I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1537: Re-house

Zhou Wen didn't know that the light burst used by the natural disaster creature of Tianshuxing was regarded as the high-temperature power that Tiger Soul would accept. According to the theory, it was a kind of high-temperature radiation-like power that should be transformed and absorbed in Tiger Soul. Within the scope.


   If that kind of power cannot be absorbed by the tiger spirit and transformed into its own use, if it is only carried by its own power, I am afraid that it will die instantly.


   After all, even the Prison Dragon armor with absolute defense can't be blocked for a long time. Although the defense of the Tiger Soul is also very strong, it should be worse than the absolute defense of the Prison Dragon.


Opened a copy of Venus, Zhou Wen seemed to summon Jin Jiao Scissors according to the previous routine, but he used Chaos Egg as protection, and he also wore prisoner dragon armor inside. When the Chaos Egg exploded, it was able to persist for a little while. .


   The difference this time is that Zhou Wen is also standing next to Tiger Soul.


   As soon as the door opened, Jin Jiao Scissors rushed towards the amethyst armor creature, and the amethyst armor creature did not hesitate to release the light burst that was everywhere like the sun.


   "Hope Tiger Soul will be able to spend a little more time." Zhou Wen does not expect Tiger Soul to be able to last as long as a chaotic egg, without having to be seconds.


  Zhou Wen has been sensing Tiger Soul General, to see when he will be killed by light burst, but who knows Zhou Wen has waited for a while, Tiger Soul will not be killed either.


   Instead, it was Zhou Wen himself, because there was no tyrant Bimon as a trash can to transfer solid crystals, and the time that the chaotic eggs could support was greatly shortened.


   When the chaotic egg is broken, when the game screen is black, the tiger soul will still not die.


   "It seems that the light burst power of the amethyst armor creatures, the tiger soul can also be absorbed into its own use, otherwise it is impossible to persist for so long." Zhou Wen was happy and surprised.


Tiger Soul will be able to persist for such a long time, it must have become very strong. Zhou Wen does not know what the limit will be for Tiger Soul to become stronger. If it can be strengthened indefinitely, it will be too horrible. Dimensional creatures.


   Of course, this is only Zhou Wen's own good wishes. In fact, any skill has its limits, and it cannot be strengthened without limit. Tiger Soul can't withstand its terrible power.


   However, Zhou Wen is now trying again, and he has no chance to buy a dream because he can’t insist on the time after Tiger Soul will become stronger. As soon as Zhou Wen dies, the game is over, and Tiger Soul will never have the chance to become so strong.


   Zhou Wen suddenly found that he turned out to be the one who was the most lagging behind.


   "No, I have to think of a way to let myself live longer, even if I can't fight, even if I can't save my life, this is a bit too wasteful." Zhou Wen thought hard and wanted to make himself stronger.


"Only by chaotic eggs, it is impossible to persist for such a long time. Even when the tyrant is still in Mongolia, that is, the duration of the persistence is slightly longer, and the meaning is not significant. It must be persevered longer." Zhou Wen said to himself .


   The best way he can think of is to upgrade the Chaos Egg to the natural disaster level, but this is a different dimension, let alone finding a suitable dimension field, there is no dimension field at all.


   "I can't go back now, what can I do?" Zhou Wen thought, suddenly his eyes lit up: "I don't know if I can use the power of the copy to promote the natural disaster in the game?"


  Think about trying it, but Zhou Wen doesn't know which of the copies he downloaded can be used to promote the natural disaster level.


   Of course, Zhou Wen did not know whether the copy of the game would work, everything could only be tested slowly.


  Zhou Wen thought about the copy of the game he owns, corresponding to his own vitality tactics. If there are similar departments, Zhou Wen will try his luck.


"The first order of chaos is the vitality of the West, but I don’t have many copies of the Western games. Among the existing ones, there seems to be no one that can match it. I knew that, I should have more copies of the Western District..." Zhou Wen is too late to regret now.


   "Wait..." Zhou Wen suddenly thought of a dimension field, that is the sweet hut, which is the time hut.


   There are four rooms in the past, present, future and chaos. Zhou Wen wondered, since the name chaos, will it have anything to do with the first order of chaos?


"But Sweet is God, the time hut is the dimension field of the God family, but the chaotic first order is the vitality of Zeus. The two are not a department, and I don’t know if they can be used universally." Zhou Wen still decided Try your luck.


   In fact, Zhou Wen used chaotic eggs to enter and exit the time hut long ago. Only the chaotic eggs could block the time power of the time hut.


   It was just that, at that time, Zhou Wen hadn't thought about it yet, so he didn't pay attention.


   enters the time hut again under the protection of the chaotic egg. Everything here has not changed much, and the past hut and the future hut Zhou Wen dare not enter.


   went to the chaotic hut and looked, but found nothing.


   There were not many things in the room. Zhou Wen touched them all, and did not feel any abnormal changes.


   "Is the power of the chaotic hut not matching the first order of chaos, or can't the promotion of natural disasters in the game?" Zhou Wen could not determine which possibility.


   But just go back like this, Zhou Wen was not reconciled.


  Think about it~lightnovelpub.net~Zhou Wen decided to go to the future cottage again.


   The past hut can return to the past era, and the future hut should be able to reach the future, but in the future hut there is nothingness and nothing.


  Zhou Wen has always been nagging about this matter, he does not know what it means.


   If it is the future of mankind, does it mean that humanity will perish in the future.


  Now Zhou Wen's strength is much stronger than before, he wants to go in and see, maybe he can see something.


   Entered the future cabin again, and as a result, Zhou Wen saw the scene as he had seen before. The screen of the phone was completely dark, as if it was turned off.


  Because of his experience, Zhou Wen directly opened the ancient emperor's scriptures, using the power of the emperor to light up the surroundings.


   The ancient emperor's scripture is already a natural disaster level, and its energy is much stronger than before. In the past, Zhou Wen could only illuminate a small area, but at this time, he was able to illuminate the distance of tens of meters nearby.


   is just light, not able to illuminate the future hut. The dark piece that really illuminates the future hut is the powerful vitality of the ancient emperor.


   When the surroundings were illuminated for the first time, Zhou Wen immediately looked carefully at the surroundings, and the sight of sight made him happy.


  Because Zhou Wen discovered that this does not seem to be a completely void world, there are still some objects under him, but Zhou Wen didn't distinguish it for a while, what is below.