beast impacts, there are a group of ghosts that can pull it hard.

The stone beast rushed from left to right, but it was difficult to break free. The hair net was very tough and flexible, which just controlled the powerful and powerful creature like stone turtle.

More importantly, after being caught in the net, the stone turtle can no longer move with the help of stone escape, and loses the most effective means of moving.

"That's the legendary ancient curry woman?" Zhou Wen studied the ghosts before. Looking at the ghost woman's ability, she probably guessed her identity.

Guculipa was the wife of a monk, and she became a monster because of misbehavior. She collected hair from the deceased for braiding.

"Yes, the attack of the Hundred Ghosts is just to create time for Gu Kuli Po. Only enough ghost hairs can form a net to trap the stone beasts," Yue read explained.

Zhou Wen naturally understood it now and secretly said in his heart: "The ghosts in the field of moon reading have their own characteristics and abilities. This kind of natural disaster area is obviously more terrible than the single field strength of the stone beast. What kind of field strength. "

If Zhou Wen is allowed to choose, he must be in the field of monthly reading, which is more maneuverable, and he can use different methods to restrain himself when he encounters different enemies.

However, this field is not something that Zhou Wen can decide for himself.

Zhou Wen speculates that the types of fields, in addition to his own talents, blood, and vitality tactics, also need to see what kind of dimension fields he will use to promote fear level.

It's just that until now, Zhou Wen hasn't figured out how to use the power of the dimension field to promote natural disasters.

"What are you still doing there? Now it's up to you to see if your sword can kill it." Yue Duan saw Zhou Wen standing there, and reminded him.

Zhou Wen recovered, and saw that the stone beast had been restrained. Its speed was already unpleasant among the natural disasters. Now it is restrained by the ghost hair net. It is impossible to avoid Zhou Wen's attack.

Zhou Wen no longer hesitated at the moment, pulled out the sword of killing immortals, and chopped towards the neck of the stone beast with the momentum of chopping immortals.


The Xianxian sword was chopped on its neck, and a sword mark was slashed out of its neck, and the broken stone splashed out, causing the stone beast to make a roar of pain.

Although for the stone beast, the injury is not serious, but since it can hurt it, then killing it is only a matter of time, more and less swords.

Zhou Wen squeezed the sword of immortality, his figure flickered, and one sword after another was cut on the neck of the stone beast, making the wound bigger and bigger.

After all, the stone beast is a dimensional creature dominated by physical attacks, and there is no way to pull Shi Dun closer, only to be ravaged by Zhou Wen unilaterally.

"This guy's defensive ability is really terrifying. In this way, I am afraid that if I have to cut another thirty or forty swords, it is possible to cut off his neck!" Zhou Wen has cut dozens of swords, and only cut the neck of the stone beast. Cut open a small half.

Zhou Wenzheng wanted to cut again, but he saw that the stone beast suddenly roared up in the sky, and the stone monument on his back flew up without him. Without the suppression of the stone monument, the strength and speed of the stone beast skyrocketed. The ghosts in the hair net were thrown out.

Dragging the ghost hair net into the rock ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ There are some ghosts still holding the ghost hair net.

The stone beast disappeared in this way, only the stone monument was suspended in the air, emitting a strange light, and the surrounding rocks grew wildly.

"Be careful!" Zhou Wen was searching for the stone beast, but Yue Du suddenly moved to him, pushing Zhou Wen away.

Almost at the same time, the stone beast rushed out of the rock below, and the sharp horn above his head hit the Yueyue body, and flew the Yueyue directly out.


Yuedu's body hit the rock wall, collapsing a large area of ​​the rock wall, and the ghosts and the field disappeared.

"Month Reading!" Zhou Wen moved to the gravel pile, sweeping away the surrounding gravel, and found that Yue Reading was crushed under it, already dying, reached out to pull her body, and found that her body was paralyzed. The bones are the same, I am afraid that the bones have been smashed by the stone beast just now.

"I ... I can't do it ... before I die ... can I fulfill my last wish ..." Yue Du barely opened his eyes and said hardly.