I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1484: Mysterious Laojuntai

The seemingly cold and hot force spreads and flows in the body. The feeling is beyond description. The body seems to be feathering. It becomes lighter and lighter. Zhou Wen feels that if there is a breeze, his body will follow the wind. And went straight to Jiuxiao.

Of course, that's just Zhou Wen's own feeling, he naturally didn't really get blown away.

Not only was he not blown away, his body was still getting heavier, and the bricks under him were crushed and shattered.

Zhou Wen bowed his head and wanted to eat the gourd again and get a few pills to eat, but in the process of lowering his head, his body gradually turned into a stone.

Before Zhou Wen's mouth touched the gourd, his body was completely petrified and turned into a stone beast holding a stone gourd.

Zhou Wen's body couldn't move, but his consciousness was still clear. He clearly felt that he was as light as a feather, and the petrochemical process did not respond at all.

"I'm going, what's the situation?" Zhou Wen was terrified in his heart. He clearly felt his body fluttering and immortal. It seemed that a gust of wind could blow away, but it turned into a stone and could not move.

What is more terrible is that all the vitality tactics in his body can't be used, and the vitality can't work, it seems that it has really become a stubborn stone.

"Could it be said that the giant bear had known this for a long time, so he deliberately brought us to eat Dan Wan, really its cub, would not become a stone, to distinguish who is its child?" Zhou Wen mood Very complicated.

Seeing that Zhou Wen turned into a stone figure, the giant bear carried the bear on his back, then turned around and walked out of the door, and went down the stone steps, which seemed to verify Zhou Wen's idea.

When it was the little bear, he looked back at Zhou Wen from time to time and called twice, as if he wanted him to keep up.

Zhou Wendong couldn't move. Wherever he could keep up, he could only watch them go down Laojuntai and disappear within the range that Zhou Wen could sense.

Zhou Wen had to calm down and try to use all kinds of power, wanting to get rid of the current situation.

However, the Vitality tactic cannot be used, nor can it be associated with pets, and even the body cannot move. Zhou Wen really has no choice.

"Did I turn into a stone statue like this and want to be lonely here for thousands of years?" Zhou Wen was depressed, but he still didn't give up his survival plan, only hoping for some good changes.

In the past of one minute and one second, Zhou Wen has never been able to recover from the state of the stone statue.

"Why is it that the bear is okay to eat, and it becomes a stone when I eat it? That bear does not look like a stone system. If I talk about exemption ability, I have the truth to listen to the truth, and I should not be weak. What kind of power is it? "Zhou Wen kept thinking, hoping to find out the key points of the problem.

But until the sky was in the middle of the night and moon, he did not want to understand what kind of power Jin Dan was.

The cold moonlight scattered on the Laojuntai, as if to make this already mysterious Laojuntai veiled.

Wan Lai is silent, Zhou Wen's hearing is still there, but the scope is only limited to the vicinity of Laojuntai, and it is only normal hearing, not the ability to listen.

His eyes can see, but what he can see is just what he sees.

"Teacher Yu is still waiting for me to go back, I have to find a way to get out quickly." Zhou Wenzheng was thinking, and suddenly heard something strange.

The voice seemed to be someone talking, but it wasn't real. It was like a whisper between half asleep and half awake. It seemed to be heard, but I couldn't hear what was said.

Zhou Wen did not sleep, and naturally did not sleep half awake. He listened attentively, and he could clearly hear the sound, and the sound was not too small to be inaudible, but he could not hear what was said.

Zhou Wen couldn't even determine whether the sound was made by humans, but unfortunately his body could not turn, and the direction of the sound was not within his sight.

After listening to it for a while, Zhou Wen could only hear it, and the voice should be coming from the direction of the main hall.

"With the giant bear in it, most people would not dare to come to Laojuntai. Even if they dare to come, I won't hear any movement when they board Laojuntai. Could it be that the voice came from the main hall "?" Zhou Wen thought of it, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He didn't know what was in the main hall, but it was Taishang Laojun who wanted to have ten offerings. If this voice really came from the main hall, there might be some mystery.

But no matter how Zhou Wen listened, he couldn't hear what the voice said. After a while, the voice gradually disappeared.

In the early morning, Zhou Wen saw a piece of purple light falling on the ground in front of her eyes.

The purple light came from the east, and Zhou Wen was on the west side of the main hall. His eyes could not see what the purple light emitted.

After waiting for a while, the angle of purple light deflected a little, and a purple light shot in and shone on him.

No, it should be said that it was irradiated on the stone gourd. Zhou Wen was surprised to find that the stone gourd automatically glowed with golden light and sucked the purple gas into the gourd.

Zhou Wen held the gourd, and his body was also illuminated by purple light. He only felt warm and warm. He had been thinking for a night. His chaotic brain changed, and he became refreshed immediately, as if he had just woke up from sleep.

The purple light was not irradiated for a long time. After a while, the angle of the purple light was deflected, and it could no longer be irradiated to this position. The stone gourd returned to its original state, and Zhou Wen was not exposed to the purple light anymore.

For two or three days, Zhou Wen couldn't think of a way to get out of trouble.

Every day at midnight, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can hear the strange whisper, and in the morning, you can see the purple light.

The purple light shone on him, so that he could vaguely feel some signs of recovery, but the irradiation time was too short to wait for him to lift the petrification, then the purple light was gone.

Although knowing that the time is tight, Yu Qiubai must be very hard to support, but he has no good way, he can only be patient, listen to the whisper every night, try to make himself like a gourd in the morning when he is bathed in purple light. Similarly, absorb some purple light.

But this is not easy. You can't use the vitality tactics. It is obviously a very difficult thing to actively absorb the purple light. Zhou Wen has been trying, but has not succeeded.

Zhou Wen didn't see the shadows of giant bears and cubs these days. When the gate was destroyed by giant bears, the next day he recovered automatically.

Zhou Wen can occasionally hear some dimensional creatures wandering around Laojuntai, but no dimensional creature dares to board Laojuntai.

Not even the dimensional creatures who climbed the steps, at most they wandered beside the steps for a while, and then left by themselves.