I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1637: Terrible associated pet

The companion pet was just watching there, not at all meant to move.

The controlled electromagnetic tentacle monsters and strange fish, but they rushed fiercely towards Jiuyang. Their own power has not changed, it seems to have become stronger.

A large electromagnetic storm shrouded it, Jiuyang condensed the sun's light, and collided with the electromagnetic storm to trigger a terrible energy explosion. Dazzling light spots everywhere, and dazzling people's eyes could hardly be opened.

Another strange fish, the tail covering the sky like a cloud of yarn, fell down and enveloped the black and white double wolf, the blue light belt and Xiao.

The speed of the blue light belt is too fast, and it rushed out of the range of the tail. The shape of Xiao changed, disappearing like ghosts, and the speed of the black and white double wolves was not enough to only hold up the enchantment and forcibly block the strange. Fish tail.

Yunsha's tail wrapped around the enchantment. Although he could not break the enchantment, the tail wrapped around the enchantment and continued to shrink. The enchantment was reduced by a little compression.

Seeing the bad situation in the blue light, he went directly to the exit, along the channel leading to the outside world, and rushed out without looking back.

"Xiao, are you sure?" Jiuyang asked while fighting the electromagnetic tentacles.

"Let's try it. The guy's strength is probably more terrible than we expected." Between Xiao's words, the man had rushed to the newly born companion like a phantom.

Although Xiao was born in the orbital temple, he was proficient in the various techniques of the six major temples, and even the various famous martial arts skills of the Federation.

Instantly moving to the moment before the associated pet, Xiao's entire body moved, and every part of the body became a terrible murder weapon.

Even a little finger, even the tongue, has become a terrible weapon of murder.

With the strange body style of Xiao, only a moment, I don’t know how many attacks were made, fingers, palms, fists, elbows, shoulders, knees, legs, feet, all kinds of attacks fell like a torrential rain and fell on the associated pet On the white jade-like body, almost every inch of the body was struck. I don’t know how many times. Each blow penetrated into its body with a terrible force.

I don't know if it didn't respond. In the face of Xiao's attack, the companion pet did not have the surplus to resist, and the body was beaten back and forth, and finally was blown out by Xiao.


The body of the companion pet flew upside down, hit the dome of the rock, and knocked the dome out of a big pit, and the body fell into the cracked rock.

The body of the companion pet was embedded in the rock, and did not struggle. A pair of cat-like eyes stared straight ahead like that, without focus, and did not know what to look at.

Xiao didn't mean any pause, and instantly reached the companion pet, his fists bombarded like a storm, and directly bombarded his door.

Seeing that the phantom fist was about to fall on the face of the associated pet, the fist shadow suddenly disappeared, and a paw grabbed Xiao's fist.

Xiao Fen tried to break free of that paw, but his wrist was about to break, but the fist held by the paw was motionless and could not break free.

This shock is not trivial. Xiao's other arm and legs moved together. His body hit the companion with a very strange posture. Every joint in the body seemed to contain a huge explosive force.

Xiao's attack had not fallen on the companion pet, but the companion pet's palm holding his fist suddenly exerted force, and one hand lifted Xiao's body up.


Xiao's body flipped uncontrollably and was smashed into the rock fiercely. The blood in his mouth was shallow, the bones of his body clicked, and he didn't know how many pieces were smashed.

The companion pet did not know when the body had come out of the rock, suspended in the air, and looked at Xiao who was smashed into the rock instead.

Its cat-like eyes have gradually begun to look brilliant, with a strange smile, staring at Xiao in front of him.

Xiao also stared at it, and he felt an unprecedented crisis.

Xiao has experienced too many storms and waves. He knows when it seems dangerous and when it is really dangerous.

Even when he was in the trouble lake, it didn't make him feel so dangerous.

"Xiao, be careful." Jiuyang wanted to rush over to help, but the electromagnetic tentacle monster entangled him fearlessly. No matter how bombarded Jiuyang, the body of the electromagnetic tentacle monster would attract each other again, and finally merge into One.

It seems that it is not a living thing at all, but an aggregate composed of countless iron sands. Because of the existence of electromagnetic waves, no matter what its body is destroyed, it can finally be attracted back to form a whole.

It is also a Celestial level. Although Jiuyang after absorbing the relic, the attack power is far more powerful than the electromagnetic tentacle, but an attack that does not defend at all and desperately likes, but one has to take care of many, even if it has the advantage. After a while, I can't get rid of the entanglement of the electromagnetic monster.

Xiao heard Jiuyang's reminder, but it was too late. In fact, he had begun to move his body, wanting to use the power of the trajectory to wander in the void, and to distance himself from the associated pet.

But just before his body was about to escape into the void, a paw grabbed his neck fiercely. He had turned into a phantom, as if there was no entity, and one foot had stepped into the void body and was caught.


The paw holding Xiao's neck was pressed directly into the rock. Xiao's entire body was once again plunged into the rock, and the hard rock was scattered in all directions. There were falling pieces of rock everywhere .

Next, the entire body of the associated pet seemed to be transformed into a weapon of murder, fingers, palms, fists, feet, legs, knees, elbows, etc., which fell on Xiao's body like a storm.

Just as Xiao Bo bombarded the companion pet, every inch of Xiao's body was crackled by the bombardment of the companion pet.

Even more terrifying is that the trajectory power of Xiao, who read UU reading www.uukanshu.com, couldn't help him get rid of his current predicament. He was suppressed here and suffered the intensive offensive.

"Wow!" Xiao's mouth spouted blood, his body was twisted and deformed, and he was trapped in the rock. It didn't look like a human body anymore.

"Xiao!" Jiuyang was shocked. Although they had already estimated the ability of the companion pet to be very high, they did not expect it to be so high.

After the fusion of the relics, Xiao is already a real Celestial level, and with Xiao's ability, it is also the top among the Celestial level. It will be beaten like this, which is unimaginable.

"Don't come." Jiuyang was desperate to rush over, first attracting the attention of the companion pet, but heard Xiao's voice.

Xiao's voice at this time was not pessimistic self-sacrifice. The voice did not have the loneliness of a loser, nor the weakness it deserves. Anyway, it has a terrible madness.

Jiuyang looked at Xiao with some doubt, and found that there was still blood stains on the corners of his mouth, but his eyes were scary, so his eyes seemed full of madness.